Universal Rise of Heroes (by Pine Entertainment)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by antony.thai, Nov 4, 2015.

  1. Osterus

    Osterus Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2011
    i hope they can also UP pirate coin to 12-15 coin per match. sometime i run into 15 fight no item and get so little pirate coin :( hehe

    will be nice to see ruby ring +3 - the skill 30% one. still cannot find! :mad::mad: :p

    still waiting, hoping!
  2. pikasu321

    pikasu321 New Member

    Feb 16, 2016
    team development advice

    Hi guys - I have been playing for about a week and I have a few questions on how best to continue growing.

    My current team is:
    2* 60 Dark Rider
    2* 60 Bishop
    2* 60 Sagittarii
    3* 60 Queen Teuta
    3* 30 Phoenix
    4* 50 Mechanic

    1. Other than continuing to level up my mechanic and phoenix, what should I build up next? add more stars to my current team? or add a new hero?

    2. I have collected about 500 pirate coins and am not sure about the optimal way to invest in equipment (for the best longterm outcome). Should I only buy 3* items? (I see 2 3-stars and a few 1-stars everyday, never any 4-stars or above..). What type of equipment should I buy first? with what specials?

    3. I'm also saving up arena coins to eventually get one of those special 2k heroes. Which one is the best?

  3. YvesSt

    YvesSt New Member

    Feb 19, 2016

    Well, the truth is this game can be hacked. U can hack certain things. Those who showing off their items, its nothing. Unless u show us your bills itune. The only thing u need to do is spending gems immediately buying wings once u find the hack. The devs cant control your save data. Thats it.
  4. Mariowammer

    Mariowammer Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2015
    #1764 Mariowammer, Feb 19, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2016
    I'd go ahead and grab 1st Felix - your team is more than strong enough to handle him. The battle for him is on the overworld of Greenland - look for the dog-looking guy. If you need help with the fight, I've got a quick miniguide [here] (it's about halfway into the post).

    Other than that, I'd probably continue leveling your Mechanic, as well as Felix once you get him.

    You have a couple of options here. One of the most important aspects of the Yeti shop to remember is that +1 and +2 items are roughly half the cost of 3* items. I'd probably buy cheap 3* +2 items, as they're the most economical at the moment. Generally when it comes to equipment in RoH, quantity trumps quality (especially if you're fairly new). A team with a bunch of 3* +2 items will be much stronger than a team that only has two or three 5* items, and it'll take you a really long time to get all of those 3* items, so you don't have to worry about replacing them for an extremely long time.

    So get some cheap 3* items, and once you're really, really far into the game, look to eventually replace those with 5* items. 5* items aren't really worth your time unless you have a lot of good equipment already, and at this point, if you've just started saving for 5* items, there's probably going to be something even better by the time you've finally saved up enough to buy a generous amount of them.

    Kalari is the best all around unit. She'll help you burn through the quests, and is also the strongest of the three for solo farming arena relics. Disruptor is also a decent pick. He's good in full blown arena matches, and is very useful late in the quests once it's important to disrupt enemy boss skills.
  5. Steverd

    Steverd Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2008
    What exploit the mechanic????
    What is that?
    Tell me more!!!
  6. Noodles102

    Noodles102 New Member

    Feb 19, 2016

    Emeralds are useless except for spending on tavern. I believe that there should be a feature added where you can spend emeralds in the item shop along with gems
  7. chasero

    chasero Member

    Dec 19, 2015
    People on here are either clueless or just plain stupid.

    The top player has nearly all FIVE STAR ITEMS on his team roster. Every day he logs in he probably sees a 5 star item from the pirate shop. He probably doesn't even realise this himself BUT EVERYONE ELSE sees no five star items.

    I've never even seen ONE single five star item ever since the pirate merch was released and i am nearly on 8,000 pirate coins. There is clearly an exploit somehwere in this game to be able to see so many 5 star items.

    Again, people are so clueless it's irritating explaining it. Plus they will just respond with "jealous much", which when clearly it's not a case of jealously but a case of the game being rigged.
  8. oohnage

    oohnage Member

    Feb 11, 2016
    #1768 oohnage, Feb 20, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2016
    Just got 1st felix, should I replace lancelot or dark rider? Also getting queen teuta soon, is she worth using? The rest of my team consist of fire wizard, bard, Phoenix, bishop, sagittari, who would I replace?
  9. juhkil

    juhkil Well-Known Member

    Jul 21, 2011
    A bit of advise: just let it go. Honestly man, you seem to be killing yourself over here arguing with yourself.

    The devs won't respond to these, obviously. They don't want to share the "secret", or respond in any way whatsoever.

    I've given up caring about the whole items thing. I play the game if I enjoy it, don't play it if I don't. I know it sucks, and it's irritating, but I don't know what else to tell you.
  10. agaterock

    agaterock Member

    Jan 25, 2016
    Sorry, and this probably doesnt matter, but I'm going to have to agree with some of the sentiments being expressed here. I'm loggin in to the game about 2 times per day sometimes more, and expending all of my tickets and energy, in the last two weeks I have barely inched by in this game. As per my previous comment I am still able to get only about 230k from a run in the gold mines. This insane to me, as leveling any 4* hero costs over 400k after lvl 40. This means that it would cost me 1 key and 20 energy just to level up 1 4* hero. And that level is so insignificant in comparison to the bigger picture.

    To further test this, I made my kalari Reborn to be a 4* and leveled him as high as I could afford, which at the time ended up being like lvl 46. To my wonder and frustration, I am still getting the exact same amount of money from thegoldmines as before. Meaning, I dumped in millions of g, and have not increased my capability in generating that back.

