Universal Rocket Plume (by Strout & Sons)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by JoeStrout, Feb 9, 2017.

  1. JoeStrout

    JoeStrout Active Member

    Feb 16, 2011
    Thanks for the feedback.

    Yeah, today's a rough one -- there's a super-easy fuel canister right at the very beginning, but you better grab it because that's it for quite a while!

    I'm hoping to also get daily global high scores into the next release, so we'll finally be able to get a little competition going, too!
  2. JoeStrout

    JoeStrout Active Member

    Feb 16, 2011
    OK, we've got the global high scores server working... but we've run into a bit of a design problem. Maybe you guys can help us out.

    Where should we show the high scores?

    Our original idea was to just show these in much the same way as the local high scores, i.e., a divider line with the rank and the player's initials on the right ("#3 JJS" or whatever).

    But the problem is, when you have guys like @sebgo getting scores over 20000, most of us would never get high enough to even see it! And what fun is a global high score that nobody sees?

    So now we want to add a proper High Scores list, where you can see the top 10 names and scores all in one place. But where to put this in the UI? We're rather fond of the fairly clean game-over UI we have going on now:


    ...and we're loathe to mess up the layout by adding another button.

    Maybe we should show the high score at the top of the screen, and if people tap it, bring up the Top 10 list. Do you think that would be obvious enough? Or would it be like the mash-the-screen-to-continue feature that some players don't realize is there, and then complain about not having it?
  3. JoeStrout

    JoeStrout Active Member

    Feb 16, 2011
    ...Or maybe we add another blue banner that scrolls smoothly through the high score list, focusing on the #1 score of the day. Perhaps we alternate between this and the free-gift banner, so we can make it bigger and show more scores at once.
  4. Stronsay

    Stronsay Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2015
    This one will should work well, with the alternating banners, and will look good too.
  5. Stronsay

    Stronsay Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2015
    #25 Stronsay, Apr 1, 2017
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2017
  6. JoeStrout

    JoeStrout Active Member

    Feb 16, 2011
    We've just submitted Rocket Plume 1.1 to the App Store! This version adds a cosmic background, improved text, and daily global high scores!

    So, yeah, now we can have some real competition to see who can fly the highest in each day's cave!

    Watch this thread for an announcement when it is approved... I'll keep you posted!

    - Joe
  7. JoeStrout

    JoeStrout Active Member

    Feb 16, 2011
    Version 1.1 is now available in the app store!


    Please give it a try! Remember, the high scores are unique to each cave, and there are 365 different caves (366 in a leap year!). So give it a whirl... a high score today might still be on top next year!

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