Rise of the Blobs (Robot Invader)

Discussion in 'Android Games' started by chrispruett, Feb 28, 2013.

  1. chrispruett

    chrispruett Well-Known Member

    Aug 30, 2011
    Chief Taskmaster at Robot Invader
    Added to the thread about our first game, Wind-up Knight, here's a thread about the Android version of our latest title, Rise of the Blobs. There's a few pages over on the iOS side of the forum, but this thread is about the Android version.

    As with Wind-up Knight, the vast majority of our users are on Android (though we've just launched this game in January, so maybe iOS will catch up). It's a high-end, totally crazy puzzle game that forces you to think fast in three dimensions. You can read Nissa Campbell's review here.

    We've just release version 3 of Rise of the Blobs, which reworked the entire look and feel of the game and added new modes, new stages, new power-ups, and new achievements. In fact, this version is so new that it's not even available on iOS yet--Apple is still working on approval. We have even more coming down the pipe, so if you like a challenging puzzle game with lots of strategy and explosions, give it a go.

    Rise of the Blobs on Google Play
  2. josue85

    josue85 Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Feb 28, 2013
    Awesome, I really enjoy Windup Knight, didn't realize you had another game on the google store. Going to download Rise of the Blobs this instant!

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