Universal Rogue Legacy (by Cellar Door Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Son of Anarchy, Aug 8, 2019.

  1. andsoitgoes

    andsoitgoes Well-Known Member

    please please please add a way to turn off the buttons. I play using an MFI controller and I actually pine FOR the left handed/missing button trait!
  2. TheSpydog

    TheSpydog Member

    Aug 8, 2019
    Wow, Rogue Legacy is Game of the Week!?! That's amazing! Thanks everyone for your kind words about the game!

    Just wanted to let everyone know we're currently prepping a patch update with the following changes:

    1. Button icons will automatically become invisible if there is a gamepad connected.
    2. Fixes for the font-related crashes / error messages reported in this thread.
    3. A minor change to the LapLand sprite on iPad to more accurately reflect how you're supposed to hold the device.

    I'm also looking into an issue where certain phone models get very hot after relatively short periods of play. If anyone has experienced that, let me know the details. Also, if anyone has experienced any other crashes / bugs, please let me know so we can knock those out. :)

    Thanks so much for your support, everyone!
  3. Lurchroboter

    Lurchroboter Well-Known Member

    Sep 15, 2016
    If you could reduce heat a bit on the iPhone 7 plus that would be most appreciated. Otherwise, as stated before, this is such a great port! Cannot recommend it enough!
    TheSilveryWolf and TheSpydog like this.
  4. ramzarules

    ramzarules Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2014
    6splus ios 12.3 , massive heat starts after two minutes playing. Curiously, the battery drain i would expect along with this is not there. It's "only" draining 1% every minute. I say only, because with this much heat, related battery drains are at least triple.
    If you could also take some time and see my suggestions on the previous page, if not it's still fine :)
    TheSpydog and stubbieoz like this.
  5. syntheticvoid

    syntheticvoid Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2010
    Musician & factory worker.
    Yeah, I've got a 6S as well - also running iOS 12.3 (or whatever the most recent iOS version is). - and battery drain and heat are a HUGE issue.
    It starts up about 7-10 minutes after playing - even with a case on, it's kind of uncomfortable to hold....
    Really hoping this can be addressed....
    The battery drain issue, I don't care too much about, because I'm always near a charger - but the massive heat kind of worries me.

    Thank you!
    TheSpydog likes this.
  6. TheSpydog

    TheSpydog Member

    Aug 8, 2019
    Hey folks, I've been looking more into the overheating issue and I can't seem to reproduce it on my test devices. If someone can perform the following test for me and respond with the results, I'll personally reward them 100 Cool Person Points*.

    If you open the app, continue a legacy, and stand still in the entry room of the castle for a few minutes (just letting the game run), does your phone still heat up?


    * (Note: Cool Person Points are entirely imaginary and hold no real-world value, aside from the warm feeling of knowing you've helped me fix a bug.)
  7. Bantocks

    Bantocks Well-Known Member

    Jul 14, 2013
    Thank. Purchased. Looking forward to playing this on my PS4 controller later.
  8. ramzarules

    ramzarules Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2014
    tested just now after choosing heir and standing still. The heat starts around the 1-2 minute mark, and it keeps rising. At around 7 min mark, the phone is heated through the case, almost hurting without it.
  9. stubbieoz

    stubbieoz Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2015
    Grey haired gamer
    NSW Australia
    I doubt this will help but who knows.
    iPhone 8 Plus.
    Stood at castle entry room for 5 minutes and noticed the area around the power button was warmer than the rest of the phone.
    Not enough to be of a concern to me but it was definitely warmer.
    No idea where Apple puts its cpu or RAM or stuff in its phones, but anyhoo......

    I normally play on my iPad Pro and no heating issues with that.
  10. cladoceran

    cladoceran Member

    Dec 2, 2011
    Amazing game congrats, but ive got one thing to say only, why we give gold to charon everytime, i hate this and thıs ıs huge obstacle to save money and gain skills ,is there anyway to get over it
    tops2 likes this.
  11. TheSpydog

    TheSpydog Member

    Aug 8, 2019
    Thank you both very much for the responses! The upcoming update should have some performance tweaks that will hopefully help reduce the heat.

    Thanks, glad you're enjoying the game! Eventually you can upgrade your castle to "haggle" with Charon, meaning that he will only take a percentage of your money instead of all of it. You can upgrade that skill to further reduce the percentage he takes. There's also a special item hidden in the castle that might help you with this, but only for one run.....
    stubbieoz, cladoceran and ramzarules like this.
  12. Lurchroboter

    Lurchroboter Well-Known Member

    Sep 15, 2016
    Hey, sorry for being a bit late, but had no time until now. I also did as you asked and stood in the entrance roon for about 10 minutes (my device is an iPhone 7plus). After this amount of time, the back of the phone gets a bit warm, not really hot. Sorry if i misexpressed this point beforehand, as the amount of warmth is seriously nothing that concerns me or anything. I got my phone in a case at all times, too, so that propably adds up to it getting warmer. After 10 minutes, i had to stop the test because i felt the sudden strong urge go play a bit ;) thanks again for bringing this over and of course kudos for your ongoing support by listening on this board!
    TheSpydog likes this.
  13. Ben909

    Ben909 Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2010
    #73 Ben909, Aug 11, 2019
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2019
    Loving the game, no issues with controls, etc. It’s perfect.

