Event broken Same here, it shows the event as complete already, and even kept my score from the last time the event was run. Sucks, i really want another big lungs. I tweeted at them, how else do yall report bugs to them?
some new observations: boneyard XR is the best runner in the game. an optimal scoring team should be 3 highly leveled ones, all used xero. right now i have one in my running squad, another im grooming. special delivery XR has a 80% SC boost, making it the best raider. ideally your raid squad should be this x3, although im currently using one of these, and two special delivery xe's.
When is the next update happening devs?? I am not spending another dime until you make those major changes you stated. I've been eagerly awaiting since I actually love this game. Billy
We have not heard from Nickfury for over two months now. The last content he mentioned coming was updated Unibots. Very sad to type these words, but i think this game we love has lost community support and there won't be any major updates, perhaps there won't even be minor updates anymore. It's clear they are just trying to cash in with the game as-is. The underhanded forced videos and ads after every single run was a bad sign. They haven't posted any new events in weeks, except for the sponsored event that wasn't even reset! It's time to lower any expectations we might have for this game, I really hope I'm wrong. I love this game and will continue to play, personally. Anyone looking to get the most out of the current state of the game should read Paxtez's guide and this forums previous pages. I would also suggest not spending anymore money on the game, unlocking better unicorns is possible by completing Raids regularly. ...just so sad it's going down like this!
same. really sad the new event went up today, and its another "the real cost" event that wasnt reset definitely don't spend anything til they fix this game. one good thing is they give you some free SCs now daily, its supposed to be 2, but you can get 4/6 if you back in and out of the screen repeatedly. sinkhole that damn URL (or quickly click the exit button on the top right to stop it). ironically, i now have a 3 radiant runnign team all at lvl40, so i finally have a team capable of making good score runs (broke 2.6m a couple days ago), so i barely need SCs anymore, but i still want new events :/ lets hope for an update, and prepare for the worst
I'm about ready to stop playing and deleting the game also. Lack of any response is infuriating with these bugs everyone seems to be affected by!
best team so i have 40/41 unicorns (missing what i think is the Taser XR, if not, its whatever is in that spot) now that ive seen the boosts (and the fact that smash bonuses are so huge), the best runners imo aware of are Boneyard XR and Clash XR (using Xero) wondering what anyone elses thoughts on team comp for maximum score are? neo mechorobo xr w/ rustbucket could be another possible champ? also, if anyone has a Taser XR, can you post its stats?
Unidex UNIDEX ====== (C) = Common / (A) = Rare / (E) = Epic / (L) = Legendary / (R) = Radiant 01: (E) Boneyard XE [+35 Score, -10 TS, +25 Smash] 02: (L) Boneyard XL [+60 Score, -25 TS, +60 Smash] 03: (R) Boneyard XR [+90 Score, -50 TS, +90 Smash] 04: (C) Chopshop [+15 TS] 05: (E) Chopshop XE [+20 XP, +10 Score, +30 TS] 06: (L) Chopshop XL [+20 XP, +20 Score, +50 TS, +10 Smash] 07: (E) Clash XE [-20 XP, +10 Score, +20 TS, +40 Smash] 08: (L) Clash XL [-20 XP, +20 Score, +20 TS, +80 Smash] 09: (R) Clash XR [-30 XP, +30 Score, +30 TS, +130 Smash] 10: (E) Neo Mechrobo XE [+60 Score] 11: (L) Neo Mechrobo XL [+100 Score] 12: (R) Neo Mechrobo XR [+150 Score] 13: (E) Oak XE [+30 XP, +20 TS, +10 SC] 14: (L) Oak XL [+50 XP, +30 TS, +20 SC] 15: (A) Orbit X [+30 XP] 16: (E) Orbit XE [+40 XP, +20 SC] 17: (R) Orbit XR [+60 XP, +20 Score, +20 TS, +40 SC, +10 Smash] 18: (L) Princess XL [+60 TS] 19: (R) Prototype XR [+50 Score, +100 TS] 20: (R) Quantum XR [+60 XP, +40 Score] 21: (C) Robot Unicorn [+15 TS] 22: (E) Robot Unicorn XE [+15 XP, +10 Score, +35 TS] 23: (L) Robot Unicorn XL [+30 XP, +20 Score, +40 TS, +10 Smash] 24: (R) Robot Unicorn XR [+20 XP, +60 Score, +50 TS, +20 Smash] 25: (A) Special Delivery X [+10 TS, +20 SC] 26: (E) Special Delivery XE [+20 TS, +40 SC] 27: (R) Special Delivery XR [+10 XP, +70 TS, +80 SC] 28: (A) Taser X [+15 Score, +15 SC] 29: (E) Taser XE [+10 XP, +30 Score, +20 SC] 30: (L) Taser XL [+40 Score, +20 TS, +30 SC, +10 Smash] 31: (R) Taser XR [+60 Score, +30 TS, +45 SC, +15 Smash] 32: (C) Vector [+15 Score] 33: (E) Vector XE [+10 XP, +40 Score, +10 TS] 34: (L) Vector XL [+20 XP, +50 Score, +30 TS] 35: (R) Vector XR [+30 XP, +60 Score, +30 TS, +30 SC] 36: (A) Vee-R X [+20 Score, +10 TS] 37: (L) Vee-R XL [+60 Score, +20 TS, +20 Smash] 38: (R) Vee-R XR [+10 XP, +80 Score, +40 TS, +20 SC, +40 Smash] 39: (E) Wheels XE [+20 XP, +20 Score, +20 TS] 40: (L) Wheels XL [+40 XP, +30 Score, +30 TS] 41: (R) Wheels XR [+50 XP, +50 Score, +50 TS]
thx for posting this. guess ill just keep grinding til i can get my 2 boneyard XR and one clash XR team going
So yet another The Real Cost event that was not even resetted... This game is dead indeed. What a pitty...
