Really glad to hear it . The game unfortunately fell instantly into obscurity partly because we promoted it badly (badly meaning basically no promotion ) but also because no site ever did a review of it I think so it’s hard to know it exists... When it comes to the art, Xavier was doing pixel art for the first time(!) when he did the graphics and I think I’ve heard him say that the ULTIMA titles were a source of inspiration . Thanks a million for the kind words
I’m doing my part! I’ve read your post about the game, though I missed the part about it being the FIRST TIME he did pixel art, that’s amazing. Not to discount the work that’s gone into the code (I work for a software company and appreciate how much work goes into making things WORK ) but art is easier to fall in love with. I haven’t gotten this attached to a roguelike since Hoplite, which I saw was one of your inspirations too!