Universal Rogue Wizards (by Spellbind Studios)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by KeKhan, May 25, 2017.

  1. houseofg

    houseofg Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Oct 1, 2013
    So I've lost a second pet. This time it was the one given to me at the beginning. I think the common factor here is that they both died in a dungeon. So are pets permadeath??
  2. They should revive after you walk around a bit. Same as the humans who join you. Maybe it's a glitch that happens if you leave the dungeon before they revive?

    Although I'm pretty sure the human AI always reappears when the boss dies...unless that's a coincidence.
  3. stubbieoz

    stubbieoz Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2015
    Grey haired gamer
    NSW Australia
    Pets are definitely not permadeath!
    I have had pets die in the dungeon on countless occasions and they always reappear after a few minutes.
    Are they showing that you need to repurchase them in the pet screen?
    If that is the case then you have come across a nasty bug and you need to contact the developer.
  4. houseofg

    houseofg Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Oct 1, 2013
    Yes I'd have to repurchase them. I reported the first loss a few days ago but haven't heard anything. Just reported this one as well. Guess I won't be buying more pets until I know what's going on, which kind of sucks.

    I don't think they had reappeared in the dungeon before I died, if that ends up being relevant.
  5. Silver99

    Silver99 Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2014
    Here's a question. Do ads really imbalance the game and give an advantage?
    Yes, you can become an uber billionaire watching them but you rarely get game conquering items in the shops, and when you get good ones you also need gems to buy them.
    Gems are the true currency and ads for those seem a lot rarer.
    Getting piles of gold might make you feel like youre doing well. Whheeee! Im a billionaire. But gold is window dressing.

    Id like tosee less gold awarded via ads purely because it makes people THINK ads are unfair to those who buy the gem doubler, even thosugh it seems untrue.

    I also think developers often don't label their premium iap like this gem doubler in a clear way.
    If it is designed to make the game premium, then say so when it is bought. That way people who love buying a game premium will be likely jump in and get the game!

    Is anyone getting tons of gems from ads? Or is it just great gameplaying?

    Me, Im an average player, very much so, and I had no problems with the early dungeons even minus a free pet.
    Gold is a misleading problem IMO because it has little effect on gameplay.
    1. Reduce the gold in ads, purely to stop people imagining it's a big problem.
    2. Label the premium iap better.

    The gem balance with the doubler works really well, as far as I can tell.
    This game is close to perfect if you love turn based rpg on mobile.
  6. houseofg

    houseofg Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Oct 1, 2013
    Yeah I'm an ad watcher and I don't feel like it is a big advantage at all. I struggled to finally get past the third wizard today... And I'm perfectly okay with that! As I said before, I'm more worried about the game being too easy because then I'll get bored and move on. So I agree that gold and ads don't seem to be throwing anything out of whack. My shops are at level 20 and are still quite underwhelming. More fun to find stuff anyway.
  7. Booch138

    Booch138 Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2009
    Data-Entry Operator
    Coolidge, AZ
    I dunno. I'm about lvl 20 and I've found zero issue with the currency system, having a necessary amount of damn near everything as I cycle through everything. I've gotten enough drops of Fableds, Divines to keep me happy, but not ALL of my equipment is over the top. And as they level, some legendaries and even Rares can get decent. Everything is just really balanced and I've had no issues dying yet, but the 3 sword dungeons are a blast and no push-overs. You just gotta play smart and stick with what you find you like. I've put one point into earth and cosmic magic. The spells I do use I've maxed to my level no issue (I'm on the "please remove the new spell alert it is annoying lol). The grind is there, but it's not bad at all. And I love grinding. Especially when they do loot like this. You can freaking enchant items with extra stuff! I mean goodness. This game is too good. I'm climbing at a steady and enjoyable rate, and yes I watch the ads for gold because I don't think it's entirely worthless.
  8. Gold is not worthless. I'm level 58 now (I swear I think the game levels me up when I save and exit, because I've come back so many times to it telling me I have stat points to spend and I don't remember having them when I closed down. But anyway...). I have over a million gold. But if I want to enchant an item, it costs $150+ thousand. And I have to keep throwing money and gems into the shrine to upgrade it if I even want to use it. So I haven't used it yet. I'm worried the second I do, I'll end up finding something to replace that piece of gear.
  9. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    That's disheartening. I'm at about 50,000 gold after about 6 hours of play.. lol. Not sure how I'd end up getting 150k each time to enchant an item. I guess I'll give up on paying for those.
  10. What level are you?
    I have been doing a lot of farming in side dungeons. Bosses give some nice loot and I end up selling most of it.
  11. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    I'm at level 15. I farm in side dungeons mostly. I actually haven't beat the fire dungeon yet because I don't think I'm ready so I've been doing many random dungeons. The 1 sword dungeon difficulties are still fairly hard for me unless I have my Cosmic Dragon. Though to be fair, I leave dungeons if I'm losing and only use potions on "superior" monsters and boss monsters. If I don't make it to either, I leave the dungeon before KO.
  12. zupac

