Universal Rise of Heroes (by Pine Entertainment)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by antony.thai, Nov 4, 2015.

  1. tezl

    tezl New Member

    Jan 24, 2013
    Are any of the new heroes exceptional compared to what's already available? I'm deciding between upgrading some of them, or getting my void caller and healers from 4 to 5*. I'm currently at frozen land lvl 99, and can do yeti at a decent speed.
  2. munxu

    munxu New Member

    Feb 15, 2016
    Hi guys,

    Kinda new to the game, can you actually transfer exp from one hero to another?

    I've trained so many heroes that I don't want to use anymore =(
  3. pikasu321

    pikasu321 New Member

    Feb 16, 2016
    saint wings

    New player here..

    Is there any reasonable way to get saint wings other than to grind 500 relics? I see that you can also get them for 15 gems, but do we get gems daily?
  4. MrJJ

    MrJJ New Member

    Feb 16, 2016
    Yeti Help

    Hey guys still quite new to the game and am need of assistance with the Yeti
    Don't quite get the system of adding peeps:confused:

    Also does anyone have an updated guide with the new heroes

    Thank you :)
  5. Osterus

    Osterus Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2011
    that is best way.

    500 relic more worth than spend gem.
  6. juhkil

    juhkil Well-Known Member

    Jul 21, 2011
    None of the 5 new heroes are needed in the slightest. The older heroes are better. I have a few new heroes on my team, but more for the fun of it than anything.

    Also, I recommend only buying Saint wings from the arena shop. Save your pink gems for the extra hero slots. You'll get 3 gems every day from the Daily quest, under the events tab. Also, you'll pull 8 from the daily reward on day 6, I believe.
  7. juhkil

    juhkil Well-Known Member

    Jul 21, 2011
    What most people do is send friend requests to the top 25. I know for a fact Mariowammer, who is #5 in the arena and also on the forums, accepts everyone. Send me one as well, I'm number 18 I believe (kevcorky).
    Try sending one to as many on that list as you can, it will help a lot with the Yeti.
  8. Mariowammer

    Mariowammer Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2015
    I wish, but you cannot. Don't worry though - as you progress, the amount of coins you need to level increases so much that your past levels will seem like pocket change.
  9. Mariowammer

    Mariowammer Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2015
    I've got a bit of time today, so if I get the chance I'll update my guide!
  10. TheSaintX

    TheSaintX Member

    Dec 7, 2015
    Not sure if...

    Ok, so I've been playing awhile. I'm currently in the top 50 on the leaderboard
    so I feel that I know what I'm talking about. I've noticed a few things that people
    should know about this game that maybe are not completely obvious, and would like
    to make a few suggestions to the devs (the still frequent this forum, amirite? Haven't
    seen them make a post in awhile).

    First, as far as heroes go, pick a comp that works for you. There are some heroes
    that are more powerful than others, just look around and get into arena matches to
    see what the current meta is in the game. Some heroes just work really well with
    each other. You will want to challenge people with similar gear as you to get a
    decent idea how things are working out for you. There are several posts throughout
    this forum from a number of players who know what they are doing, so I'm not going
    to restate what they have mentioned previously.

    Also, one thing that I know many people are upset about is the gear distribution.
    Some people seem to have all amazing 4-5 star gear and you haven't seen any. The
    devs really haven't said much about how the gear is distributed, but I'm fairly certain
    that it isn't random. My suspicion is that the more pirate coins you spend at the
    shop, the more likely you are in seeing the higher level gear show up at a later date.
    This is a free to play app, and people who are gemming energy get to run the yeti more
    are able to spend more. I don't believe that the gear you see at the store is nothing
    more than a random distribution. It doesn't seem to be linked to position in the ladder
    either. Again, this is all speculation, but I suspect people who spend more have improved
    odds of finding 4-5 star gear later on down the line.

