Universal Rogue Wizards (by Spellbind Studios)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by KeKhan, May 25, 2017.

  1. ArtNJ

    ArtNJ Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
    New Jersey
    I don't get the love for this. You can't die permanently & the game is slow paced and not especially tactical which is a boring combination. There have been vastly better loot-based dungeon crawlers.
  2. moopsh

    moopsh New Member

    May 27, 2017
    The game is awesome and very generous for a freemium game. The problem is that spending $5 on the IAP that's supposed to provide a premium experience doesn't actually change much. I'm happy with my purchase regardless, because I want to support a talented dev. But a 'premium' experience doesn't prompt you to watch ads in every shop window.
  3. shfrost

    shfrost Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2010
    Wooded area
    Which loot-based dungeon crawlers do you consider "vastly better?" I ask only because I absolutely love this game, and if there's something better out there, that I haven't already played, I'm in!
  4. One of my issues with it is how spell points were replaced by gems.

    This means, if someone were to watch enough ads or buy enough gems, they can unlock and upgrade every spell to the max.

    I assume this was not the case with the PC version, and that you had to make some choices? But there's no way here to tell what the intended balance is. How many gems are you supposed to spend on spells and how many are you supposed to save for other things? In the PC version, you couldn't just buy unlimited spell points and max everything out, I assume.

    Whether the game is generous or not, the gems changed the original balance. It's nearly impossible to keep the integrity of the game's economy and difficulty level/balance when money/ads break down all limitations.
  5. houseofg

    houseofg Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Oct 1, 2013
    Agreed. It's just the mobile gaming world we live in, I guess. What would be awesome is if you had a choice to pay the PC price and get the PC balance/experience. I would be all over that.
  6. ArtNJ

    ArtNJ Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
    New Jersey
    #246 ArtNJ, May 29, 2017
    Last edited: May 29, 2017
    Try Pocket RPG, Dungeon Quest or Mages and Minions. There have been a lot of them, don't remember them all. My knock on this one is that because it is turn-based, its inherently slower, for me I need a little something to maintain tension, be it perma death or great graphics with high immersion or *something* extra.
  7. Pagan Fox

    Pagan Fox Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2012
    Dungeon Quest, mentioned it in one of my earlier posts. It's still supported I believe.

    Back on topic, I've been playing this game all day today, now level 19. I'm finding the economy perfectly balanced as there are so many things to upgrade/enchant. I have all the pets apart from the ice one, but as a consequence I've fallen behind upgrading my spells.
  8. Misguided

    Misguided Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2009
    #248 Misguided, May 29, 2017
    Last edited: May 29, 2017
    Art, I love ya man, but I have to disagree. I've had so many hours slip away while playing this the last few days. Don't forget that there is a more difficult, permadeath mode if you prefer, called Gauntlet (I haven't tried it, but you have to select it instead of story when creating a new game).

    I also think the game is more tactical than you give it credit for in a very roguelike fashion. That is, deciding when to use spells and when to switch weapons. You can't just burn spells constantly, because the components are too rare. The difficulty is on the low side in story mode, but that is clearly intended by the dev,, since story mode is described as "casual" in game. This is somewhat similar to hanging on to wands and such in a roguelike, deciding whether to use or not. I bet with the increased difficulty in Gauntlet, you will feel that more acutely.

    I really think you ought to try Gauntlet instead.
  9. zupac

    zupac Active Member

    Apr 6, 2014
    #249 zupac, May 29, 2017
    Last edited: May 29, 2017
    Whats the max lvl of game ,? İm lvl 104 and i have 1.75k gold and 30 crystal i gave this game 5 star after played it many hours i took my 1 star :) just i want to say could be better i dont like that lvl upping system cuz such a faster always killing same monsters most big problem of the game that lvl up system for buildings im lvl 104 but my buildings near the lvl 75 crystals necessary for everything i dont like it there is just too small amount divine or fabled item with sockets ... just once i got a legendary body armor with 3 socket ... btw graphics are amazing but that supporting characters and pets too weak ... dont lvl up your skill guys you never need skills ... im always exploring the most harder dungeons to get better item but i lvl upping so fast ... this game must be have online item trade system between players ... and items features dont enough..
  10. zupac

    zupac Active Member

    Apr 6, 2014

    Attached Files:

