Universal Rogue Wizards (by Spellbind Studios)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by KeKhan, May 25, 2017.

  1. RobsLive

    RobsLive Member

    Oct 25, 2016
    Is there any way to share my saves between devices? Started on my phone but would like to play on my ipad
  2. stubbieoz

    stubbieoz Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2015
    Grey haired gamer
    NSW Australia
    #82 stubbieoz, May 27, 2017
    Last edited: May 27, 2017
    You can buy spells on your first character level up. They cost a gem to level up and you can only have them up to the same level as your character. Go to the Wizard Tower to learn spells.
    "Regroup" spells allows you to teleport away if you are surrounded. Stalagmites and Banish are AOE spells you can get at the early stage to help with mobs.
    You should also have been given a helper as well as a pet to assist you.
  3. Amenbrother

    Amenbrother Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2011
    So Fabled is the highest quality level? Just found a sword and its awesome!
  4. houseofg

    houseofg Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Oct 1, 2013
    Exactly what I was about to ask. Is it legendary, then divine, then fabled??
  5. Amenbrother

    Amenbrother Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2011
    I dunno but this is one of the coolest IOS games I have ever played I think....
  6. houseofg

    houseofg Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Oct 1, 2013
    Update out. Something about fixing a bug with revive potions (stacking). Quit and save first. Just in case! I forgot to do so, but I think I'm okay. Impressive save system.
  7. RobsLive

    RobsLive Member

    Oct 25, 2016
    Would be nice if it had cloud saving. I hate that I'd have to start over if I want to play on my iPad.
  8. Tychaeus

    Tychaeus Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2015
    Lol...o...m...g...like...its freeeeee....just DL and check things out and if you have no tolerance for whatever then delete...how hard is this. Make a big deal why doncha.
  9. Tychaeus

    Tychaeus Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2015
    #89 Tychaeus, May 27, 2017
    Last edited: May 27, 2017
    This is seemingly outta nowhere super pleasant surprise. I had no previous knowledge about this one, and honestly expected crap kinda. Its...you can tell from the first TWO minutes of playing...really well done and reminiscent of Diablo 1 in pacing (just meaning how fast you walk) and seems like and definately plays like a premium game. I can't believe this isn't $9.99. Course, ive really only played the starting area so...
    Does anyone know if there is any kind of heal type magic in the game? Can I make a Paladin kinda character?

    What would be mega super awesome for a dlc or future content add on would be some kind of co op, not that I know much on the technical side, but it seems like it'd work well here.
  10. stubbieoz

    stubbieoz Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2015
    Grey haired gamer
    NSW Australia
    Only magic close to a heal spell is Regroup and that only heals for a small amount and teleports you away a number of tiles. There is also a pet that occasionally heals you. Only other healing is from potions and you can only carry five max. You do occasionally get potions as drops too.

    What I do like about the game is that is shows the stats of items in the inventory screen compared to what you have equipped. This also happens with merchants items. Very slick.
    Also the map that allows you to teleport to areas that you have already been too.
    The dev has really devoted a lot of time in making the game very user friendly.

    However what I don't like is that you cannot see the current hp of your pet and companion. It really needs to be shown as your potions heal them as well as you. You simply don't know if you need to use one if they are almost dead.

    Also I would love to see more quick slots. The current eight are simply not enough for your weapons, spells and potions to fit into.
  11. Amenbrother

    Amenbrother Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2011
    Super freaking addicted to this!!! Played it all night so far.
  12. moopsh

    moopsh New Member

    May 27, 2017
    A lot of people are talking about getting surrounded. As often as you can, you should be funneling enemies through choke points so that you're only being attacked one at a time.
  13. #93 AppUnwrapper, May 27, 2017
    Last edited: May 27, 2017
    I started a new game. Find it odd/F2Pish that gems are constant through all save files.

    Wasn't thrilled to learn that pets need time to recover. So even though I got a healing pet this time, I had to enter the second dungeon without him. That was fun. :/

    I cleared out everything in the first two dungeons -- took me almost an hour! I sold most of my loot except some better stuff I need to think about whether I want to keep. And I have...........1280 gold. That's how much I had after the second dungeon in my first game without clearing the whole dungeon. (Edit: I got it up to 2300 by selling more loot. Yay?)

    And to make matters worse, my one decent range weapon (bow) is not so great. And means I lose my shield. I didn't pick up any rare chakrams in this game, even though I was getting a whole bunch in the other. I don't suppose there's a way to swap loot between save files?

    I don't feel like I'm prepared now for the third dungeon, either in equipment or gold. I don't know where you're all getting tons of gold from. But I am not. And I don't know where this leaves me now.

    Am I missing something? Is there a way to hunt for loot/gold between quests? I get being stuck with what you're given if you're playing the Gauntlet mode as it's a rogue-like. But with a story and quests, etc, you usually have some way to grind or find loot if you don't feel prepared for the next quest.
  14. Saucepolicy

    Saucepolicy Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Feb 18, 2009
    Crispy ex-game developer
    #94 Saucepolicy, May 27, 2017
    Last edited: May 27, 2017
    Their health bar appears when they're down to about 25% health, but it's easy to miss in the melee. And yes, sometimes they get hit with an overwhelming attack and you don't have a chance to heal them. However, since your companions heal whenever you use a potion, I find it doesn't happen that often. They also revive after a certain amount of turns, so using regroup can be a good, last ditch strategy.

    As far as quick slots, as far as I can tell that's by design. I suppose I can see the merit of including a couple tabs of quick slot bars, but the idea is to tailor your loadout to the mobs in the dungeon.

