Universal Rogue Wizards (by Spellbind Studios)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by KeKhan, May 25, 2017.

  1. Silver99

    Silver99 Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2014
    I checked and the daggers that rplenish if you keep one, also have a rank. Like rank 40 out of 43.
  2. stubbieoz

    stubbieoz Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2015
    Grey haired gamer
    NSW Australia
    Thanks for the comments about the wands and the daggers guys.
    Looks like we (I) need to do some more checking to see wtf is going on with them. #
    This is one of those games where there seems to be a lot going on behind the scenes.
  3. houseofg

    houseofg Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Oct 1, 2013
    Haha. Duh. I completely missed that you were talking about a talisman.

    Perfectly crafted remains an ongoing mystery.

    I have a lighting wand very similar to Silver, if not the same. It has that recharge ability as an affix. It's the only one I've ever seen with that feature and I've been using the crap out of it and holding onto it for dear life, even as it becomes a bit underleveled, damage-wise.

    People keep mentioning dagger recharges but I've left them at 1 and never had them do so.
  4. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    Hmm the one I just tested that had rank on it didn't recharge. However I tested it by using one dagger and then retreating back home, not going through the dungeon. Should it recharge regardless? Does it need to be in inventory or specific spot to recharge? I really want to find a reusable set of consumables but I'm not having any luck :/

    As for perfectly crafted I honestly don't think it means anything. I think it's a designation that says that the item could only be bought using gems because of its high stats.
  5. Misguided

    Misguided Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2009
    I don't know why the cosmic pet is so highly regarded. It almost never triggers (unless that increases with level?). I'm with you on the owl.

    Pretty sure wands reset their charges if they rank up.
  6. spellbindstudios

    spellbindstudios Active Member

    Mar 1, 2017
    Yeah, I'm not super happy with the forgestone ... maybe I should change it to something that can add sockets to items?

  7. spellbindstudios

    spellbindstudios Active Member

    Mar 1, 2017
    Occasionally vendors will create items that are higher level at better rarities that sometimes have a gem cost associated with purchasing them. Perfectly crafted as a tooltip line item is just meant to help highlight this point, because you can also sell the item and receive some gems back too.

    Wands do not recharge by default, but there are random magic affixes that can be applied to them that makes them become a wand of recharging.

  8. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    I'm having the reverse of what you said. The owl rarely silences and I can't tell when it will so if I'm in a pinch it might not trigger.

    You could say the same about the Cosmic dragon BUT, the Cosmic dragon can attack at long range which is does very often. The owl you are basically waiting and hoping it will trigger silence but the dragon can actively fight and defend while also having a chance of instakill. Instakill is just a nice bonus on top of its normal strong attacks. That's why I think it has way more upsides than any other pet.


    So basically all the daggers/wands only recharge if they have "of recharging" in their title? I guess I don't have any. I'm actually even confused how you would level up a dagger/wand. If you're down to your last dagger, there's no way it can level if it's not even close to mastery. Might as well use it up then?
  9. db2

    db2 Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2011
    Michigan, USA
    Heads up, the Windows and Mac versions are on sale on GoG right now for $7.49 (half off).
  10. Artfoundry

    Artfoundry Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2009
    COO and Creative Director at LCD Dreams, Inc.
    Bay area, CA
    Hey are the pet purchases supposed to be permanent or just per dungeon? I had thought permanent given the price, but after the first dungeon with it, I no longer have it for free. The UI really needs to indicate that - I never would have spent so much on it if I knew it was just a one time purchase!
  11. Silver99

    Silver99 Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2014
    No, not so. All my daggers replenish. When Im walking about only though, possibly. Im not sure.
    Nice to know what the dev said about wands but Im wondering if for some reason only some of us get replenishing dagger numbers.
    Why is this?
    Hope the spellbind dev will answer.

    Wands seem a matter of being lucky enough to find one with that random magic affix.
  12. spellbindstudios

    spellbindstudios Active Member

    Mar 1, 2017
    Hiya ... there was a bug in previous versions of the game where your pet could die in a story gauntlet. That issue has since been fixed.

  13. spellbindstudios

    spellbindstudios Active Member

    Mar 1, 2017
    Heh, yeah daggers are not supposed to replenish ... I'll look into trying to reproduce that on my end, I wonder if they accidentally have a "recharge" enchantment on them? Hmm. Anyway, if you have any pointers on how to do so please submit a bug report to me using the in game feedback/bug reporter system.

  14. Silver99

    Silver99 Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2014
    No idea why they do it. Lol happens all the tome, every dungeon. Be sad to see that glitch go. :D
  15. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    Since I haven't gotten a single consumable weapon to replenish I think I'll just use them all up. All these "1" inventory items are taking up space :(
  16. Misguided

    Misguided Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2009
    Hadn't noticed the range difference. Will have to try it again. Thanks!
  17. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    Oh no worries. On the other hand, use what you like more :) It's not a competitive game anyways so always go with what you're comfortable with (same goes for weapons!).

    When my health gets low, I usually run and let the dragon kill / stall the enemies. Works like a charm.
  18. Xandrak

    Xandrak Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2013
    I got really lucky and found some level 72 fabled boots that had both immune to ground effects and extra turns (every 19). No slots though :( I have several extra turn talismans including a 5 as well. Would love a shrine that allows you to add slots to an item.
  19. Silver99

    Silver99 Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2014
    Yes! If the dev does change the forge to that itd be so much better to add slots to items than whatever it does now.

    The dagger glitch I have must be associated with my character not the items, since ALL of the daggers replenish for me, if I let them go down to one. Seems like a few people have this bug.
    Possibly making life too easy now, im level 100 or so and kill everything in a dungeon wuite easily with daggers and electric field. Have about two rows of daggers plus that wand that keeps recharging.

    Ive nearly finished the game. Not sure the gauntlet mode will keep me going with replay interest.
    Would be better to have new maps, with some new aspect. Taking over territory, building a castle. Idk. Any of that is a whole new game though.
  20. Jorlen

    Jorlen Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2009
    Is there any way to remove gems once socketed or is it a permanent thing?

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