    Just had one problem just now which, after reloading the game, went away with no further problem, but maybe this is useful. I’d paid my (90%) fee to re-enter the castle, walked through the door, saw the ‘rebuilding’ loading screen then the game crashed. I’ve attached an error report that appeared. No harm done though... the game is running fine again at the moment.

    EDIT - iOS 12.3.1 on an iPad Pro

    Attached Files:

    TheSpydog likes this.
  14. Son of Anarchy

    Son of Anarchy Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2015
    Shadow Runner
    #74 Son of Anarchy, Aug 12, 2019
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2019
    Love the game, love the concept. But I seem to be stuck in a gameplay loop of barely making two or three hundred dollars in a run, then having nothing in that price range to spend it on anymore. So I start a new run and have to lose all that money to continue, it’s a bit frustrating. Guess I gotta keep at it and hope for a lucky run? I think there’s a dude four posts above mine with the same issue.

    Edit: My bad, I just noticed that TheSpyDog replied to the above mentioned post and how to overcome the issue. Thank you.
  15. Bantocks

    Bantocks Well-Known Member

    Jul 14, 2013
    Played for about 30 mins yesterday using my PS4 controller.

    Really tough game but liking it so far. I don’t last long but get some coins to level up. I’m guessing I’ll need to level up to get further in the game (or get better at it).
  16. Bantocks

    Bantocks Well-Known Member

    Jul 14, 2013
    I’ve just minimised the size of the buttons so they’re tiny and put them in the bottom corner. Not ideal but works.
  17. TheSpydog

    TheSpydog Member

    Aug 8, 2019
    Sweet, I'm really glad you're enjoying the game so much! :D Thank you for reporting that bug. I suspect that's probably an issue in the PC version too, so I'll mention it to the team. Glad it didn't affect your progress or anything!

    Also, just a general heads-up that the first patch update is taking slightly longer to finish than expected. One of the tweaks I made to improve performance and reduce overheating had some pretty nasty side effects, so I've had to backtrack that and find another solution. One way or another, though, the patch should still come out this week!
  18. pathogen541

    pathogen541 Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2016
    I didn't realize how meaty this game was. Like, holy content batman. I literally have enough heirs that I've failed with to populate an entire un-dead kingdom and i've STILL only beaten the first boss and 3 room into the forrest. The controls really work quite well (FOR ME!!! I know most people mFi the hell outta these types of games, but I have no controller so there is that....) and have not really ran into any bugs or crashes (YET). I just gotta say, what a time to be a mobile gamer. Some of the best indie titles to grace PC and console are now making the jump to mobile, and I really feel like, the more this happens, mobile will be king for me. Im always on the go, but I hate F2P shennanigans, so having all these great titles available, for damn near half the price as their PC/Console counter parts has been AMAZING. Dead Cells drops very soon, and with that, ill be set with Rogue-lites FOR LIFE.
    TheSpydog likes this.
  19. syntheticvoid

    syntheticvoid Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2010
    Musician & factory worker.
    ^^^^^ I'm right there with ya.
    Just like Hyper Light Drifter - I've had this on PC for a while, but haven't really gotten too far into it until it's iOS release.
    Now, here.... I've spent 14 hours 23 minutes playing it so far, and I'm just now working on taking out the Forest boss (which would be the second boss I will beat - and I WILL beat this friggin skull thing!). Add to the that all of the New Game+'s you can play - it BLOWS MY MIND how much content there is here.
    I wound up gifting it to a few friends since I felt a little bad only paying a buck for it. I think I only paid a few dollars for it on Steam as well.

    It's great to hear that the heating issues have been worked on. BIG THANK YOU to the developers!

    Ha.... my wife is so upset with me.
    First Hyper Light Drifter - now Rogue Legacy - and Dead Cells is going to be coming out in a few weeks....
    In the last 7 days, I've spent 16 and a half hours with HLD and 14 and a half hours with RL. Though, to be fair, I've been sick this whole last week.... so I had quite a bit of time to myself while laying in bed.
    But these 3 games (because, c'mon, let's face it - after seeing how great HLD and Rogue Legacy play with virtual controls - I'm EVEN MORE PSYCHED for Dead Cells) have easily made this one of my favorite years for iDevice gaming. And these on top of all the other phenomenal games that 2019 has seen....!?!?! Damn, what a year!
    houseofg likes this.
  20. houseofg

    houseofg Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Oct 1, 2013
    Ha, I seem to have followed you over from HLD to this (harder!) game, though I also really need to get Lovecraft off my backlog too. Man I suck at this one so far but I'll get there.

    Is it safe to say there are no secret rooms in this game? I brought over the HLD habit of running into every wall like I'm drunk, just to be sure but I don't think that's necessary here.

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