Universal Rogue Wizards (by Spellbind Studios)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by KeKhan, May 25, 2017.

  1. Silver99

    Silver99 Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2014
    This is the oppsite to what I just found when I did the gauntlet for a while and switched to a three sword dungeon and found it laughably easy.
    I think it is suppsd to just keep scaling up as someone above was some huge level character.
  2. CptMurdock

    CptMurdock Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2012
    I have been playing pure gauntlet and have a character close to lvl 100. It seems rare for a piece of equipment to last a while. Good boots with extra turns make it sometimes due to not finding an upgrade with extra turns. I also had a fabled shield last a while which I am ready to finally phase out. All of the other equipment rotates regularly. This is likely due to gaining levels soooo fast. I think that I lvl up 1-3 times on any given map now it seems. There is simply no chance to enjoy the equipment for any amount of time as the levels come so fast and upgrades are available everywhere as a result.

    A potential bug that I found is that if body armor has health regen on it and is socketed with a health regen stat, the health regen seems to kick to 100 despite the fact that it should have more.
  3. Machiknight

    Machiknight Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2013

    SO I have achieved Immortality. In story mode, running a cavern gauntlet, Guantlet level 14, Clevel 198. I no longer need healing potions, as the experience I get from getting hit and killing mobs levels me up SO fast that unless I am fighting the right mix of mobs, I never really feel even threatened.

    AT this point my daily play time slowed down A LOT as it is just well, too easy.

    Things to help improve:
    1. Elemental resistance stats for the player - this could help feel threatened as you might have crappy DEF for an Element
    2. Let the mobs use spells - the spells in this game are pretty awesome, the mobs should use them also, I know if I had to move out of the way of a static field or get zapped it would make it more interesting
    3. At this level the helper dudes are pretty worthless - they die so fast
    4. Maybe change immunity to ground hazards into a couple things: immunity to ground effects (ice etc) and immunity to ground DAMAGE (fire acid) to mix it up a bit, also immunity to damage could be % based. Straight up immunity is just too powerful.
    5. Increase the drop rate of the gems - I have sockets in everything, but gems in only a few things cause of how few I have found. Alternatively, allow gems to be retrieved somehow.
    6. Have some kind of immunity to knockback feature - this effect annys me to know end! even if it was a % would be nice
    7. Give bosses some AI tweaks - they ALWAYS run up, when they take like 1/5 damage they run away and start summoning. Gets kinda boring.
    8. Make bosses MUCH harder, but also drop better loot. The loot drops from bosses are really lackluster.
    9. remove the need to open the gem chests for the chest completion xp bonus.
    10. Have more Sub bosses!

    Over all this game is awesome, and I love playing it, but would like it to be harder! Maybe have difficulties like in the Diablo series, that increase loot rarities etc. CAUTION though, just increasing the HP and Damage of mobs makes it boring. Add strategies to their AI.Let them use their elemental spells more!
  4. Silver99

    Silver99 Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2014
    I agree the bosses are so predictable. AllI ever need is shield and the electric field.
    So far its not too easy for me but I can see how enough experience added on by equipment could make you immortal. And that would get boring.

    I find I keep boots forever once I have immunityto ground effects and a good extra turn rate on them. The helm, similar if I get a high swarm percentage as watching those buzzing things do huge damage even when Im frozen is great. Its also effectively at least an extra turn every single time, once the swarm kicks in.
  5. spellbindstudios

    spellbindstudios Active Member

    Mar 1, 2017
    Thanks for the great feedback. You've obviously played quite a bit and I think a lot of your observations are spot on!

  6. zupac

    zupac Active Member

    Apr 6, 2014
    There is nothing to do at this lvl ... this game must have trade or auction system so players can trade item or sell it for gold !!! More difficult challenges and item features ...

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  7. stubbieoz

    stubbieoz Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2015
    Grey haired gamer
    NSW Australia
    While I respect your request for item trade and an auction system, I disagree.
    Swapping high valued items online with other players I think would ruin this game exactly like it did with the original Diablo 3 and their ill fated auction house.
    One of the main attractions of loot heavy games like this is the rush a player gets when they find a "rare" or "legendary" item from a kill or a chest.
    To simply look down a list and purchase a fantastic item takes all that away.