    Speaking of the yeti, I think a few changes need to be made. I want to tread lightly here
    because I'm only a user and although I really like this game, I'm not a dev. This is just
    a wish list of some changes that I would appreciate the devs to at least consider.

    #1. Bring back the 3-star gear. I've run 1000+ yeti kills and I've only ever had 1 3-star
    piece of gear drop (not a ring). I know with the implementation of the pirate shop people
    have an opportunity to get better stuff, but at least make it possible. I'd really like
    to have a shot at picking up a 3-star skill ruby ring, and so far no dice. In fact, I
    only have one ruby skill ring that I got off of a boss chest, so not even sure these drop
    anymore. There's nothing better than being surprised at finding that little gem of an item.

    #2. Up the chances of gear drops. I've got 70 energy right now, and last night I dropped
    5-10 gems on energy and got... nothing but pirate coins. Not sure if you made this change
    recently, but the drop rates seem to have gone through the floor. If I'm buying gems, I
    don't want to spend them for little to no reward. 10% chance seems fair to me. Maybe I
    just had a bad night, who knows. Just making sure that I can still get gear off the yeti.
    I like running him. It's kinda exciting seeing what will happen, but after 35-40 runs, I
    should be seeing SOMETHING.

    #3. Help us out a little bit with the pirate shop. at least be straight with us about how
    some of these other players are getting geared to the teeth. I'm just a tad bit curious,
    and it would go a long way to settle people down who aren't seeing any high level gear show
    up for them.

    #4. Let us do something else with emeralds. I've got every hero from the tavern, and have
    2000+ emeralds. I can't stop getting the things.
    Some ideas I've seen floating around are:
    -let us add stars to gear
    -Buy experience
    -exchange for gold / wings / items etc
    -trade for pirate coins
    -run a special (tough) boss for amazing gear
    -something endgame

    I want to thank the devs for continuing to update us and bring new content to this game. I'm
    having a great time playing. I can't wait to see the new pvp mode.

    Thanks again.

    Saint :)
  11. Svenkas

    Svenkas Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2015
    Aw! Thank for valuable comment TheSaintX! We will note it and consider with a next update.
  12. LeslieZWQ

    LeslieZWQ Member

    Dec 3, 2015
    New boss maybe?

    Okay so recently I've realized that Yeti been giving nothing but gold and it's really hard to get items from Yeti.

    So in order to solve this maybe we can come out with a new boss solely for players to hunt for eqs whereas Yeti is solely for gold. (Yeti's drop rate for eqs can be switch to maybe 1/50 whereas for the new boss it can be 1/25 or something.)

    Pirate treasure chest (or whatever it's called); can we have like a mini-game/boss that drops massive amount of pirate marks (I'm looking at 100-500) because the amount of pirate mark that Yeti drop is depressingly low which may become an issue for new players as they feel that this game is too hard they will just delete it after 1-2 hours.
  13. chasero

    chasero Member

    Dec 19, 2015
    This is the elephant in the room.

    He is clearly cheating.

    Ban TOP PLAYER, the guy with 10 5 star and 4 star items.
  14. Mariowammer

    Mariowammer Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2015
    I'm not so sure about that. That guy posted on the forums a month or so back, and he said that he (at that point) had spent a lot of money on the game. This makes sense, because it was at about that time he climbed up into the top three spots practically overnight.

    So, if you assume he's cheating, why would he have spent money on the game in the first place? That doesn't make any sense to me. If he's cheating, he would have been able to get the stuff he has without spending any money.

    I think there's something about the Yeti shop that the devs are hiding from us (maybe unknowingly). Perhaps the Yeti shop shows higher star items for players with stronger teams (the three people with the most amount of 5* items had the strongest three teams when the update came out by a long shot), or as TheSaint said, perhaps buying items from the Yeti shop increases the chance that good items appear in the future (this could also make sense, since veteran players had a lot of stockpiled items to sell when the yeti update came out, allowing them to immediately buy items).

