I had a secret character that, with full health, could take out any monster, including dragons toe to toe. Freezing sword + Spartan Cuirass meant tons of free hits. With a regular guy it's probably pretty hard to get to that point without a ton of luck picking stuff up.
Let's not be hasty, here... Those first two would be really annoying if you read them at the start of a level. I'd gun straight for the stairs. The last might not be so bad if there's no one else in the vicinity, because the you could at least rest and regain some health.
I decided to pick this up for 99 cents. So far I think this game is for fans of the original only, which is not a game I ever played or was even aware of until Izuna: Legend of an Unemployed Ninja (for Nintendo DS), which is a game I enjoyed. This one is a harder sell. Perhaps I need to give it more time, though.
This game is definitely not for everyone but, at the same time, you may at least want to give it a few runs before you write it off entirely. Maybe one way to ease into things a bit is to play as one of the game's many secret characters? Just use one of these as your character's name but realize it makes you ineligible for most of the online leaderboards when playing as one of these folk (each will offer some tweaks to the standard character via either better gear, stats, or maybe even cool abilities): Frodo Gandalf Gimli Aragorn Legolas Conan Fat Bastard Kobayashi Maru (for HARDCORE only!) Drizzt Riddick Neo Shiren Wolverine Thor Hulk Gareth Ironman Van Helsing Nostrodamus (yes, he's misspelled in v1.5) Jared Dread Pirate Roberts Red Sonja Ripley Athena FrapStr (note capitalization) Buffy the Vampire Slayer Drinking Game Paper Cuts Stick Figures Lord Gek Zaphod B. Admiral Ackbar Scotty King Leonidas of Sparta Shiren ^-^ (a more buffed version of the Shiren character)
Since Lord Gek posted it already, it was Zaphod B. He starts with a badass +2+2 two handed freezing sword, the cuirass armor, and a +5 ring of dexterity. Just make sure you get your armor protected from rust within the first 10 levels or so. p.s. don't drink the 3 potions he comes with.
So are the aquators good??? Or bad??? Why does it say "all rust vanishes" if its actually rusting my armor??
Aquators are bad, they lower the AC of your armor unless it is protected. Leather armor, Elfin Mail and any armor you have cast the Protect Armor scroll on are protected. Once your armor is protected Aquators are nice as they cannot hurt you and are easy kills and exp.
Well that sucks, I was sitting there like "yeah, that's nice, shower me down, how very refreshing".....I'm an idiot.
Just picked this up, i had the other rogue on my phone, i like what you've done here, seems more polished. I thought the hall of fame would bring up a leaderboard, but it seems like its just on my phone. Turning this into a dungeon crawler with leaderboard would seem very tasty, if you ask me. My only regret is that I didn't pick it up during the sale. But it seems worth the price.
Sounds like you've already read a scroll of protect armor......I'm playing as Zaphod b. right now and have managed to find 2 of those, plus an enchant armor, a ring of stealth and one of slow digestion(am currently wearing dexterity and slow digestion). I'm only on the 8th floor right now..........and did manage to kill my regular Shiren corpse, so I figure one of the wands I picked up has to be of cornucopia Might actually make it to the amulet again............though I have yet to survive getting back to the surface
Hey dogmeat, glad that you picked it up either way We tried to shoot for a more polished rogue without getting too far away from the basic gameplay concepts. So far there haven't been many complaints, Just more feature requests Right now, the hall of fame you see on your device is only your games... but the game data is transmitted to our servers automatically and there is a huge online leaderboard active (I'll be expanding it futher this week if all goes well). See the online leaderboard here... Hope you enjoy it! Last time I checked the leaderboard database stats we'd seen more than 20,000 scores submitted so it's pretty busy and cutthroat for the top spots! We also have a contest going right now, there's a thread here and at my forums with more details.
The leaderboard on your phone is just your scores.....if you push the little i in the upper right corner of the screen, you'll find an option to look at the online leaderboards. To upload yout scores, just look at your own Hall of Fame when you have a network connection
Few bugs from playing: - Sometimes you can't move, and the tiles that make up the map seem to move 1 pixel but your char can't move. - I've had 2 occasions where the stairs aren't generated on the map and I have to start over. ( thinking I may be missing something here, do I need to use search to find the stairs on some levels? Otherwise, I'm starting to really like this more, its a great time waster when installing servers and stuff.
Yep, unless you have a ring of searching on you'll be pressing the search button a whole lot. Look for an area on the map that looks like there should be a room. Then go to one of the adjacent rooms and search, search, search. You should eventually find the door.
Your character searches a 3x3 square, so when searching walls you need to press the button at least 6 times, then move down 3 steps and repeat.
ah, good to know its not a bug, i'll search then, good thing I still have that game so I can resume it.