  11. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    #251 L.Lawliet, May 29, 2017
    Last edited: May 29, 2017
    I actually prefer this game to all of those, currency balancing aside. In fact, the turn based is WAY better for me and that puts this on top of most of the other rogue-likes. With turn based you can strategize better and think out your moves. It's very difficult to do if not. You said it's not very tactical, I guess you haven't played it that much? It definitely is, more so the longer you play. The first 1-2 dungeons don't really use much strategy. But since this game has many similarities to RPGs, I'm guessing you're not an RPG fan since you said this game is slow. This game is not slow to me. Just not as face-paced as the other ones.

    Also your comment about graphics is subjective. I think this has better graphics because of the gorgeous 2D art which is rare since generally it's easier to make 3D models instead of drawing the art again. So imo, the reasons you gave why this game isn't good are the reasons why some people think this game is better than others.

    And for perma-death, try the other gauntlet mode and not the story mode. But tbh, based on your preferences, I don't think this game was ever going to be something you'd like.
  12. Boardumb

    Boardumb Administrator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    Apr 14, 2009
    Sacramento, CA
    All of this. Said it better than I ever could. This has been a very depressing thread to follow. I think mobile gamers nowadays just want a game they can plow through to the end, and the second anything doesn't go their way they cry paywall. Nobody wants to actually take the time to figure out the ins and outs of a game anymore, or develop any sort of strategy. Reminds me a lot of Wayward Souls, a game that absolutely demands you learn all its many nuances, which can take weeks and even months, or YEARS. I still learn new things about that game even today. Rogue Wizards is very similar in that regard.

    And of course, like always, developers simply cannot win with the mobile audience. This is probably the most fair free to play game I've ever seen, and yet you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. Sell the game for the same price as on Steam? Get maybe a couple hundred downloads. Offer it for a completely fair free to play model? People will hate your game before even trying it just based on principle, then others will take every opportunity to question it at every single turn without ever questioning if it's something they're doing on their end that's resulting in their rocky experience.

    It sucks because I've been a devout mobile gamer since before there was even an App Store, darn near a decade now. And I've championed mobile gaming as hard as I possibly could for that entire time. But at this point, my recommendation to developers when I talk to them is to not bother making games for mobile. It's a lose/lose no matter which way you slice it, unless you're the incredibly fortunate one to win the app lottery and find a chart topper. 99.9999999999999% of devs will never see that, so I can't in good conscience recommend that anybody even bother with it anymore.
  13. anthony78

    anthony78 Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2015
    #253 anthony78, May 29, 2017
    Last edited: May 29, 2017
    ^^ Do you not realize that the vast majority of people in this thread, including myself, HAVE supported the dev? I bought the gem doubler right out of the gate because I could tell it was a great game.

    Giving feedback on balancing is not a bad thing. It should, hopefully, benefit the dev and allow the game to succeed. All I've said is I don't like ads so I wanted to make the game "premium" and took the dev's word on the doubler. Other than the crash that made me lose hours of progress, I was starting to feel like the balance was getting better.

    The dev said he would work on making it more balanced at the beginning and that's a good thing so people don't react like some of those here. I think almost everyone in this thread has bought the $5 gem doubler.

    Questioning aspects of the game is feedback on what may improve the game. Like it or not, what we are saying should be helping the dev. Good initial experiences being good word of mouth, which hopefully brings more income.

    Most people wouldn't put as much effort into a game as people on this forum. So if they feel like things are unbalanced early in the game, they'll walk away. Poof. IAP money gone. Ad revenue gone.

