Universal Rogue Wizards (by Spellbind Studios)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by KeKhan, May 25, 2017.

  1. #181 AppUnwrapper, May 28, 2017
    Last edited: May 28, 2017
    Getting a lot more gold now and finding things a lot easier. And I like that there are now dungeons you can keep clearing out that aren't part of the main quests.

    Will see how the next main quest goes before I celebrate, though. :p

    I don't know why the game starts off so stingy. Now it's no big deal to buy health potions, but back when I was earning 500-1000 gold in an entire dungeon, it was. Without realizing you can exploit a dungeon by abandoning the quest over and over, it is really hard to earn gold and loot early on...unless you get lucky, I guess. Now it's no problem, but why have the early part of the game feel so impossible if you don't happen to get some amazing drops?

    I haven't been using pets since they have real-time cooldowns. Seems a waste.

    And this is a minor quibble, but why does the game put the health pots and revive in a quick slot? They can be used from your inventory, since it's a turn-based game. Once you learn more spells, those quick slots become so valuable. I guess that's just something for players to figure out on their own, but seems silly.
  2. houseofg

    houseofg Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Oct 1, 2013
    Great point about quick slots.

    Are pets also friggin temporary!? I accidently bought a fire dragon pet (clicked on it instead of the question mark for info) and was only able to use it a few times. I don't see it on cool down. Rather, it has that (high!) gem price next to it again. Grrrr.

    Warning, I guess, not to buy pets unless you don't mind paying 20+ gems for a few runs. Glad I inherited the health one at the beginning. At least that one is still available.
  3. Amenbrother

    Amenbrother Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2011
    If you bought it it should be permanent. I bought like 3 and after use they rest but should be available again soon.
  4. I guess no one's actually looted a pet like I assume you can in the PC version?
  5. houseofg

    houseofg Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Oct 1, 2013
    #185 houseofg, May 28, 2017
    Last edited: May 28, 2017
    Strange. Must have been an expensive bug. I'll send an in-game report since the dev's time here has been limited.
  6. Calleg

    Calleg New Member

    May 27, 2017
    Hey Devs, any chance to get icloud saves in the next release? thanks
  7. Amenbrother

    Amenbrother Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2011
    Too bad you cant equip followers when you find them but they give stuff back at the end when they leave.
  8. Just discovered that you can't pick up more magic ingredients once you have 100. That really sucks.
  9. anthony78

    anthony78 Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2015
    This. Maybe it would have saved a "good" save on the cloud for me. As with AppUnwrapper, finally started earning good gold but that damn crash and corrupted save means I have to play hours again to get to that point.
  10. Amenbrother

    Amenbrother Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2011
    How you even have that much!
  11. #191 AppUnwrapper, May 28, 2017
    Last edited: May 28, 2017
    I've been going through a lot of side dungeons.

    If you want some tips, I compiled a whole bunch here. I think the game doesn't do a great job explaining a lot a of important things (like clearing out a dungeon, for example). I'm adding to it as I think of new tips. http://www.appunwrapper.com/2017/05/27/rogue-wizards-walkthrough-guide-and-exploit/

    Btw, when the Thieflings ran off with all my gear, I nearly had a heart attack. I thought they could disappear with it. They don't, and you get it all back as long as you hunt them down. But I was so nervous about it that I got myself killed chasing them down. Luckily I had a revive or I'd have lost most of my best gear. :/
  12. Pagan Fox

    Pagan Fox Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2012
    #192 Pagan Fox, May 28, 2017
    Last edited: May 28, 2017
    That sounds like a potential bug as the pets should be permanent albeit they have a rest/downtime in between adventures.
    I have 4 in total now and my God they do help out immensely.
    Question: is there a way of telling what the elements of a dungeon will be before going in?
    Would help to know which pet to take etc
  13. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    Are you sure it wasn't the other dragon you bought? There are two versions. Though they definitely should be permanent unless they are in a resting state.

    Btw, a neat trick I learned is that you can cycle through the pet names before buying them. Just keeping going back and fourth until you get the name you want. There are cool names and then there are hilarious ones. They inserted random food names into them like one of my pets is now named "Muffin Head" :p

    And if you guys want to know the best pet, after playing through most of them (besides the owls), I'm 99% sure that the best one is the 25 gem dragon with cosmic. He's more powerful than the others and has a chance to banish (instant kill) which has been VERY helpful. He also has great range if you need retreat or get ranged support. I get way more mileage out of him that any other pet, and he dies less frequently than any other one. The healing pet sounded good but upon examination it barely heals. Later in the game it becomes almost useless because the amount of heal it gives won't even equal ONE hit from an enemy. I'd pass on that one. I wish there was a pet leveling system which would add even more depth to this awesome game.
  14. sakara214ever

    sakara214ever Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2012
    Thanks for the tips AppUnwrapper. Another helpful tip i can think of is when you are in a dungeon do not always try to move to the furthest block you can see. Try to make small steps moving 1-2 blocks at a time. It may be a bit annoying but it saves you from being swarmed most of the times.most of the times you see the furthest block but do not see the enemies near it and when you get close you are surrounded.
  15. Ah good point! I've been doing that instinctively now. ;)
  16. Ugh my starting pet was the healing one and I was hoping it would scale with the dungeons. I haven't used it since the beginning, but sucks that it's useless later.
  17. houseofg

    houseofg Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Oct 1, 2013
    #197 houseofg, May 28, 2017
    Last edited: May 28, 2017
    Well, I'm positive that I'm down to only one pet again (the initial freebie).

    Good to know about the cosmic pet. Had a feeling the was a strong one.

    Edit: Oh and as for pet leveling, they do appear to at least level up during an outing (that sparkling thing happens to them) but yeah it is a very opaque process. No idea whether it's permanent since pet stats aren't viewable.
  18. jsrco

    jsrco Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Oct 15, 2009
    I maxed out during the fire glyph dungeon. Also had around 30k gold by then too.

    I just pick on ranged weapon and one melee. Rank them up and barely touch spells. Stats, I pump almost everything into str and fin.

    You can get pets as drops to unlock them, and spell books which level up all of your spells. (At least that's what a full bottle of Malbec and this game during a boring movie taught me).

    It's not hard, everything has a weakness. Just don't rush into blind areas. I use spells as last resorts or for bosses / rare enemies with crazy health pools. You can also use your companion as a meat shield. They auto revive after a short amount of time.

    So with all of that, killing 100%, treasure 100%, and disarm trap 100% bonuses. You should have no trouble.

    Still a little miffed about the gems on hardcore mode.
  19. Yeah, I'm not even touching the Gauntlet/competitive mode. Might have made sense on PC, but when you can get unlimited gems through ads/IAPs, what's the point?
  20. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    Ohh that's interesting. Just maybe the healing pet will get better? I did notice that sparkling thing in the dungeons but I had no idea what it meant. Still, the healing pet after about 3 dungeons was healing 4ish points when heal activated :\ If it levels up for kills, it won't really get kills as a healer. If it levels up per heal, it seems very slow. I'm assuming if this leveling is a thing, pets with ranged attacks will all level the fastest. I really think they should add a pet status screen (maybe a tab in your inventory page) so you can see all your pets, levels, and abilities.

    Also another random tip, go to settings and turn on "damage numbers." They're insanely helpful. You'll see the actual damage that your weapons will do at each attack, and the heal amounts, etc. If you a RPG fanatic like I am, you'll need this one on. It'll be easier to visualize the effect of your weapons, teammates, and pets.

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