Universal Rogue Wizards (by Spellbind Studios)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by KeKhan, May 25, 2017.

  1. Silver99

    Silver99 Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2014
    I know I have a buckler of grace and a ring of grace. Both add to finesse. Not sure if getting a set adds anything, or if there are more.
    Buckler is rare. Ring isnt.

    Also picked up a fabled Chakram in dungeon three. Im going to try using a single good weapon, this one, and see how it levels up.
  2. Amenbrother

    Amenbrother Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2011
    Anyone pass me at level 39 yet?
  3. Silver99

    Silver99 Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2014
    That item is incredible. My legendary chakram has 11 levels, it's on 8, but only three added attributes.
    I have 33 gems at the moment, only past dungeon three. Never bought a pet but then I missed completing level one and didnt get the free pet, so I havent become used to relying on one. So far I learn spells as they pop up.
  4. Ikeda

    Ikeda Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2013
    Largo, FL
    I'm only a couple dungeons in.. but watching a couple of 30 second vids and going into one level ~10ish dungeon I netted 40K.... so the complaining about gold is... well.. just complaining.
  5. Amenbrother

    Amenbrother Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2011
    Yea I have $470k now at level 40. I spend plenty too...
  6. Misguided

    Misguided Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2009
    Bought the freeze crab-thing and am underwhelmed. Maybe I will try to nab the cosmic dragon, since it sounds good.
  7. Mookmonster

    Mookmonster Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2010
    #227 Mookmonster, May 29, 2017
    Last edited: May 29, 2017
    All the stupid whining made me buy a doubler. This game is perfect and is exactly what i want it to be, an improved fargoal. I played without spending any money and found no need whatsoever to pay money (gems and cold are extremely generous as it is). When i finally died on the permadeath side, it had nothing to do with gems/gold, i had planned badly and ran out of life. Great game devs, thank you!
  8. Booch138

    Booch138 Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2009
    Data-Entry Operator
    Coolidge, AZ
    My god this game has me incredibly hooked. I don't understand how anyone can complain about any mechanic in this game. The loot is incredibly generous, the combat is really fun, the animations are fantastic. This is a truly quality-slathered game. Well done. Seriously. Haven't been hooked on a Rogue-like since Wayward Souls....... so that's something. <3
  9. stubbieoz

    stubbieoz Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2015
    Grey haired gamer
    NSW Australia
    #229 stubbieoz, May 29, 2017
    Last edited: May 29, 2017
    I suppose the Gauntlet mode could be loosely called a "rogue like" but the Story mode is definitely not.
    As the town is only available in the Story mode I am pretty sure that is where the developer focused on the gameplay.
    So many games today get pinned with the rogue like tag that pretty soon any game you simply die in will be classed as a rogue like.
  10. Roleki

    Roleki Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2012
    Sorry, but what is "ned" - is it something I should be doing?
  11. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    Well people are talking about the gold in relation to watching ads / not watching ads. People wanted the premium experience without watching ads and just buying the gem doubler. You watched ads so that's already out of the argument.
  12. stubbieoz

    stubbieoz Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2015
    Grey haired gamer
    NSW Australia
    #232 stubbieoz, May 29, 2017
    Last edited: May 31, 2017
    Me thinks the free gold is somewhat bugged.

    I was in the dungeon and came across the travelling merchant. He had the Daily Gold available. So I started my 10 minutes of ads that I do per day to get gold and support the dev as he stated in a past post.

    This time I was watching tv while the ads played.

    Well after watching a full episode of Seinfeld and then Hot Bench, the free ads finally stopped. I gained approx 300,000 gold in that time.

    Like I said....Me thinks the free gold is somewhat bugged.

    EDIT 31/05/17
    Just tapped through 100 ads in one sitting and netted approx 450k gold.
  13. thumbs07

    thumbs07 Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2010
    It says iPad mini on this but it just crashes for iPad mini, think iPad mini too low a spec for it.
  14. se99jmk

    se99jmk Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2010
    There's a stat called "Perfectly Crafted" with a gem next to it - anyone know what this does?

