It was pretty awesome wasn't it! Sure it wasn't earth-shattering conversation but it filled in the time quite nicely
" So far there have been two twitter posts that I have seen saying that it was almost ready but not quite, since it was meant to be available. Is this an acceptable way to deal with the people who allow your company to exist?" OMG, it was delayed by ONE DAY!! what is everybody freaking out about?? Remember payback, CJS, zen bound, all the other games that were crazy hyped?? There wasn't nearly as big a "panties in a bunch" for those, and some were delayed by weeks or more. Please everybody, it's summer, go outside and smile, it just feels better.
LOL, we are not freaking out, is just, they said "1st JULY", it was 1st JULY and there was no R2, Rolandos are UBERhyped, a game of 9.99 is expensive (Iknow iknow, "I ve spent 15 in beers, blablablablabla) 9.99 is expensive for a game for an idevice, knowing there are cheapest and with more fun games. ngmoco is a big company, if they say 1st July, it has to be on 1st July. IMPORTANT--> If ngmoco knows that the app store or apple can have issues realising the game, then WHY THE F***K they said 1st july?, if they said 1st july is because they are supossed to be sure it will be 1st july, but I know ngmoco know that the app store can have delays (if the app store was the real delay), they could said just "JULY", alot of people ñlost their day waiting for Rolando, like others can lost the day waiting outside a store for a gadget beeing reales or something. (sorry for my bad english, is not my language)