Universal Rogue Wizards (by Spellbind Studios)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by KeKhan, May 25, 2017.

  1. Saucepolicy

    Saucepolicy Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Feb 18, 2009
    Crispy ex-game developer
    First off, only Guantlet mode has permadeath. Don't fear the reaper. :)

    Believe it or not, I find the difficulty curve smoother than my experience with the desktop version, though obviously I'm not as far yet.

    I recall trying to take down the ice wizard over and over until I finally had decent enough gear. This time I took him out the first time.

    One thing I've noticed is that switching weapons and spells is a must. Right tool for the right job. For Yetis, use a spear because even if they knock you back, you can still counter attack ( spears get 1 move + attack.) and they do far more damage than standard ranged weapons.

    I also heartily recommend leveling up Banish as soon as possible. It is a lifesaver when you're surrounded by mobs. Also don't forget teleport.

    Finally, judicious use of skip turn can give you the upper hand.
  2. houseofg

    houseofg Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Oct 1, 2013
    ^Thanks for the tips!
  3. Ivica

    Ivica Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2015
    Guys do you complete every floor 100% i have right now 8k gold and just completed the ice dungeon
  4. anthony78

    anthony78 Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2015
    Was going to get the gem doubler but reading that gold is an issue, I'm not so sure now. Was the gold not balanced like the PC version? I really don't want to keep watching ads to get gold.

    Probably hold off on making an IAP for the doubler until I understand the gold component and balancing.
  5. #65 AppUnwrapper, May 26, 2017
    Last edited: May 26, 2017
    No. Why would I? I stuck around longer in the second dungeon, but wasn't aware at the time that if you don't check every corner of the dungeon before you leave that you'll be at a huge disadvantage.

    Also didn't know that I wouldn't be able to return to any dungeons after leaving them.

    Would have been nice to either have it explained right away (was it and I just missed it over all the other text?) or why not let us revisit a dungeon until we've cleared out everything in there? Defeating the boss and going through the portal shouldn't mean missing out on a ton of loot. Weird design decision. I'm not going to start over now.

    So much of my time could have been saved and frustration avoided if the game did these two things:

    Add to "Continue without full Elixirs of Life?" -- "If you die, you will lose __ and ___..."

    When you try to leave a dungeon, it should prompt you with "Are you sure? You've only seen __% of the dungeon and won't be able to return once you leave."

    I'm not a mind reader and don't wish to start from scratch because of it.
  6. jsrco

    jsrco Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Oct 15, 2009
    Finish a level by killing enemies and opening all the chest. You get bonuses for each. Gold is not an issue at all.

    Having a hardcore mode that seemed like it has a leaderboard that allows you to buy currency for.... is stupid. Level playing field my butt.
  7. Ivica

    Ivica Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2015
    Because its fun? And you get bonuses if you open every chest, kill all monsters and discover all traps
  8. houseofg

    houseofg Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Oct 1, 2013
    Yeah I'm too much of a completionist to do it any other way!
  9. I haven't tried the permadeath mode yet but was wondering if the IAP/resources situation carries over or if that's a purer version of the game.
  10. Misguided

    Misguided Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2009
    I cakewalked through the ice wizard dungeon. Saved up my fire resources and switched to fireball before the fight. Dropped a sentinel, hit the stalagmites once or twice when needed,, otherwise all fireballs, all the time.

    Definitely didn't hurt that one of my very first pickups in the initial dungeon was a fabled+ chakram. Would love to be able to craft it into something better as it is going to outlive its usefulness soon, but not sure that's possible (I mean beyond the ranks, as I am almost capped out there).
  11. FiloMJ

    FiloMJ Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2015
    Forced ads?
  12. Ikeda

    Ikeda Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2013
    Largo, FL
    No, you can choose to watch to get a "bonus" to gold/gems though.

    What is everyone spending their gold on? I've not found a single item in either the shop (or in the guys walking around the dungeons) that is worth buying. I think the only thing I have bought is a couple of chest keys. Otherwise, I'm sitting on about 4k in gold right now after unlocking the blacksmith.

    Nor have I used my starting potions. You just gotta be smart. Like not staying in the blob/slime enemies explosion radius.
  13. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    I'm not sure how I missed this but I'm going to download it right now. It sounds like everything I love in mobile. I haven't played yet and I'm already ready to buy some gem doublers to get the full experience.

    Quick question, is this a fully offline game? That would be the deal breaker for me if it is. Thanks all!
  14. Misguided

    Misguided Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2009
    @lawliet pretty sure it is entirely offline (except for the optional ads)

    You will start to run into monsters that are more dangerous and will do more damage to you no matter how careful you are. I've still only died once, and that was complete carelessness on my part (didn't realize I was low on health and should have used a potion).