    Imo i'm basically in some kindof really bad hole/rut where its really difficult for me to progress and anytime I make an investment decision it holds me back for a pretty large amount of time and I am worried that if I progress in the storyline it will become that much harder for me to get money from the goldmines. The yeti runs are a joke, 10 energy for 130k. That isnt any money which is helpful. So its pretty frustrating to put in so much energy and really see miniscule to almost no results.

    Here are some arena results that I think kind of highlight more of the same of what is being said. There are some teams that are clearly (you have to scroll down quite a bit because I have a long list including pics of when my team was a lot weaker). But even with a 5* Felix and a 4* Kalari, im just losing to some really dumb teams, basically if they have mechanic and or pirate queen its just a joke.

    I dont really mind the randomness of the arena though, that makes it semi-interesting, but the amount of time it takes to improve in the game, and what it would take for me to progress in the snow levels is completely beside me. I legitimately would have considered putting a bit of cash into this game, but I'm not going to do it when its clear to me that spending 5$ wont really help me improve my team, because 2 weeks of expending energy and tickets really hasnt done much either.

    This isnt just a rant but as before this is considerate feedback. I'm sure many people that come to play the game have similar sentiments and drop it very early on because the curve is so extreme. Anyway, goodluck.
  11. TheSaintX

    TheSaintX Member

    Dec 7, 2015
    #1771 TheSaintX, Feb 20, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2016

    This game just takes persistence. One of the things I hope you're not forgetting is that once you finish leveling up a hero, you never have to level that hero again. Just focus on one hero, work towards maxing that hero. Not gonna lie, that is going to involve grinding. Yeti is optimal because you get pirate coins too. You should expect spending 30-75 million gold per hero (depending one the number of stars that hero begins with).

    After awhile, gold really becomes useless. I've been playing for months and have silly amounts of gold with nothing to spend it on (~300 mil). I highly recommend Getting the 30 day vip chest at least once if you're just starting out... The extra energy and 30% gold bonus goes a long way. Don't worry, it gets to be less and less of a drag to always be out of gold. Soon, you will have the opposite problem-- nothing to spend gold on.

    Remember, this game is about taking the long view. It's not a game that you max everything out in a day, week, or month. It's going to take months and months to get where you're envisioning. The vip chest will speed things up considerably for those of you who really want quicker results.

    As far as gear goes, you just gotta be patient! There's a behind the scenes mechanic that the devs have implemented to distribute stuff. They (so far) have not explained to the community how the pirate shop works, and so any discussion is just conjecture. Just play and enjoy the game! Gear will come, just gotta be patient.

  12. houseofg

    houseofg Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Oct 1, 2013
    Ok, so dumb question I guess, but how the heck do you send friend invites? If I click on "invite friends" on the Yeti quest I just get a message about using friends. If I go to the castle and click on that friends icon there are only the "fanpage" and "call for friends" buttons, with the former being Facebook and the latter simply hooking into the iPhone message, email etc. options.
  13. juhkil

    juhkil Well-Known Member

    Jul 21, 2011
    If you look on the home screen, there is a GameCenter button in the top right (the middle of those 3 buttons). That is how you invite people, not through the arena / yeti.
  14. houseofg

    houseofg Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Oct 1, 2013
    #1774 houseofg, Feb 20, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2016
    Thanks, but I should have added that I read that in Mariowammer's excellent guide and looked there as well. All I see are achievements, leaderboards and challenges, as well as the ability to rate and "like" the game. What am I missing?

    Edit: guess I need to go into the game center app and invite RoH players as GC friends first...?
  15. TheSaintX

    TheSaintX Member

    Dec 7, 2015
    Go to game center

    Click on games

    Click on rise of heroes

    Find and click leaderboard

    Invite people

    You want the top people because their groups easily solo yeti

    Dont forget to send them energy often as a thank you!

  16. houseofg

    houseofg Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Oct 1, 2013
    Thanks! Yes, that is indeed the way I ended up doing it. That's seriously clunky compared to any other social RPG I've ever played, but oh well...
  17. oohnage

    oohnage Member

    Feb 11, 2016
    You don't have to actually exit the game and go in Game Center, just click the Game Center icon in game, then click leaderboards > world tournament and it'll show the top players.
  18. houseofg

    houseofg Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Oct 1, 2013
    Yep. Finally figured that out. Thanks.
  19. chasero

    chasero Member

    Dec 19, 2015
    #1779 chasero, Feb 21, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2016
    The lack of the response by the Anthony Thai and Svent (sp) = biggest elephant in the room.

    The "top player" does not even want to admit he's getting an unfair advantage over everyone else. NO ONE IN THE GAME HAS 10 5 STAR ITEMS ON 10 CHARACTERS.

    Must be fun to see a 5 star item every day in the pirate shop.

    Must be fun to see a 3 star item every day for normal players. NOT.

    This game is full of exploits and cheaters. Out.
  20. jenokop

    jenokop New Member

    Nov 20, 2015
    #1780 jenokop, Feb 21, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2016
    Help!!! Advice needed

    Hello guys!
    This thing just pop up in my pirate shop and I really want to buy it because the status is pretty nice and I have seen many people say that 5* equipments are extremely rare. The problem is I don't have enough pirate coins to afford it and it's gonna be there for only 20 hours. However, I could sell all 1* - 2* equipments that my heroes are currently using. So that I can buy 5* weapon. I would still have three 3* equipments to use though, after if i sell them.

    Should I sell and buy that mega rare item? Or just keep my equipments and wait for later chance?:confused:
    Please give me suggestions. I only have 20 hours to decide.

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