    I will admit that the game doesn't hold your hand and fully explain how all the systems work, but other than that you're absolutely wrong. Different weapons work against different mobs. Spears are great for mobs that have knockback. Axes are good for mobs that swarm you. Chakrams are good for enemies that spawn low HP pets. Bows for high damage against enemies that explode, slime, etc. Swords are the only class that doesn't seem to have any particular advantage.

    Regarding spells, you purchase/ upgrade them by tapping the spell button right next to the level up one in your backpack menu (bottom left). You have to get to rank 10 of a given spell element before the next one in the tier opens. Spells themselves are powered by elemental-specific "ammo" that is a fairly common drop. You can also purchase them in the Supply Depot in town.

    Early on in the game, those situations are easily managed by the Banish spell, though cosmic elemental drops are rarer than the others. The more you level it up, the more creatures you banish when you cast it. Otherwise, use Sentinel and/or use the Regroup spell and try to lure enemies into a corridor. Later in the game you'll have a number of AOE spells at your disposal.

    I'm not trying to be a jerk. However, from your comments you clearly are not investing any time learning game systems. You're probably sitting on enough gems to level up a chunk of your spellbook. This isn't Diablo, you're not going to spam your way to victory. There's a tactical element to how you engage mobs and the game will keep punishing you until it clicks.
  15. Amenbrother

    Amenbrother Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2011
    Legendary, fabled, then Divine I think.
  16. Pagan Fox

    Pagan Fox Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2012
    #96 Pagan Fox, May 27, 2017
    Last edited: May 27, 2017
    Just cleared Dungeon 2 (ice one) with over 5k in gold still left and only used 3 health potions.
    What really helped was choosing the dragon pet (20 gems) at the start as his fire ranged attack meant I could kite enemies easily.
    Also, the vendor in the Dungeon meant I could sell loot and replenish potions mid way through.
    The boss was hard, Levente or Levante, but I used fireballs and a bow to take him down.
    The loot he dropped gained me 2 more legendaries. Nice!
    I guess it's preparing the right tactics for the dungeon and elements play a huge part.....even some weapons have elemental affinity.
    Finally, there are lots of ads to be watched to gain gold gems back in town. Each vendor has them. This can help boost supplies I guess.
  17. zupac

    zupac Active Member

    Apr 6, 2014
    Most amazing game of the year .. love it just wow .. good job ...
  18. Warriv

    Warriv Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Feb 21, 2015
    Yeah, I've been having fun with this one. I'll echo the voices of those who feel weird playing this as a premium game, but I understand this was the best route for the developer to go, given the market.

    Game does really feel like a labor of love, and I haven't been having trouble so far, but I've only now gone through the ice dungeon. There definitely was a difficulty spike compared to the previous dungeons, which were really easy though. Banish was a life-saver, and the boss was a hard-earned fight, but not unfair. I have used a couple healing potions so far, but found a couple more along the way, so it evens up. I love the amount of loot, it feels just right, without being under/overwhelming.

    The only thing I'm not quite sure how to spend are gems, I've been using them exclusively to unlock and upgrade spells, but I guess I'm supposed to get pets and upgrade other stuff? I just feel bad spending lots of them, so I'm just hoarding for now.

    All in all, I'd recommend this one to any dungeon crawling fans, it feels like a turn-based cross-over from Diablo and Bastion, and it works out beautifully.
  19. Jaggus

    Jaggus Member

    Sep 17, 2016
    Each level of a dungeon will only have 2-3 monster types so it doesn't take long to plan a strategy.

    The sword is heavy melee DPS that allows a shield.

    The hammer is lower DPS (than sword) that can hit up to 3 enemies in a line in front of you.

    The spear is lower DPS (than sword) that hits as you move.

    The staff is better DPS than sword but it turns off your shield.

    The bow is range but has inferior DPS to magic and throwables (which of course are limited in quantity).

    The chakram hits the most targets at range but has the worst damage value of all the weapons.

    DPS is of course dependant on loot rating (Diablo style). A legendary chakram will out-damage a common bow, naturally.

    As you can see you have many tools at your disposal. Winning is a matter of using the right tool against the current set of 2-3 monster types you happen to be facing.

    Lastly, this is a roguelike. Kite, corner, and play dirty. Kill everything, don't move on until every wall is connected. Naturally... :p

    Excellent game. I rarely insta-buy IAP but I did this time.
  20. lukaMis

    lukaMis Member

    Jul 29, 2016
    Here is my take:

    The bad:
    - No cloud save. Maybe i am just spoiled but not being able to switch between iPad and phone and play the same game kinda sucks.
    - Since there is no way (at least i haven't found it jet) to replay dungeons it would be nice if game would tell me that killing all the creeps and opening all the chests gives additional bonuses.
    - Items are sometimes picked up automatically and sometimes are not. Sometimes just an item or two remain. I do not know, seem random.
    - Hints in loading screens are very useful but disappear too fast.
    - Enchanting tower in dungeon was confusing first time. I thought it will consume my item and give me material to stick it in socket of another item so i gave it some crap i was planning to sell. Instead i got back enchanted crap weapon. :)

    The good:
    - Interface size is not ideal on my iPhone SE but still playable and enjoyable.
    - It is fun, looks great and i even read the story.
    - Teleporting inside dungeons.
    - Weapon called chakram.
    - Magic effects look great.
    - Love them teleport traps. :)
    - Ability to compare item stats.
    - Payment model. I probably wouldn't have bought it premium but after testing it, i liked it enough to buy the drop x2 iap.

    The fact that this was made by a single person makes it even better. I hope my purchase will help this guy some day make another game that i will also enjoy.

    The Bastion like level assembly looks great but after a while gets old. :)

    - What is the point of staff weapon? It doesn't seem to be ranged. So it is just a club weapon or what?
    - Can i use more than one pet at the same time?
    - Was this made in Unity?

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