    zupac Active Member

    Apr 6, 2014
    My lvl :)

    Attached Files:

  13. #273 AppUnwrapper, May 30, 2017
    Last edited: May 30, 2017
    Why are you saving spells for bosses! I use them all the time on big mobs and keep running out of materials. Try using throwing stars/knives and wands on bosses. They take up too much space to stockpile, but they pack a mean punch. I always replace Banish with them since the boss can't be banished anyway.
  14. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    Oh yeah I've been doing that but I guess I've sold some to save space (and they aren't worth much). What magic skills have you found to be the best? I cant' fit all of them on my quick bar so I only picked my top 4. I left fire out because I use those to make potions. I left banish out because of what you said. I have the others all in, but I haven't leveled them aside from a couple gems. They're all on starting versions, nothing further down on the magic tree. I found the area attack from the earth element to be the best in case I get swarmed. I did see some later skills like force field, swarm, etc look very good as I've had them as effects on some weapons.
  15. I use Banish, Swarm and Sentinel the most. I leveled them each up to 50+. I have Inferno as a sort of backup when I'm running low on other mats and end up surrounded. And Regroup just in case, but haven't used it yet. I don't bother with any spells that force me to unequip my weapon.
  16. anthony78

    anthony78 Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2015
    #276 anthony78, May 30, 2017
    Last edited: May 30, 2017
    Holy crap! How are you getting so many gems to level them up that high?

    Probably not as far as you. But my spells aren't even at 10 yet, but I did spread mine around a bit. Only have two pets too. I accidentally leveled up the enchantment shrine when I had meant to enchant. Hit it a few times and gone was a ton of gold.

    Currently have 900 gold and no gems after about 5 hours of gameplay with the gem doubler. I sell most of my gear and have not spent much at all on gear -- instead relying on loot drops.

    Even with the doubler, gems seem fairly scarce. Lucky if I get 8-10 a dungeon.

    I sometimes wonder if the randomness or the game leads to much different experiences for some than others.

    Still having plenty of fun with the game and haven't struggle too much. Died a few times in boss battles but was able to defeat them on the second go arounds.

    But I don't seem to get nearly as much gold and gems as the rest of you seem to.
  17. Silver99

    Silver99 Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2014
    Good to know. Im on level 14 with about 70,000 gold. Im going to try not to watch ads, see what I have by the time I get to that shrine level. Might be a while though
    Ive found those throwing daggers a big plus. They are cheap, and when you level up the ones you get do too. Being able to do 500 damage with one hit when a chakram does a tenth means I dont use chakrams. Plus the throwing stars and daggers replenish when you leave the dungeon. So I make sure to stop using them if theyre a good set.

    Im trying farming only the first level of dungeons and then going back to shops, selling, buying more magic ingredients. Seems a good way to get money and fresh supplies at the shops, and I even got about five gems on the last run.
  18. Silver99

    Silver99 Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2014
    To clarify, I dont use up all five of the throwing daggers. I stop when one is left, then I get a new set of five when I leave the dungeon.
  19. Amenbrother

    Amenbrother Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2011
    I hate spells that make me un equip my weapon too lol I love ones that dont like aoe fire or stone one.
  20. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    That's a good point. I hate equipping the freeze spell. I'm going to remove that now and give banish a try. Does it work frequently enough to use it since materials are scarce? Seems like a fairly low chance.

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