Universal Robot Wants Kitty (by Raptisoft)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by ImNoSuperMan, Mar 17, 2011.

  1. nfong

    nfong Well-Known Member

    Aug 30, 2011
    I understand why the Kitty Connect is a paid DLC, but why the 5 levels? :(
    Seems like the devs are getting greedy...
  2. Happy W

    Happy W Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2011
    (A MAN enters a shop, whistling.)

    MAN: Hello, Mr. Shopkeeper!

    SHOPKEEPER: Good morning, my friend! What can I do for you?

    MAN: Oh, dude, I gotta tell you. That banana you sold me yesterday? Sweet. It was so delicious. Haven't eaten a banana like that in a while, let me tell you. Five out of five!

    SHOPKEEPER: Well...I'm, er, glad to hear you enjoyed it.

    MAN: Yeah, an excellent banana. Truly. Only thing? It was kinda short.

    SHOPKEEPER: ...Short?

    MAN: Yeah, yeah. A bit short. It was like, "nom-nom-nom" and I was done. Had that baby eaten in five minutes, tops. Kinda short, kinda quick, yeah?

    SHOPKEEPER: I see...

    MAN: ...

    SHOPKEEPER: Er, well, I do have...some more bananas?

    MAN: Yeah? Serious?

    SHOPKEEPER: Yes, my friend; wait one moment, please!

    (The SHOPKEEPER takes a bunch of bananas from a crate and breaks one off. He then hands the banana to the MAN.)

    MAN: Dude! Excellent!! Oh, man, this is gonna be so great. Thank you!!

    SHOPKEEPER: You are welcome, my friend. That will be seventy-nine cents, please.

    (The MAN's face drops.)

    MAN: ....

    SHOPKEEPER: ...?

    MAN: ...Dude.


    MAN: ...Dude.

    SHOPKEEPER: I... I don't know... what...?

    (The MAN shakes his head, disgusted. He reaches reluctantly into his pocket for change.)

    MAN: Not cool, bro. Not cool.
  3. Bertman

    Bertman Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2011
    Nice story but 79 cents for one banana is pretty high. People complain about paying 24 cents for a banana where I work. Nice story though...
  4. dxfan101010

    dxfan101010 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2010
    Every time I buy a rapisoft game it ends up going free with dlc that seems like it should be included.
  5. hasio_john

    hasio_john Well-Known Member

    Fail update !!! :confused:
  6. enormous

    enormous Member

    Jan 23, 2010
    HAPPILY paid a whole two dollars for the DLC! Thanks for the long anticipated update.:cool:
  7. Ghouls'R'us

    Ghouls'R'us Well-Known Member

    Jun 9, 2011
    Holy cow!

    My initial impression of this game was tragically wrong. What a great game. The whole look of it is kind of uninspired though, similarly to Archibald's Adventure. The main character definitely looks "meh", designed as typical a robot can be. I never even considered buying it because it looks so plain and mundane. The cartoon look is serviceable, just not sufficiently attractive and differentiative. Once I gave it a play though, my opinion was drastically reversed.

    Playing on iPad. Very glad the developer included control layout customization.
  8. TravisR2H

    TravisR2H Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2011
    Is Icade support being planned for this game?
  9. doodlejumper

    doodlejumper Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2010
    Stuck in traffic
    Wow, in all that time spent writing that irrelevant story, maybe you could have been working on a free update so you don't have to triple the price of the full game to make more money. Or maybe make a sequel, hmm?
  10. caanerud

    caanerud Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2011
    Dios mio...if we could convert all of the negative energy about spending $1.00 on IOS games into actual currency we could eliminate the national debt.

    Bottom line: Great game. I still haven't gotten my $1 worth, so maybe I'll drop another 2....whole....dollars on this awesome game in the near future.

    For now, back to work on my Mario game for iPad, which charges you $1 per jump.
  11. Bad Hanson

    Bad Hanson Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2009
    The Westcountry UK
    Jeez. What is going on with this thread. Why are people so miserly. Yes, it would have been nice to have the KC update for free- but judging by the ammouont of time it has taken to hit I guess they have been busy. As for the other 5 levels being paid DLC? Not bothered KC is a FAR better proposition. This is no smalltime game, had it also become universal binary I would be rating it as one of my top 10 recommended ios games. As it stands this is a great little game, with a great gameplay hook and for a little extra a surprisingly deep level editor by virtue of it's excellent playability.
    By the way yes, I greedily snagged the K.C. IAP on sight. Not so with the level pack. Maybe now I can get around to putting up that level I had so much fun working on all those months ago.
  12. scarypharaoh

    scarypharaoh Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2009
    Medical Professional
    With Carmen Sandiego
    anyone have trouble with achievements not unlocking on gamecentre? i couldve sworn the killobot achievement popped up after a level, but it never unlocked in gamecentre.
  13. caanerud

    caanerud Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2011
    If only I could bottle and sell the bitter tears that millions of iPhone fans wept when they learned that they needed to shell out one mighty dollar for nearly unlimited replay value.
  14. devensega

    devensega Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2011
    My issue with the K C update being IAP is it will put off many customers. Surely you want as many people adding to this as possible. Also charging for developer created levels is fine, but fan created stuff seems a bit icky.
  15. goonjamin

    goonjamin Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2009
    For the IAP on KC, don't look at it like they are charging for the user content but just for the infrastructure to distribute it (ie: hosting and bandwidth).
  16. Happy W

    Happy W Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2011

    I'm not the developer of Robot Wants Kitty, doodlejumper. Is it possible that all that self-righteousness is interfering with the workings of your brain-stuff?

    Seriously, man.
  17. devensega

    devensega Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2011
    Point taken, I just hope it won't put off too many people and stifle it's development. Snuggle trucks user made levels are an absolute blast so I was hoping for more of that kind of awesomeness.
  18. goonjamin

    goonjamin Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2009
    Has anyone here bought the five new levels? I am just wondering if there are any thoughts on them?
  19. Happy W

    Happy W Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2011
    Played the first of the five this evening: "Disarmed". Opens with a jump-less introductory sequence that I found quite tricky! The title describes how most of the level plays out—you don't acquire the gun app, or whatever it's called, until close to the end, so you'll spend a lot of time trying to avoid monsters. Later on there's some fun stuff with rockets, where you have to drop off a platform and then rocket back and forth to avoid acid pools as you fall. Ended up finally getting kitty as the timer approached 1 hr (that's not real time, though: my many, many deaths contributed to the final figure). Yeah, I'm a bit rusty :p

    Going by this first level, no new visual or game elements have been introduced in the IAP content. The levels could, in theory, have been created by anyone using the construction kit. Whether many people will, in fact, create levels of this length, and with this degree of care, is another question.

    I'll report back as I complete the other four, if you like.

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