    While I understand you want to keep progressing with your high level character I would like to see more options for restarting new characters.
    Rather than just continuing with your current high level (and probably invincible, perhaps now boring) character, what about incentives to start all over?

    Such as optional higher difficulty levels from the start.
    I would also absolutely love to see a hardcore mode.

    Perhaps add areas where only one or two particular elemental attacks, and always to a lesser extent physical attacks, are usable?
    So you would then be forced to use other weapons and spells.

    I think we can both agree that whatever, we want this game to continue for a lot longer because we love playing it.
  8. Machiknight

    Machiknight Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2013
    Eagerly awaits message from devs announcing the cool new additions that breaths longevity into the game....
  9. Machiknight

    Machiknight Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2013
    Is this game dead already?
  10. sakara214ever

    sakara214ever Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2012
    Yeah it looks like it is
  11. stubbieoz

    stubbieoz Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2015
    Grey haired gamer
    NSW Australia
    It might be wrong to say that the game is dead......rather it is just this thread.

    I know I am still playing the game almost every day and still loving it. #
  12. Son of Anarchy

    Son of Anarchy Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2015
    Shadow Runner
    #612 Son of Anarchy, Jul 4, 2017
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2017
    Completely agree. The game is far from dead in my eyes, just the initial hype has worn off. I've completed it a few times now and still intend to run through it a few more trying out different equipment/spells.

    I don't think the game will ever leave my device, (currently sits next to Crashlands & Steamworld Heist) it's way too good. Not sure if any more content/updates are planned but I would welcome anything.
  13. houseofg

    houseofg Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Oct 1, 2013
    Yeah, personal hall of fame game for me as well. Hope there is more to come from this dev either via this or another game.
  14. ThirdMoon

    ThirdMoon Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2014
    Just got into this game in the last few days, mainly due to this thread. Excellent game, easily recommended if "turn based diablo" sounds appealing.

    Would like more character appearance options, but that's a tiny issue. Bought the doubler and have been watching ads, and the income speed seems good.
  15. Machiknight

    Machiknight Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2013
    By "dead" I meant the dev no longer imparts info.
  16. HelperMonkey

    HelperMonkey Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2009
    I just managed to die (after actually trying to for some time) in the Cosmic dungeon gauntlet.
    #4 on the leaderboard now.
    Just shy of 27 hours in one gauntlet... There's a good value right there.
  17. J. A. Whye

    J. A. Whye Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2010
    Game Dev (tools & tutorials)
    Re: Immortality

    I think I'm at that point. During the story I wanted something in the village but needed another gem, so I went into one of the gauntlets to earn a few. I'm not sure how many days I've now played (more than a week, 1-3 hours a day), but I have two things that make me think I won't ever die:

    1. A bow with a 24% chance of a singularity on hit. On average, every 4th hit slams all local enemies together and most die. By targeting the farthest enemy I can see, it pulls the bad guys away from my party (me and the little dragon and whoever I grab along the way).

    2. A helm with a 53% chance of getting a shield when I'm hit. Most of the time I have a shield around me while I create black holes around the dungeon that suck the enemies to their doom.

    My guy is Level 336 and I can't remember the last time I used a health potion. While it's been fun, not even the bosses are a problem -- I've killed the last few with just my bow (2,608 damage + the goodies). I almost never need to cast a spell, any more.

    So, not sure on the immortality thing, but it's looking that way. And it's now kind of boring. :( I want to see how far I can go, but it kind of feels like cheating now.

  18. nenastya

    nenastya Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2014
    This is the first RPG where I read a storyline #
  19. gregban

    gregban Member

    Mar 23, 2009
    I think the max level you can get is 800. At this point I don't seem to accumulate any more EXP pts any more?
    You're sort of immortal until this point as previously pointed out.. Best addition was one that gains EXP when damaged (how I got to level 800). You just sit there and get bashed by everyone and you will just shoot up the leveling. No need for healing as everytime you level up you get fully healed.
    Also max number of gems is 1000. you can't get anymore than that.

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  20. Amenbrother

    Amenbrother Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2011
    This game needed some more updates with more end game content #

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