The developer has obviously abandoned this game. Bugs which prevents the Events from even being played. Random bugs inside the game which never gets fixed. Mandatory ads after every gameplay. Ads with double-click URL:s which does not even work! They never answer support requests via email, form, twitter, or this thread.
Hi guys, just checking in one last time to clarify where things are. Get Set has transitioned the game over to the Adult Swim in-house team, so Get Set is not involved with the development any more (as of a couple of months ago). Any questions about the game should be directed to the Adult Swim team. Thanks to everyone that enjoyed the game and gave such great feedback! You guys are the best! Sorry we never got around to fixing everything that you wanted, or adding some of the new features and additions we were planning, but who knows where things will go from here. All the best, and keep wishing! Nick
getting adult-swim-games attn i tweeted at them (https://twitter.com/killahertz_/status/915406395759108096) you should too. or RT me. their twitter is @adultswimgames you can also email them: [email protected]
yeah although they did just push a patch for the game that fixes some bugs and reduces battery useage, so that's a good sign for it being supported at least a little bit? anyway, here's my new strat on leveling up/getting high scores once you are deep into the game (starting to have high level radiants and have your citadel be 3/3): your "points team" should be radiants with high smash bonuses / point bonuses. mine is 1 ClashXR and two BoneyardXRs these guys you bot up with Xero and smash everything in site and youll be setting some seriously high scores. as others have said, the key to high scoring runs is radiants, as high level radiants have insane score multipliers, (mine are a little bit more than a 12x score multiplier at level45!). but again, this assumes your radiants are at high level, which brings me to... a secondary "Exp grinding team". your points squad wont be able to build serious XP quickly, and using bugga on them reduces their overall scores in a run. so instead, have an "exp team". the main horse for this team is Orbit X. +30% exp and you can forge them from tier stones! at this point in the game, youll have nothing useful to do with your tearstones, and should also have a stable w/ at least 20 slots, so you can easily grind on the tear store forge. this gives you an unlimited supply of Orbit Xs, and you can just feed the horses you forge with <30%xp bonuses to your points team. sometimes youll get lucky and get an epic from the TS forge that has a better than 30% exp bonuses, but youll mostly be using Orbit Xs. sometimes radiant forge will give you some good exp bonus runners (with a 60% xp bonus, i think the Quantum XR is the best horse in the game for xp grinding). even for the radiants, on't fuse them, build em to 10 then salvage them. anyway, you equip these guys with bugga/big-lungs for the additional +50% xp. These bonuses combined will let you grind them to level 10 very quickly, at which point you feed them to your "points team" and forge a new exp team. this lets you level up your radiants way faster than normally, lets you focus on going for high scores when going for score runs (by equipping them with Xero rather than an xp building bot, also a lotta of the high-smash/score horses have big xp reductions). this is also really fun (imo) bc it lets you have two "modes" when playing the game, a more casual one where you are just xp grinding to 10 (great background activity while you watch something), and then a "serious mode" when youre going for a high score run with your super high level radiants. oh also i shoulda said this already but get (and do not fuse/salvage/feed/grind/etc) 3 Special Delivery XRs. these are by far the best horses for raiding in the game. use these guys exclusively for raids and youll sometimes be able to get 250+ SC off some good chests. like i said, theres no point in leveling them up or fusing them, so just leave them as your static "raider" squat. (so all in all you actually only need 9 stable slots to be optimal at this game ) happy running everyone
I gave it a new chance with the update, but the update has made some things worse and not fixed any of the things I have been trying to report: Frame rate is down from 30-ish frames per seconds on the previous version to about 15 fps on my iPhone SE. Graphics look worse despite significant loss of frame rate. Events are still broken, the event which renewed today is broken. It is already marked as completed. On my first attempt at doing a run I was unable to jump. The launch screen is pixelated and distorted. I got a "0 bot tokens" from a raid. What exactly was the latest patch supposed to do?
updating farming strat well, for anyone who still plays this game... i have a slight update to my previous farming strat of using orbitx's i (and i really should have realized this earlier), figured out you gain more XP by feeding a rarer level10 unicorn to one of your runners than a more common one. so the updated farming strategy: your exp grinding team is still orbitXs, or any rarer unicorns you get from forge that have >=30% xp boost. they should all be equipped w/ buggas/big-lungs. once they reach level 10, feed them to a rarer unicorn. if the unicorn youre grinding xp w/ is already epic or higher, just feed it to your main team. but if its a orbitX, feed it to a unicorn of epic or higher. you can get epics by grinding on the TS forge. also you should get a decent number of rare unicorns from the 50SC forge (assuming you keep Special Delivery XRs on your raid squad), so those (assuming they dont have XP boosts, or arent fuseable into your runner team) make good candidates to feed a lvl10 orbitX to. then, once the rarer unicorn is at lvl10, feed that to your runner team. same amount of effort, better rewards.