already finished level 11-20 without using any single IAP and no ads wall, no timers, its good to go guys as far as i can tell, if you play really good you can even finished the game with 3 stars. i think the devs is serious about his comment about the IAP are optional and does not required to progress. i dont know maybe 20 levels is to early to judge, ill just play a little bit more tmrw and lets see what i can share here. anyway, this game is really challenging yet fun, its worth the asking price and like i said you can just ignore the IAP.
Thanks redribbon, I want to add my thoughts as well after playing just 4 levels. 1. Ads- Haven't anything resembling an ad yet and don't expect to. I will of course post if I do, but they are not even pulling a HalfBrick and advertising their other games in "premium" titles. 2. I have played the first 4 levels. I have gotten all of the loot in each level, and with that I have gotten exactly 1 item in each level that they are offering as an IAP. So if the IAP are occasionally required, they are giving you a stock to use if you want which are included in your purchase price. The only way I can see anyone buying an IAP is if they are just burning them unnecessarily. 3. The AI is already getting smarter. By the 4th level they are noticing things like open doors. This is good news as it seems to indicate the game will be challenging ahead, and more thematic with, you know, mildly intelligent people wandering around. I actually like the game more than I thought I would. I have so many "get 3 star" type games that it has to be a real slam dunk to get me to buy another one. I am definitely glad I did. I got caught a few times trying to get 3 stars even on the early levels so it should provide plenty of challenge. Also if you like this game and you haven't already check out Gunpowder. It is a newish "get 3 stars" type of game with very high production values like this one. I will post more impressions as I traverse the levels ahead to keep you up to date on the IAP situation.
Some troll gave it 1 star without leaving any comments. I've been tempted to buy this. Still deciding. I never played the first one.
It is 454 meg installed MC. Rawk, I hadn't played the first one either. I took a gamble and have been fairly impressed. The production values are very high as I noted. I think if you like 3 star puzzle type games, and or games with a stealth element you would enjoy it. So far I don't really have anything else to add to my comments above yet, and I don't have any criticisms either. I feel like they did what they set out to do with the game very nicely. One other note, AppSpy has a hands on with the game on YouTube where they play through several levels. If you are still on the fence that may help you decide more easily than simply relying the our impressions alone.
Very good game, but also very disappointed that ALL tools are IAP-only. You don't have access to ANY tool without buying them. You can of course 3-star every level without tools but I think you're pretty much missing out on a portion of the game by not using any tools at all. It's the equivalent of having legendary/unique items in an ARPG IAP-only. "Oh you don't need them to beat the game". Also, costumes are IAP-only too. Rather greedy IAP model.
I don't know what game you are playing, but this is just blatantly wrong. I have gotten 1 tool in each of the first 5 levels that I have played for free. To be specific I have gotten 1 toxic donut, 1 invisibility potion, 1 teleportation mine, and 2 RC cars by picking up 1 in each level. Assuming this trend continues there appears to be 1 IAP item given away free in each level. Are you picking up all of the treasure in each level? If you have played the game I am really not sure how you have missed this unless you are not getting it all, which of course is not required but I think is part of the fun. It would be best if you would confirm this for yourself and edit your post for accuracy because right now it couldn't be more wrong. And the post quality in these forums continues to descend in to the toilet... Edit: I have just been replaying some levels and have gotten even more, different tool drops.
When I first started playing Robbery Bob a few years ago. It was an addiction. The style and how they brought fourth the story and interface of the game made it fun. The idea this game is wrapped around makes buying it worth while! This is an opinion of a player who has played the 1st game too: The sequel doesn't disappoint. The graphics, interface, and new gadgets have really made this game come to a whole new level! The addiction is higher then ever before and the entertainment is breathtaking. Buy this game! Question to the developer, are there any plans for additional levels? As I remember that the first Robbery Bob was supported extensively with additional content. Thanks and keep up the great work.
I have gotten 3 stars on the first 8 levels of the Mafia chapter and I don't have any tools whatsoever. Are they invisible or something? Quality continues to descend into the toilet for voicing an opinion you disagree with? Overreacting much? Upset yet another fanboy. Oh and if you think my post is inaccurate, why did you quote it? /fail.
What you are stating is not an opinion. Either the game gives you tool drops or it doesn't, it is a fact. Your opinion that the IAP system is greedy seems to be based on flawed information. It gives me a drop in every single level that I play. Also the quality comment is related to the fact that people come on these boards and post this stuff without doing any research. If you had read this thread initially it was pages and pages of misinformation. Thankfully they cleaned that up, but here it is again. If you don't see the decline in quality of posts here then you are not reading the threads. The Hitman thread was a complete crap fest until the mods cleaned it up. It was worse than the iTunes reviews if that is even possible. Hopefully someone else who owns the game can chime in on this point as well. I just don't see how I am getting a drop on every single level (by every single level, I mean there seems to be a correlation between the number of levels I have 3 starred and the tools that I have picked up. If I play a level 5 times to 3 star I am not getting a tool every time, just 1 time), even when I replay a level I am getting additional tool drops after the original 3 star, and you are getting none. Did you check your toolbox while playing a level? Edit: The tool drops appear to be random, but for me they are still plentiful. I watched the video on the first page and there were at least 2 tool drops, but it is worth noting the poster was not always getting the treasure and rarely playing the level to achieve 3 stars. Even so he still managed a few. I think you can clearly infer that if he were to collect all of the treasure and play each level to 3 star completion often requiring multiple tries that he would have gotten several more.
I picked this up on Android instead since it looked like a game my boys would enjoy as well. They haven't complained at all and I think it's the first I've actually gotten them from Chillingo since the first iPod Touch which I passed down to them years ago. I always like the games Chillingo published at the beginning.
Hi Drunk_Vader! Yes, we are working on another chapter, complete with a comic, new story, new antagonist, several NPC's and new environments!
How do you get 3 stars in the last Pilfer Peak level? I can beat the time and get all the loot, but I always end up with 7/8 for the Police detecting me. This is even after completing the level flawlessly. Could this be a bug? I dont see any other cops to avoid.