Universal Rogue Wizards (by Spellbind Studios)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by KeKhan, May 25, 2017.

  1. Sloany

    Sloany Well-Known Member

    Been playing quite a bit but still struggling to figure out what's best, divine or fabled gear?
  2. houseofg

    houseofg Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Oct 1, 2013
    #522 houseofg, Jun 12, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2017
    I was able to add two sockets (via a shrine in a 3 sword side dungeon, if relevant) to a fabled shield just now.

    To the above question, I'm pretty sure that fabled is the highest tier.
  3. houseofg

    houseofg Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Oct 1, 2013
    Well crap. Submitted this bug report:

    I seem to have hit a nasty bug after the final battle. I leave the master rift, get the epilogue, and it crashes. So it's a bad one in that I can't play the game because I can't go back to town. Hopefully the log helps.

    Though, after submitting that report, I realized I can use the "go back to town" option but I am not sure whether that would lose my final battle progress and hall of fame stats.
  4. Silver99

    Silver99 Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2014
    From what you get, I think divine. It also seems rarest and seems to be ranked highest in the store, as in it appears bottom right, when it does appear. Doesnt really matter though. Use whatever works best at the time.
  5. Silver99

    Silver99 Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2014
    Yes, you can do that, but there was always a limit on sockets, depending on the gear, and that's still in effect. Armor it's three. Shields it seems to be two. Rings and amulets and boots it's one.
  6. Silver99

    Silver99 Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2014
    The update seems to have greatly disturbed the balance of the game for me at least.
    First dungeon I visited after trying the new forge gave me a shrine that let me add sockets to five items.
    Since I only went in there to earn some of the million plus gold that I needed to add sockets with the forge in town, it made adding sockets far too easy. there is no challenge.
    Second dungeon gave me wuite a few talismans, and high order ones, like they were on tap. I loved having to search for rare talismans, and none were like this. Really high percentages.
    92% chance shrines can be used twice.
    93% knockback chance for bows and lances.
    Next dungeon has a shrine that lets me enchant three times.
    Im assuming some people complained that the above were too difficult to get but thatwas the whole point of the game for me.
    Anyone else seeing this change?
  7. delfin

    delfin Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2011
    I was hoping one of these updates would fix my iPad Mini 2 problem, but it's still doing the same thing. I applied the latest update, did a soft reset, started the game, and got the title screen with a spinning white circle for ~20 seconds and then crash to desktop. Tried it on two different wifi networks and in Airplane mode, identical behavior in each. A shame, as this looks like an interesting game.

    spellbind, any other info I can PM you to help debug this?
  8. Den Den

    Den Den Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2014
    So I finally downloaded the game and purchased the gem doubler. This is really addictive, I can't stop playing.

    Should I keep upgrading the two blacksmiths in town? Is it worth it?

    I am currently playing the story mode, when should one play the Gauntlet mode? After we're done with story mode?
  9. stubbieoz

    stubbieoz Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2015
    Grey haired gamer
    NSW Australia
    I found the merchants to be a waste of gems. There is better gear available just from drops.
    Keep playing Story made. You will eventually come across entries to other Gauntlets in town.
  10. Silver99

    Silver99 Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2014
    I decided not to upgrade but then somehow ended up doing it. I think you do get more great finds in dungeons but wands and daggers are possibly easier bought in the store? The ring merchant you get, later on, I tended not to use that much, or upgrade it.

    If you Have enough gems, its not hard to keep upgrading, as long as youre careful how you sell stuff. Every sale makes the upgrades cheaper in gold.
  11. Silver99

    Silver99 Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2014
    No one else finding the update has made the game imbalanced?
    If I wasnt finding five socket shrines and shrines that enchant three times, it might be better.
  12. Jorlen

    Jorlen Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2009
    Were rare chests always 3 gems to open? Could have sworn they were 1 gem before.
  13. Misguided

    Misguided Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2009
    Rare was one gem. Legendary was two. Never saw anything higher.
  14. Silver99

    Silver99 Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2014
    Yes, rare is one, still is for me.
    I have seen a Three gem once? I think.
  15. stubbieoz

    stubbieoz Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2015
    Grey haired gamer
    NSW Australia
    The jewellery merchant is the only one that sells talismans occasionally, so I tended to upgrade him.

    Good point about the wands and daggers. That alone would be enough reason to upgrade the weapon merchant somewhat.
  16. tops2

    tops2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2011
    I ran into the same problem. It went into "terminal" mode with error messages. I did see option to go back to town. It gave me a warning about losing progress...
  17. Silver99

    Silver99 Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2014
    I tried getting talismans from the jewellery merchant for quite a while too, but not much success there at all. Gave up.
    Now with the update I get heaps of talismans in dungeons. Too many.
  18. Silver99

    Silver99 Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2014
    #538 Silver99, Jun 13, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2017

    I decided to finish the story and yes, got that error screen too, after the story was completed for me.
    The screen said "bug uploaded" at the end. Seems like its come in with the new version.
    I went back. The save takes me back to before the epilogue but after I defeated the villain.
  19. houseofg

    houseofg Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Oct 1, 2013
    #539 houseofg, Jun 13, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2017
    Ok. I guess I'll have to "abandon quest" to get out of the final battle area as well.

    About the gem chests, I've always seen the one gem "rare chest" with one exception, when I saw a 2 gem "legendary chest" or something like that.

    As for balance, I haven't been playing a whole lot since the bug got me stuck but I have indeed gotten my share of slot shrines in a short time.

    And my cosmic gauntlet run really screwed me up with the merchants. I was keeping them all at my level without much difficulty, but I literally gained about 90 levels during that gauntlet run so, ouch as to trying to level up the merchants to my level now. I got a lot of gems but not THAT much. And I used a lot to keep my two favorite spells leveled with me. Sucks because the shops are definitely a great source for gear, in my opinion, if you keep them leveled with you.

    Edit: okay, just saw a 3 gem rare chest in a 3 sword side dungeon. And it's a bit annoying that if you choose not to purchase the chest with gems, you don't get the treasure completion bonus for that floor.
  20. Silver99

    Silver99 Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2014
    #540 Silver99, Jun 13, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2017
    Ive started a new character. Would like to see how it plays on low levels now.

    Since Ive only been buying the electric field and the shield spell, with my first character I have over 60 gems. I was level 150 or so and had the weapons guy and the blacksmith level too, i think.
    Havent tried that second gauntlet yet though. Might do what you did, quit to town and try it.

    Electric field took me through all the villains easily. Three zaps and most were dead. The henchmen died the instant they popped up. Because it hangs around for several turns, and covers nine squares of area, it works better than banish. With some you just sit back and watch them fry.

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