Universal Rogue Star (by RedBreast Studio)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by PeteOzzy, Apr 9, 2015.

  1. RenTin850

    RenTin850 Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2013
    #61 RenTin850, Apr 9, 2015
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2015
    This is the only thing I can find. Hope it helps.


    Oh this is big but the camera is first person view. So you're in the ship view when playing. Don't think there is a option to change it that I know of.
  2. Stevencarla

    Stevencarla Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2011
  3. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    Take the risk ! Plenty of people in the thread loving this. The video on page 1 kinda shows what its like, the shootings good. Indie dev, no IAP's, support games like this, its a good un !
  4. Stevencarla

    Stevencarla Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2011
    yeah guess id better trt it out then. hope this is my cup of tea.
  5. RenTin850

    RenTin850 Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2013
    #65 RenTin850, Apr 9, 2015
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2015
    I'll try to upload a video soon. That's if you didn't purchase it already. Which I think is worth it anyways. Like psj said support great indie dev games like these #
  6. Xexist

    Xexist Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2010
    Cloud saves for multiple device play?
  7. RenTin850

    RenTin850 Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2013
    It connects to game center but I don't think there is a iCloud save option.
  8. dalglir

    dalglir Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2013
    This looks like it'll scratch my Elite-like itch at least until Drifter is released for iOS! I'd played GoF2 to _death_ and eventually stopped after Fishlabs introduced stupid, stupid, unremoveable adverts into my fully paid version. So, I've been waiting for _something_ like this to come along and fill that gap. Woohoo!
  9. skeletors helmet

    Patreon Bronze

    Dec 7, 2012
    Fantastic game! Just won a full cargo holds worth of stuff for a bargain price at the auction, totally got blown up trying to get to staeg. 1600 space bucks down the pan. I've levelled up to 'enforcer' rank now though. It is difficult, but when you make it through to your destination it's very satisfying. Well done dev!
  10. VirtualBoyFreak

    VirtualBoyFreak Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Apr 26, 2011
    Drifter was the first game I thought when I saw this one. That's why I took the risk of buying it without knowing anything about the game, and oh I'm glad I did so. It's just fantastic. Difficult, but fantastic.

    This one is 1st person view only, so those wanting 3rd person view have to wait for something like Drifter. Nonetheless, I think in this case 1st person view is much more appropriate since you have to deal with energy to different resources, etc. It feels right like a cockpit.

    What update? I haven't heard there's going to be any update at the moment, and the game is just great as it is. Sure it can be improved, but it's fantastic. You should take the risk.

    When you do the tutorial, it says something about there being around 7-8 maps as the first one, so it's not just the first bunch of planets, but several more. I also guess you can travel between maps, so it seems quite open world for me.

    For those of you on the fence, I don't regret buying it full price on day-1. This is fully premium gaming, no hidden IAP's nor similar. I strongly suggest buying it if you're into space trader games.
  11. Misguided

    Misguided Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2009
    No, that's not the problem. I am increasing shields, but there was a massive jump in difficulty, I think after my legal status changed to Enforcer. Suddenly, I can't survive more than a few seconds in a dogfight, and that's with increasing my shields. I was blowing the snot out of everything before then. There also isn't much feedback when shields are getting damaged (but that isn't the actual problem). Note I am talking still on the first 3 systems. It isn't like I have gone out into the map.

    On top of everything else, if you lose cargo, it seems like it is deducting the value of the cargo from your savings, which makes no sense, because you have already paid for it and lost the opportunity to sell it, so you are effectively getting triple-penalized.
  12. Stevencarla

    Stevencarla Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2011
    got this game... and its pretty hard to survive during combats with 2 pirates at a time, ive tried to increase shield but still got wasted. does anyone know any tips in combat or at least how to dodge ?
  13. sapphire_neo

    sapphire_neo Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2011
    My tips for surviving fights are fairly basic, just engage the enemy head-on at full speed, get a few good shots in and then try to keep at its tail while blasting it regularly. The problem usually arises in the two on one scenarios, in those cases after the initial engagement you have to make a snap decision of which enemy you need to target first. Here you need to be quick and smart, you absolutely must kill one of the enemies within the next 15-20 seconds or you're toast. The Snub's shields simply cannot survive hits from two different ships at a time. If you get it wrong you are likely to find that you're taking hits from both ships from behind and are pretty much fubar. Whenever this happens to me I immediately boost shields to 100% if they drop below 40 and try to get back into the fight by tailing one of the enemies.

    There are also occasions where after the initial engagement you get behind one of them but the other one gets behind you immediately! That's a really bad situation and you have to recognize it quickly and react, letting the enemy get a few cheap shots in is usually what gets you killed. Also, don't go for escort missions until you feel comfortable with your loadout, I stopped doing them with the Snub and have only recently started doing them again with the Weevil. I might stop doing them again until I upgrade to the 28k ship.
  14. dalglir

    dalglir Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2013
    Survived the first few encounters but: I'm one of those weirdos that likes tilt controls ;) the fixed joystick is driving me nuts but it's just about useable. I've had a trawl around the options menus and can't find an option for tilt but I might just be inept. Here's hoping!
  15. skeletors helmet

    Patreon Bronze

    Dec 7, 2012

    This is pretty much my technique as well, although I take all power from engines and divide it between shields and lasers. The escort missions are a death sentence with the Snub, I'm just about to buy the Weevil so hopefully they might get easier. Also, stay away from Talos if possible, getting through in one piece to that system seems harder. Just shuttle between Staeg and Rubecule.
  16. Taeles

    Taeles Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Aug 5, 2011
    Turn shields up to max, that's how I survive multi enemy dog fights heh.

    Requests :
    . Steering sensitivity option
    . Hold to fire, bashing on the touch screen feels weird.
    . A option to turn on a shooting guide would be awesome. A 'shoot here' marker ahead of moving ships that adjusts its position for trajectory would probably be the solution for those wanting an easier gaming experience too :)
  17. anabolicMike

    anabolicMike Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2013
    The sensitivity is horrible. This is gonna sound so rude but I kinda regret buying it.... It's not what I thought so far, it seems to be ALL arcade but maybe that's because I'm still in the beginnings. I get butchered pretty quickly. I can never zero in on an enemy, I have to kill speed just to have any chance of turning to line up for a shot and that always gets me blown away. .sigh. Why did I buy this? I don't mind paying money to nice indie devs, what I'm bitching about is that I'm running out of room on my iPad and I, for some reason, hate deleting games I bought off of it. It's like evil OCD shit. That and that handy games or whatever told me I didn't buy two games when I went to reinstall them one time. I had them off for a week. (Those two majesty games) and when I went to reinstall it said I still had to buy em.
  18. dalglir

    dalglir Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2013

    I second all of those... though I could live without the shooting guide. I would love an option for tilt controls!

    I also wanted to reassure other prospective players with older devices: it runs very smoothly on my iPad Mini 1 non-retina.
  19. VirtualBoyFreak

    VirtualBoyFreak Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Apr 26, 2011
    I love the game, but I don't quite understand why there is like a whiter frame on top of the image. You can see in the picture attached that the top part of the screen is whiter than the the rest, and at the bottom part also has a smaller frame. Is it decorative? Does it imitate old screens? Is it a bug? I can see it also happens on the speed bar when in the 1st person view of the ship, and the top icon on the left to power up shields.

    At first I thought it was a bug, but the screens on the App Store description also show it, so I guess it's there on purpose and for "decorative" reasons. In any case, if put on purpose, what do they represent?

    Attached Files:

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