PRE REGISTRATION CAN BE FOUND HERE: That will give you free gold and the special in-game currency. Since the closed beta test of the game just came to an end and I saw no thread on TouchArcade for it yet, I wanted to share with you guys a new MMORPG coming out by GAMEVIL called Royal Blood. It is made in Unity and features 100 vs 100 PvP battles as well as other PvP modes like 3 vs 3. There are four classes to play as and each one has two different stances that change how you play. Warrior has a dps stance and a tank stance for instance. Wizards have a fire stance that is more damage based and their frost stance does more CC. The game does feature auto play but it rewards you for playing manually by lowering all of your skill cooldowns if you aren't in auto mode. We don't have a date yet for the next test or if the launch will be next but we have been talking about it a lot over at the unofficial discord.Here is the trailer for the closed beta. Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel This is the official starter game guide for when it launches. They just teased a new lore video called Chapter 0. Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel Here is a quick video showing off early stages of the game. Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel If you have any questions feel free to ask here as I will check back daily. I haven't enjoyed a MMO on Android like this since the beginning of the original Order and Chaos Online by Gameloft.
Out now, here's the new thread: