No you can't, but you can get someone of the same class to fill their spot with similar stats and matching weapon skills.
Can anyone comment on how the game looks/plays on an iPad? I'm wondering if the game would be a better experience on that or my 6S+.
I have a 4S and an iPad 3. Last night I booted it up on my iPad 3 for the first time and I had the feeling that it was "like on the 4S, but bigger". I mean, the characters look more pixelated, but it looked nice overall. I think that if I were you, I'd play it on a 6S+ due to being more portable, but still a big screen, but it's just a thought because I don't own a 6S+...
I've been playing on my 6S+ and find its pretty perfect. I have an iPad mini 3 and have yet to boot it on that.
Finally made it to the next generation. This game is hard lost two characters in the first generation. How are others squaring off
This game is fun but I do have one annoyance is that entering in and out of rooms resets enemies. Just like old school games. I would've hoped monsters would only reset if you left the dungeon. Lots of dungeons are not straight forward so if you are searching for buttons and secret paths to items you can fight through 8 or so hard battles in one room, go to the next room - hit a dead end, turn around and have to fight 8 hard battles all over again. It's really time consuming and obviously you can die multiple times in one room just because of that. It's taking me a while to get anywhere with that mechanic.
Tip: Dont get too attached to your characters, even if you don't die you'll still need to replace the entire party after completing certain points of the story.
Really like this game so far! It's a change of pace for sure. I keep discovering new things all the time!
Helps you determine how fast your team turn speed is. Heavier armor will make your character's turn slower, which will show on the scale.
I lost Theresa (my original ranger who has the least LP out of any starting character) and will lose Bear soon. That's the saddest part of this game -- I keep thinking up stories for these characters and watching their LP sink lower and lower just because an enemy gets a smart hit in -- it's freaking tragic it is. But Theresa was awesome and she will be remembered for a long time. My only wish is that their names got gravestones in your graveyard. But this is one of the reasons I love this game - you try so hard to keep them alive but they end up falling to dust eventually. It's almost like a roguelike.
When is it good to lose Gerard? I don't want him dead to early. I'm in the fiend cloister and he has 13 LP still.
I totally agree about the graveyard! After Leon died, I went straight to the graveyard to see if he got a gravestone. But, alas, he did not.
Once you beat certain events or advance he story, you will have to replace Gerard regardless of how much LP he has.