Game Impressions Firstly, big thanks to developers for releasing this without IAP. Whatever gratification comes their way on a personal level, it's vital for the rest of us that higher profile releases like this one make that stand. The game itself is good fun. I hesitate to say too much about it, as firstly, the gameplay is wholly familiar by now, and secondly is very much a case of "what you see is what you get," so a video should help anyone on the fence. Thirdly, I must admit I am averse to hype of any kind and it normally makes me feel more cautious than anything else, and certainly reluctant to add to it. The only tangible way in which I see an adverse effect in this particular instance though, is with regard to control: the game is no easier, nor more pleasant to play on the iPad than any other with well-executed tilt controls. I was initially concerned about the lack of iCloud support, but after having played it on both devices care a lot less: I simply won't be playing something like this on the iPad. If you read otherwise: don't believe the hype. Overall, definitely recommended. For some good fun, to support some guys who appear to deserve it, as well as a much needed investment into the future well being of the app store.
Simply the best chainsaw bazooka fishing game I've ever played. I would urge you not to become "the boy who cried tilt" on this one, because this game nails it.
This really is one of my favorites on iOS. Unbelievable polish. A serious amount of care and love was put into this game. Congrats developers on the release, it lives up to the hype 100%. I can't stop playing. Seriously everyone buy it now.
I don't know why I chose to congratulate Vlambeer over Twitter when there's so much interaction in this thread (guess I just feel like it's more "personal" over Twitter), but the responses I've gotten both this time and when SCB was, just so frickin' humble. Ridiculous Fishing has already shot its way up into the Top 100 and is ever so deserving of that success. If you own an iDevice and do not pick this up, I will personally jam that device (yes, even an iPad!) in your orifice of choice. Note: That threat goes double for anyone who's ever complained about IAPs and is hesitating to buy this because WHOAMG~! IT'S TEW DOLLIRZ NAINTY NEIN~!
Already in the top 50 on the US paid games charts. RF definitely deserves it. Better than Ninja Fishing in every way.
Damn, you're not going to hurt my iDevice. Tbh, I am still hesitating. The game graphics look mediocre at best and game like this tend to bore me quickly.
So to give you an idea how awesome this game is, I actually chose to play it over God of War Ascension. Yes, that's right. I picked a $3 game . But you guys need to fix some stuff. Now. Not in a day, a week... NOW. What, mayhaps, is chapping my shorts so much? First, foremost and this REALLY bugs me... Let me, please, listen to my own music. I agree, the game music is AWESOME, but so often I'm listening to a podcast or other music while playing a game, every time there's a change in the gameplay (starting to fish, coming back up, coming back down after you've shot the last fish) the game "takes over" my music control. Simply put, it's not possible to play music or ilsten to anything and play the game. There's no option, no control over music or sound. Please, please, PLEASE fix this. iCloud, I get. This is really frustrating. I know I seem overly passionate about this, but I honestly NEVER play games listening to the music, I do it while listening to podcasts or my music. As this game is my current obsession, I can't enjoy it in the way I need to to, well, enjoy it? Okay, now that's out of my system. That's a pain in the kneecaps. Seriously. The other issue, and while I've found a SORT of solution to it, is that there's no way to quit and go back to start, or easily go and get to the map/store/etc menu once you've started. It's a little silly that I can't give up if I screwed up and touched the screen rather than the teeny tiny itsy little "phone" our intrepid fisherman is holding. This one has been mentioned probably 5 quadrillion times before - Touch controls. I agree that the tilt is MUCH better here than most games, but at the same time it's also still VERY frustrating. I really, really, really can't do tilt controls, and I lost count of the number of times I missed a fish because of the tilting mechanism. I understand it would bugger things up putting in a dedicated swipe control, but I don't want to get to the point, and I'm afraid it'll end up making me push the game to the side when I finally can't do it anymore, which (especially on the harder levels) feels very close to happening Last, and for the $3 I paid I'm most concerned about this.. longevity. I've been playing for maybe an hour and a bit, thereabouts. IN that time, I seem to have collected everything but the incredibly expensive items. Unless something else unlocks, I've gotten to everywhere but the last world, bought the majority of the main items and while I see that there are some items listed that will take a while to get to ($20k) they aren't enough that it's going to give me hours upon hours more gametime. I understand the game is the game, and in many ways that's good enough, but when you've done everything you can, upgraded everything it does, certainly, take away a lot from the game. Now, I don't often post about games in this form, I do this when I really give a crap about a game and I'm enjoying this one, a lot so don't mistake my frustration as me not enjoying the game. It compare it to me buying a fancy Ferrari and when I got it, one of the doors was painted the wrong color, the passenger seat was loose and my Kit add-on sounds like Fran Drescher. The car is still hot as hell, runs like a dream but there are a few things that stand out which make me bang my head against the steering wheel, at which point our good friend Fran belts out her Nanny laugh and I want to drive off a clif into a mountainside. Or something. It's late, I'm tired. Oh, and I would cry playing this on the iPad. It controls better than Doodle Jump, but listen... it's an iPad and you're tilting it through the whole blooming thing. Holding an iPad up, especially a freaking gigantor iPad 3/4, is going to be a fraction of the comfort factor as doing it on the phone, which also tends to be a little difficult due to the teeny tilt radius. Please. Touch controls. PLEASE. Hell, create a separate leaderboard if you need to and OMG would not iCade support be something? Maybe it wouldn't be perfect, you'd still need to touch the screen to pop off some fishies, but using the controller (or the wonder of touch/slider) would really really really be awesome and PLEASE?
Well, done, on, recommending, without, inflating, several, neon, colored, hype, balloons. I, will, get, and, experience, it, as, a, canvas, feels, a, brush,
I had my thoughts in first place... 6 seconds trailer ? Ridiculous. Sanuku's video "pulled" ? Ridiculous. 3 bucks ? Ridiculous. But now...i'm having a ridiculous amount of fun with this colorful and highly polished game. The music is awesome and (for me) tilt-control is nailed to perfection. Congrats Devs !
I agree with everyone else that is requesting iCloud support. It is a must for a game like this that has a progression system and works in small bursts on iPhone and longer sessions on iPad..
Wait, just 1 - 1,5 hrs gaming time? The front page review suggested tons of gameplay, not just a quick fun. Hm. And only tilt controls? Well, the devs are nice, thankful and humble people, but there are too many negative points - esp. because I can't stand tilt controls.
Not gonna lie...this looks like a poor man's Ninja Fishing from a few years back. Is this better (or more of the same)?