Universal ROME: Total War (By Feral Interactive)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Boardumb, Nov 10, 2016.

  1. ellie_feral

    ellie_feral Well-Known Member

    Brand new iPad eh? Very cool. That's actually why the game doesn't know your hardware capabilities yet. It will in the future, once we've evaluated the new iPad Pro. In the meantime, you can increase your unit size anyway. Go to your iPad Settings on your device's Home screen, then to ROME: Total War -> Unit Size. Select 'Larger'.
  2. otto1002

    otto1002 New Member

    Jun 21, 2017
    Unit size tiny on new iPad pro

    Any hint here? I am using new iPad Pro 12,9". Units are tiny....
  3. ellie_feral

    ellie_feral Well-Known Member

    Go to your iPad Settings on your device's Home screen, then to ROME: Total War -> Unit Size. Select 'Larger'.

    If that doesn't work, email [email protected] and they'll do some troubleshooting for you.
  4. AlbanianWarlord

    AlbanianWarlord New Member

    Jun 28, 2017
    Healing Units

    I've been trying countless times to heal my units in the total war campaign, can anyone help me out?
  5. AlbanianWarlord

    AlbanianWarlord New Member

    Jun 28, 2017
    Healing Units

    I've been trying countless times to heal my depleted units in the campaign mode, can anyone help me out?
  6. Vash85

    Vash85 Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2016
    Any news on an iPhone version?
  7. ellie_feral

    ellie_feral Well-Known Member

    You can either merge two damaged units or or send them to a settlement and refill their numbers. If you do send them to a settlement, make sure the settlement can create the unit you want to heal.

    No news on this, but we know there's a lot of interest. We'll see if we can get the game working on a smaller screen.

    For those of you asking about the new iPad Pro, I can confirm it's now officially supported by ROME: Total War. Here's a video to show you how it looks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tsq6QrTZcEk
  8. skoptic

    skoptic Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2015
    There are 2 new iPad Pros ;).. is 12.9 officially supported at full res?
  9. ellie_feral

    ellie_feral Well-Known Member

    Absolutely it is.
  10. flaca

    flaca New Member

    Jul 27, 2017
    #230 flaca, Jul 27, 2017
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2017
    Create_unit cheat

    Hi, sorry if this has been answered before. I did search honest.

    I can't get the create_unit cheat to work. I'm getting 'err: unit type not recognised' no matter what I enter. I've been using unit codes listed in various places, all relating to the PC version but I wouldn't expect the unit ids to change - or am I wrong?

    I'm using the following syntax:

    create_unit Alexandria "roman archer" 5 3 3 3

    No matter what unit type I try, it always returns err: unit type not recognised

    For single name cities I understand that "" are not needed, and I've tried with and without "" with the same result. I've also tried Post-Marius and Pre-Marius.

    Has anyone got this cheat code to work, and if so, how?

  11. ellie_feral

    ellie_feral Well-Known Member

    Hi there. Try this! -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CoqtN3tBkgo
    Let me know how it goes.
  12. flaca

    flaca New Member

    Jul 27, 2017
    create_unit cheat

    Thanks Ellie,

    No joy. I'd seen that video actually but I watched it again carefully just in case!

    I think the issue might be to do with the " . If I put:

    create_unit Sardis "roman archer" 5 9 3 3

    so with the "" just around the unit name (2 words so needs "") then I get err: unit type not recognised

    If it put create_unit "Sardis" "roman archer" 5 9 3 3

    so with "" around the settlement and unit name, I get err: character or settlement not found

    seems like the console for some reason is not recognising ""?

    Just for completeness, omitting "" entirely gives err: character or settlement not found

    Sorry if I'm being dumb here!

    Erm, I am on ios11 Public Beta 3, so maybe maybe that has something to do with it? I guess if the command works fine for you on ios10 then that's what it is!

    Can you get the command to work?
  13. ellie_feral

    ellie_feral Well-Known Member

    No problem, you're not being dumb! :)

    The command does indeed work for us. What faction are you playing as, and what campaign?
  14. flaca

    flaca New Member

    Jul 27, 2017
    Brutii, Imperial Campaign

    Tried it before and after winning campaign (50 provinces), and before and after Marius reforms.

    Also just tried starting a new Imperial campaign as Julii and typing exactly as below except spaces instead of /

    create_unit/Arretium/"roman archer"/5/3/3/3

    Same result: err: unit type not recognised

    What on earth am I doing wrong? :)
  15. ellie_feral

    ellie_feral Well-Known Member

    Your initial command was correct (i.e. it worked for us). Make sure you're using literal " characters, not smart quotes (i.e. not curly quotes).

    If still no joy, it may indeed be your iOS Beta. But the next step is to get in contact with our support team: [email protected] Explain to them what's happening, and include a screenshot of your Rome Shell. We'll get to the bottom of this! *Shakes spear*
  16. flaca

    flaca New Member

    Jul 27, 2017
    You got it! I didn't even know ios had smart quotes... And I was typing on a bluetooth keyboard, which doesn't give you the option to change. Using the on-screen keyboard and selecting dumb quotes fixed it. You're a star!!
  17. ellie_feral

    ellie_feral Well-Known Member

    Huzzah! Thanks for letting me know. :)
  18. ellie_feral

    ellie_feral Well-Known Member

    Hey everyone, we've updated our ROME: Total War minisite with a list of the biggest improvements made since we released the game for iPad. Many of those improvements were initially suggested by people in this thread. :)
  19. stelph

    stelph Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Nov 16, 2016
    If you haven't picked up all the games in the series Feral have announced the total war bundle for a good saving - each game is different enough to make it worth owning all 3

  20. candyjet

    candyjet Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2010
    I'm a very late adopter to this game and am on my first play through.
    I chose the easy setting which requires me to hold 15 provinces and eliminate the Gauls.

    I now have 17 provinces and cannot find any Gauls on the map, yet the game does not appear to finish.
    Can there be some hidden Gauls, or do I still have to attack the senate to win?

    If I try to attack the senate at the moment it says that I do not have enough popular support to take power.

    Where do I go from here?



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