Universal Rogue Wizards (by Spellbind Studios)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by KeKhan, May 25, 2017.

  1. stubbieoz

    stubbieoz Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2015
    Grey haired gamer
    NSW Australia
    #361 stubbieoz, Jun 2, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2017
    Try to stick to one or two spell groups.
    You only get energy orbs for the spell groups you have. That way you will always have plenty of energy orbs for your Banish spell (which is the one spell you really, really should have).
  2. Booch138

    Booch138 Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2009
    Data-Entry Operator
    Coolidge, AZ
    #362 Booch138, Jun 2, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2017
    This. The way I see it, is a piece of equipment with a slot = one free enchant from the Enchanting Statue lady thing with your choice of available (as in, what you have) enchant. I don't replace them, frankly I didn't even know you could, because I replace gear so quickly. SOMETIMES they don't even make it to max rank before I swap them.

    On the subject of enchanting, because I'm swimming in gold (I'm at 64 and I have about 900K gold) I'll enchant something new and green (rarely yellow, never anything else except wands) a time or two, but even then it's not a priority.

    Edit: while I do have the gem doubler, I use them as fast as I gain them. And I don't mind. I'll keep about 5 or so on me for dungeoning just in case a chest appears that wants a few, but I just dungeon around and level up stuff in sections. Like one-three runs will be dedicated to leveling magic then shops, etc. it's a never ending cycle that I love. I'm able to do the Cosmic dungeon now though, assuming it's getting close to the "end" of the story. I don't wannnnnaaaaaaaaa
  3. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    But if you unlocked all the spell groups you will get their orbs regardless of if they are equipped or not. So the only way to stick to a couple magic elements would actually be to restart the game and not touch some of them..
  4. Silver99

    Silver99 Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2014
    I'm not sold on enchanting. As an experiment I enchanted a divine axe about four times and it was all such minor extras. I ended up selling it soon after as an axe with more damage came along.
  5. stubbieoz

    stubbieoz Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2015
    Grey haired gamer
    NSW Australia
    #365 stubbieoz, Jun 2, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2017
    That was my point.

    But just to clarify....

    *This tip is for beginners or those who choose to start a new game.*
    Try to stick to one or two spell groups.
    You only get energy orbs for the spell groups you have. That way you will always have plenty of energy orbs for your Banish spell (which is the one spell you really, really should have).

    Actually, if you get up to 100 energy orbs for the spell groups you don't use then the energy orbs will stop dropping for them as well. The only problem with this though is that the 100 orbs take up an inventory space in an already limited inventory.
  6. stubbieoz

    stubbieoz Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2015
    Grey haired gamer
    NSW Australia
    The in game help says that raising the enchanters level allows you to enchant higher level items but I'm wondering if it also raises the stats of the possible enchantments? Not all that easy to test as it costs a lot of gold and the enchantments are very random.
  7. Silver99

    Silver99 Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2014
    Tempted to start a new game.
  8. stubbieoz

    stubbieoz Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2015
    Grey haired gamer
    NSW Australia
    Okay, so I spent over three hours today while watching tv just tapping the free gold icon and having the ads playing in the background.
    I am now 2.5 million gold richer.

    Might actually play some of the game now. #
  9. Misguided

    Misguided Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2009
    I did exactly that. Big difference. That's why I posted about this earlier. I think it should be changed.
  10. stubbieoz

    stubbieoz Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2015
    Grey haired gamer
    NSW Australia
    Looks like I am just posting what others had already posted. My apologies. Sometimes it is hard to remember (or even just to go back and reread) what others have already said in a forum that has hundreds of posts.
  11. stubbieoz

    stubbieoz Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2015
    Grey haired gamer
    NSW Australia
    Another tip.
    Don't forget you have a total of three save slots.
    My suggestion is to have one as your permanent Story mode. The other your permanent Gauntlet mode.
    And most important, the third a temporary Gauntlet mode.

    The reasoning behind this is that your gems carry over between saves.
    And you get gem rewards for each character level up.
    Having a temporary Gauntlet save means you can start a new game whenever and you level up quite quickly in the early stages, meaning you get gems a lot quicker.
  12. Misguided

    Misguided Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2009
    I was referring to my suggestion to the developer that it shouldn't work this way. I was actually backing you up here in response to Lawliet's comment. I had beaten the third wizard, then started a new file. In the first game, I had unlocked every school. In the second, only sky, nature, and cosmic. I have no intention of starting again, but if I did, I'd do sky, ice, and cosmic instead. I like swarm, but it isn't all that necessary.
  13. zeroex

    zeroex Well-Known Member

    May 20, 2014
    Why Ice? I like swarm better than any of the ice spells
  14. Misguided

    Misguided Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2009
    For the shield. Like I said, swarm is good, but it's a luxury. Being shielded not only prevents damage but a bunch of annoying effects.

    Also, I think the forgestone is borked.mi ranked up some stuff and didn't get new enchantments.
  15. Lollergast

    Lollergast Member

    Mar 13, 2016
    #375 Lollergast, Jun 2, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2017
    Can dev respond on this? How do those thieves work?? One of them stole my legendary ring AGAIN, but this time I managed to kill it in one shot which is the best you can do? But it didn't drop my ring. Wtf?? So now on higher levels thieves no longer drop what they stole even if you kill them within ONE turn? Is this a joke? So are we supposed to just exit the level instantly when we notice there are thieves in the level as none of our hard-earned equipment are safe?? I ran around the entire area for literally 5min looking for my ring or even sign of another thief if it somehow transferred the ring, even though it cleared said "ALL ENEMIES KILLED", nothing.
  16. Misguided

    Misguided Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2009
    Haven't experienced that problem.
  17. spellbindstudios

    spellbindstudios Active Member

    Mar 1, 2017
    Hi. When Thieflings steal gear they carry it on their person and it can always be retrieved by killing the same Thiefling. I've watched a lot of videos of people missing thieflings that have ran away, or were transported away by a teleport trap, or that they have even killed but just failed to see the item on the ground for whatever reason.

    If you saw the "all killed" message and still found no thiefling anywhere in the level then it would truly be a bug and you should report it to me using the in game bug reporter. Doing so will automatically send me your save game and I can look at the problem and tell you where the item is, please include your email in the report if you want a response.

    Related to the "all killed" message though ... it's also likely that you hadn't seen it for the current level. It's super easy to forget whether you've seen it for the currently level and I personally forget this all the time. So today I just released a new version of the game that now includes 3 award icons in the mini map and full map that indicate to you whether you've killed all enemies, opened all treasure, and disarmed all traps for any given level ... so moving forward it's now super easy to know if there is another enemy still lurking somewhere on the level.

  18. spellbindstudios

    spellbindstudios Active Member

    Mar 1, 2017
    The forgestone will rank up items but will not add enchantments. The enchanting shrines add new enchantments but do not rank up the item.

  19. delfin

    delfin Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2011
    Trying this on an iPad mini 2, but it crashes consistently on the title screen. 9.3.5, plenty of free space. Any ideas?
  20. houseofg

    houseofg Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Oct 1, 2013
    And how about pets that are disappearing (having to be repurchased) after being killed in a dungeon? I did submit a bug report and email address each time so you should have the logs. Or is it intentional?

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