    Big hope for an increase in gem drops!!
  15. Mocha

    Mocha New Member

    May 29, 2017
    I registered to comment solely due to seeing a lot of complaints about the game and difficulties in progression because I personally feel this game has found some secret formula for what freemium games should be. I can't possibly imagine how people have a shortage of coin or gems if they take time to think or plan ahead and make smart choices as well as figure out some game mechanics by just sitting down and exploring for a second. I, so far, have not spent any money on the gem doubler or anything simply because even without it I feel like I'm progressing at maybe TOO well for free to play, I haven't hit any stops in progression at all and I've easily stacked up on more than 200k+ gold in a few hours of gameplay, finishing the 2nd wizard dungeon just recently. I want to buy the gem doubler to support the game but I almost want an option to turn it off because I've had no problems with gems and am impressed at how courteous it is that they just drop as loot with a drop rate that you can easily grind (and I haven't even begun to really do that yet) and so far aside from one or two random dungeons I wasn't prepared for due to not knowing the enemy types yet, I haven't truly met a challenge I couldn't handle with just swapping gear around and every trip home from the dungeons nets you have 20-40k gold and I'm not even a high level yet nor getting particularly good drop rates on rarer weapons, it's mostly just blues with occasional higher tier eq that I don't need making a huge spike in my gold gain. I just don't understand how people are complaining about a shortage of gold as early in the game as I am because it almost seems improbable to run out of gold considering all the store upgrades you can practically buy for free while gaining gold only, it doesn't even just go to the store price, it goes directly to your pocket which I see as knocking down two birds with one stone. Keeping a lookout for the affixes you value also make it easy to decide which high price loot is better sold because if it has 2-3 useless affixes at fable while your rare is in concept worse but has either one really useful affix or two good ones, I just sell the fable knowing all equipment will get replaced in the long term and in the short term, the weapon which fits YOUR needs, not just higher rarity, will handle the situation better and let you benefit from a massive influx of gold. I have not run out of gems being f2p so I really have to wonder where people who have double my gems are spending it or if they just throw it all on fable items that you replace in 2 levels? I don't think that people are giving this game adequate of a chance and this game has been the only game that has stayed on my phone, premium or free. To me, it doesn't even feel like the dev likes money because it's obvious it's such a passion project he put all his effort into balancing the monetization around so players will not feel like they're missing out but it seems they're missing out just by failing to explore the game. I feel like I've gotten a premium $5-10 game for free and don't think would enjoy it as much if I was receiving the benefits of the gem doubler on top because it seems like a bit of overkill. I also have not watched a single ad other than for gems because just going into dungeons nets you too much to know what to even spend it on aside from looking for % special item find affix equipment in the shop.

    Tl;dr: game is really well balanced and i'm confused why everyone is struggling so much when i feel like i've been granted a real loot and grind rpg with constant feelings of progression for free, to the point i can't even imagine how the game is SUPPOSED to be played on Steam or with the gem doubler
  16. Rain1dog

    Rain1dog Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2010
    Holy shit this is digital crack... I can't stop playing this.

    Loot whores beware... you have been warned!
  17. Pagan Fox

    Pagan Fox Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2012
    Yes, also wondered about that. Perhaps an increase in gem drop rate?
    I'm at we'll over 100k gold, but need gems to upgrade the different shops as the items don't scale to your level. Also gems needed to upgrade spells as they also don't scale. That being said, I usually grind a few dungeons to get the gem rewards (which is why th gem doubler really helps).
    Oh, and the cosmic dragon has to be the best pet! Well worth the 25 gems.
  18. Rain1dog

    Rain1dog Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2010
    I agree... this is prob the most generous non paywall freemium game I've ever played. If this was what freemium was about... I would had never bought a PS4 Pro and PSVR months back. I've played for over 8 hours and completed numerous bosses and only died twice. It's a PERFECT balance of not being to easy or to hard. You have to use ranged, magic, and melee all at once and use at correct time using up a "move" switching between attack styles.