    Shops will get better items when you start to upgrade them.
  15. ZeroVoid

    ZeroVoid Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2011
    Yep, I just finished dungeon 3 and I've got about 12,000 gold. All I've bought is a couple potions. Nothing the vendors sell seems to be good, but they seem fairly quick to level up so far (immune are lvl. 4 each) so I'm assuming that will change soon.
  16. Harpua

    Harpua Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2009
    So far I haven't run into any issues with gold, or lack there of. I've found a guy in each dungeon that I can sell my extra equipment to, which frees up inventory and provides gold. When fighting the ice wizard, I found a combination of lightning sentinels and fireballs to do the job. There are also red diamond pedestals in his dungeon that will refill your health if it is running low. But I haven't really run into any health issues. I think I used 1 health vial & 1 of the health pedestals in the ice dungeon, but I also found a health vial to replenish the one 1 I used. Hope this helps anyone struggling with the ice dungeon.
  17. stubbieoz

    stubbieoz Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2015
    Grey haired gamer
    NSW Australia
    Beta tester here.
    The dev has tried very hard to get the economy balanced right. He changed the gem reward design a few times in beta in an attempt to get the fairest model.
    Unless this release version has had a major change since beta I think he has achieved that with the gem doubler iap. I intend to download the release version after this post and will comment if I see something has changed.

    I also have the pc version and ran both versions alongside each other during testing. Without the gem doubler the game was a long slog and definitely restricted your ability to advance in the game compared to the pc version.
    The gem doubler corrected this and the game flowed a lot more smoothly. I had no trouble with the games difficulty balance. I found the best weapon on most occasions was the spear as it allows you to move and hit in one turn.
    I had no issue with gold as there were many item drops to sell and I did not buy any weapons/armour as the drops were adequate.
    IMPORTANT - The games difficulty balance is designed to have you fully explore every dungeon. Don't just run to the exit.
    Boss fights were tough but not frustrating.
    The game can be closed off anytime and you will return to the exact same spot on relaunching it.

    In my opinion the mobile version is better than the pc version. The gameplay is perfect for the mobile platform. Excellent touch controls and the ability to play for a couple of minutes and save your progress for example.

    I cringed at the devs decision to release it as a "Free" game.
    I know that the "Free" word can instantly alienate many gamers, me included. But really this free version is a demo.
    It becomes a full premium game with the one purchase of the double gems.
  18. #78 AppUnwrapper, May 26, 2017
    Last edited: May 26, 2017
    I'm going to start a new game tonight and try exploring every inch of the dungeons to see if it feels more balanced. I wish the game would have been clear about that, though, so I wouldn't have wasted several hours on what seems to be a f***ed save right now unless I want to make up the difference by watching tons of ads.

    I know people keep praising spears but I don't think I've seen one yet.

    Would also be cool if I could stick to chakrams without getting pummeled, but that might not be possible past the first dungeon or two? Seemed like a great weapon at first, but was pretty ineffective in dungeon 3 -- and I kept swapping them out as I looted more powerful ones.

    I guess I'll also experiment with dying to see what happens before I get far.

    And test out the save system, too. I've been saving before I quit since I don't know if it autosaves.
  19. sakara214ever

    sakara214ever Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2012
    #79 sakara214ever, May 27, 2017
    Last edited: May 27, 2017
    Spears do not make any difference exploring all dungeons neither. Spells make all the difference. If there is no way to buy spells the game is unbalanced as hell. There is no way to work with strategy there are rooms with 10+ enemies in so if you make a move you have to wait for your turn. Most of the enemies have ranged attacks charges after-death effects so waiting for your turn you are geting f&@cked by all sides by all ways and by almost all the enemies that are in the room. I started a new game have so much gold even after buying the best gear maybe i am early in the game and you can buy spells later? It is a shame cause it is a beutiful game and i really want to support. But till now i do not see a way to play right. I do not mind a game being difficult but difficult means you did something wrong did not time your attacks right etc. Here you just sit and see all enemies getting your @ss screwed unable to do something.The only way i can think of is as a rogue-like game you have to die over and over trying to get your stats up? If that is the case the yeah i guess maybe that makes sense
  20. Amenbrother

    Amenbrother Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2011
    #80 Amenbrother, May 27, 2017
    Last edited: May 27, 2017
    Got my first legendary! Was just some boots but still cool!

    EDIT: Whats some good spells to learn?

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