    Maybe he's cheating, maybe he's not. But regardless of if he is cheating, there's two other players (#2 and #4 ranked, respectively) that have both obtained a comparable amount of 5* items.
  15. ISP2K15

    ISP2K15 Member

    Jan 7, 2016
    Lol sour grapes. Cry much? Here's a ss of my stats & inventory. I invest quite a bit of time & $ playing ROH. You're just salty because I removed you from my friends list. You surely weren't complaining when you were using my squad to fight the YETI! Maybe if you invested more time & energy in the game rather than begging Devs through a forum to ban a player because you're merely jealous of what that player has that you don't, then maybe you'd crack the top 100. Clearly you have serious jealousy issues over a game no less. Just for your info you still need to have the pirate coins to purchase said items. Do the math it's roughly give or take about 75k-90k pirate coins that I worked hard for in defeating the Yeti. I don't buy any items to trade for pirate coins only those that are dropped in the Yeti battle. SMH :)

    Attached Files:

  16. TheSaintX

    TheSaintX Member

    Dec 7, 2015
    I just want to emphasize this: This sort of talk in the forums is unhelpful, and unproductive.
    If you have a legitimate reason to believe that someone is improperly being rewarded in the game,
    then send a private message to the devs (they are active in this forum). I personally don't
    think that the players who are massively geared are cheating. There is some unknown mechanic
    that is giving them an advantage, in part due to $$ spent in-game. I'm not upset about it.
    I would like to know what that mechanic is though ;) . If the devs choose not to reveal that,
    then all we can do is speculate.

    In fact, we should be thanking and be happy for the top end players. They are the ones who
    are spending sizable money which pays for you to play as well. I've spent around 100$ USD,
    mostly because I know that being a game developer is a tough job and I want to support them. I
    also really enjoy this game, so that's a big plus too. I will continue to buy gems for the
    aforementioned reasons.

    :) Good luck!
  17. chasero

    chasero Member

    Dec 19, 2015
    Do NOT put words in my mouth. I have never used your team to defeat yeti nor have I added you as friends. Lost much???

    I have 7,349 pirate coins yet have never seen a 5 star item ever since the pirate merch was released. And yet you somehow have over 10 five star and 4 star items. If this is not cheating then I don't know what is.

    Otherwise you are clearly exploiting a mechanic, which deserves a ban in itelf. There is no way you have accumulated that many 5 star items in the pirate shop when it is supposed to be "random".

    It is clear as day you are a cheater. Good day! Done with this game. You are clearly friends with svent or anthony or are exploiting the game somehow.
  18. Osterus

    Osterus Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2011
    lol every1 need to chill la..

    it only a game :p

    i think if u donate u get to see more 5 star item, will explain why rank 1 player has many. i dunno just guess :cool:
  19. ISP2K15

    ISP2K15 Member

    Jan 7, 2016
    Exactly. I find it humorous that this individual wants to single me out because they are disgruntled over how items are distributed when there are other top players with equal amounts of 4*-5* items. Not to mention, whereas some pointed out that there's a current top player who literally out of nowhere reached a top 3 ranking overnight & I'm the cheater? Lol c'mon now. Also for this individual to try & deny that they had friended me in the past & then after having been removed suddenly pops up making these false innuendoes of cheating. Clearly this individual has a poorly disguised agenda/motive and the word that comes to mind is simply, disgruntled. Looking over their past posts on this thread, I'd say that roughly 60% were that of complaints about how unfair certain aspects of the RoH gameplay is/was. Unfortunately, people like this will always find or have reasons to complain about something over nothing because of their sense of entitlement. I'm done with this topic, sorry to those in advance for this nonsense. Battle on RoH! :)
  20. Osterus

    Osterus Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2011
    i wonder if any1 has The Ace yet?

    Really excite to see if she can 1 shot yeti?? :eek: :cool:

    i just got my mechanic to 5 star and yeti fight easy now :):):)

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