    First game in years and I mean years that I have a hard time putting it down.
  19. anthony78

    anthony78 Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2015
    #239 anthony78, May 29, 2017
    Last edited: May 29, 2017
    The only reason I complained is that the dev specifically mentioned that the game was essentially made premium with the gem doubler. I did bought it with that intention. At least at the beginning of the game, it didn't feel like that was true. Gold was scarce as were gems for the most part. The gold part did change later (until the game crashed and I lost all of my progress, unfortunately). The gems themselves seem okay but I have noticed several times where they don't appear to be doubling (and, yes, I don't just look at the number on the screen but see the actual total of gems increase by one instead of two).

    A lot of people here watch ads and I have as well only because I didn't feel like I was getting enough gold/gems after I supposedly made the game "premium". Again, I bought it to avoid watching ads and get a full game experience.

    Anyway, all those of us have been questioning was the balance without using ads. Seems like that changes for the better the further you are into the game.

    But don't see how giving feedback to the dev on balance after we were told that one purchase made the game essentially premium is a bad thing.

    For the record, I have never, ever gotten even close to the 20,00-30,000 gold per dungeon that the previous post said. Most I think I've gotten was 6,000 in one of the dungeons after a few hours of gameplay (before I had the data issue). And, yes, I was getting the bonuses for clearing levels of monsters and all treasure.

    We may be wrong in the long run, but just giving feedback. Just like some of you don't see how we are complaining, we don't see how some of you are having the complete opposite experience.

    I absolutely love the game. I just was frustrated early on and made even more so after losing hours of progress.

    Anyway, the dev has a hell of a gem here (no pun intended). Balance questions early in the game aside, this is one of the best games I've played on iOS in a long time.


    On another note, after starting a new game after my data corrupted, I got back past the ice boss and wanted to do some low level "one sword" dungeons. What's strange is that they were MUCH tougher than the were in my first game. I'm talking like a dozen of those fire monsters in the same room with next to no chance of survival with fire hitting you from all sides. Then those mud slingers on another dungeon completely filling the screen with mud and again too many to count (with the mud on the screen).

    I know this game has randomized dungeons but was taken aback at how much more difficult those easy dungeons were in my second game. Wondering if ther may have been some kind of bug there creating dungeons of a higher level.
  20. #240 AppUnwrapper, May 29, 2017
    Last edited: May 29, 2017
    Some of us only had between 1-2k after the first two dungeons (before the ice one), even after clearing everything out. You're just learning the ropes then and if you need to replenish health potions, they're $250 each. Without knowing you can farm the dungeon by abandoning the quest a few times, it feels like you're either doomed or you have to watch a bunch of ads to get you through the next dungeon. Especially if you're at the boss and can't even farm anymore. Then your only option really is to watch ads.

    There were a bunch of people with the same issue early on. And people were finding that they could get more watching a 30-second ad than running through a dungeon for half an hour. So it definitely felt off in the beginning to many of us.

    Yes, things feel more balanced later, especially now that we can run through side dungeons if the main quest is too difficult at the moment. I am enjoying it a lot now. And I'm more relaxed and paying attention to dungeon and boss names, like Trumpelstiltskin.

    That said, I *still* would have preferred the PC version, which is balanced according to how the developer oringally intended. The gems do give it a F2P aftertaste, even if you do get them through play. Gems are still part of upgrading just about everything and they didn't exist in the PC version.

    I just bought the cosmic dragon and he's amazing. But now I think I may just take breaks while he's resting. The enemies hit tough after the third boss and I can't seem to replenish my magic materials fast enough to take them on alone. Even the 1-sword dungeons are too tough without magic or a pet. Entering and leaving a dungeon over and over just to get the shop to restock its magic materials is too tedious.

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