    Feedback is good. Whether it sounds harsh or not. I love the game and hope the dev makes things less rocky at the stat so it does well.

    Can't anyone on this forum say something remotely negative without the pitchforks coming out? Isn't it possible for people to have different experiences and those experiences may help others, including the dev?

    Not many people here saying "oh this game sucks." We're giving actual comments and constructive feedback.
  14. Boardumb

    Boardumb Administrator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    Apr 14, 2009
    Sacramento, CA
    I'm not talking about feedback. Feedback is great, both good and bad. I'm talking about people not taking the time to understand a game before trashing it on the internet, which creates a chain reaction of others piling on and scares people away from even trying a game in the first place. It's like certain people have been conditioned to come up with the most cynical answer for any question they may have, and it's a disservice to everyone unfortunate enough to read their comments or take them at face value.
  15. Misguided

    Misguided Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2009
    I do agree that the prices for storage are silly, aside from that, no issues here (with gem doubler). If I want something pricey, like a pet, I just need to save my gems up for a little while. That's fine. Having the player pick and choose from different priorities moment to moment is how it should be, IMO.

    On a different note, leveling in the story mode dungeon gauntlet seems absurdly fast compared to the regular dungeons. Not sure if that's intended.
  16. Amenbrother

    Amenbrother Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2011
    So whats best way to get Fabled loot? Just as hard a dungeon as you can handle?
  17. lukaMis

    lukaMis Member

    Jul 29, 2016
    So after you complete rift of fire (second rift in story) you get Enchanting Shrine in town. Well my money (cca 250k) was gone in like 2 minutes after that. I enchanted the crap out of all my items multiple times. I only wish rings and amulets could be enchanted too. :eek:
    But this chakram will do for now. :cool:


    This game rocks! :D
  18. Silver99

    Silver99 Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2014
    Yes! It's the turn based aspect that makes me love this game. I tend to avoid games which are twitch based, in real time. The stragey is lesser due to winning relying partly or mostly on reflexes. I'm also an rpg lover.
  19. Silver99

    Silver99 Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2014
    I actually love the choices you have to make because gems are scarce. So I think the balance is perfect, so far.
    What I think the dev needs to do is rebalance the free ads so people going that route don't have an advantage. Though i gather he is getting income doing this which is important to him being willing to make more games, and make a living!
    I'm not sure what would work. Give less money per ad? Though I have a ton of money and I rarely look at ads.
  20. stubbieoz

    stubbieoz Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2015
    Grey haired gamer
    NSW Australia
    ^^This is my opinion also.
    The dev has told me that the Steam sales were not impressive and he is hoping that the mobile version will make him some money. I can understand why the Steam sales were low,,,,,from the moment I played it on my pc I just knew that it was a perfect fit for mobile. And you all probably know how pc gamers hate anything that has a mobile smell about it. (Not me, I love gaming on both platforms).

    The dev tried hard to get the games economy right to fit the mobile platform.
    He knew that just porting the game from pc would not give him reasonable sales as unfortunately today's mobile dollar is mostly taken by free games.
    So he had to change from just giving a premium game. It is a shame as the pc's version economy made an excellent game.

    Gems are only a feature that was included in the mobile version. There were different reward models during the beta and he finally decided on the current one.

    I really feel for this guy. He has tried his darned best to make the game profitable while being fair to the player. This game is a very impressive game especially for one guy and deserves payment. To hear that someone has been able to play the game without spending a penny or watching ads is sad to me. I mean, good luck to them but the dev gets nothing for his hard work.
    You can see from playing the game that he has put a ton of effort and love into it.

    The current pricing model is in my opinion flawed. But as the poster above said I just don't know what pricing model would work.
    Maybe a free demo version and a full price version? Maybe be less generous with gems and money for free?
    I don't know what sort of income ads give a developer but I would love to see them removed, perhaps for a one off payment?
    Perhaps restrict the number of pets, or the max character level in the free version?

    Anyway that's just my current take on the game.

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