I really expected more from first update after, like how long, 6 months?! At least one new fishzone and more than 2 new items. That doesn't mean i don't like the game, but this update is just lame imho, sry..
Too bad there's no in game achievement or leaderboard for height. I didn't have the patience to go all the way up, 3k meters is max for me. How much money do I need to accumulate until the top hat shows up at the store? I've caught all of the fish (Eagleman rank) and have bought all of the misc items.
I've realized it's not about money. You need to buy everything in the shop and perhaps play one round for the hat to appear.
Well, this is not THE big update, just an update with some content on it (which is nice). I think the knife, friend fish and new fish (which we still have to discover a lot of) are all really nice for a .+1 update. They are working on a big update (+1. update) which will have the content you're looking for. Vlambeer are known for taking their time and doing things the right way. That's something to respect. It's not like this is the only game out there to keep us entertained. The App Store is full of nice games to play (more that you can grasp!) And they're working on several games at the same time, with limited resources. Ease up, relax, enjoy the update, play a couple other games and you'll have the big update sooner that you expected.
I feel like there's SOMETHING that has to do with the height now. As it says in the update description:
Quite sure that's related to the fact that the Top Hat grows and there's even a leaderboard for Top Hat height. That's not to say that there isn't something else, possibly related to reaching a certain height with the Top Hat, though.
Trick is to keep trying. I got a bit frustrated too, but eventually got my Eagleman. Hope you get yours soon.
I used a purple fish at maelstrom and I got to 100,000ft and then the fishing thing ended so yeah. Nothing there.
Put on the HeadJet and wizard robe, you'll find the mimic at maelstrom around 700ft. Time doesn't matter.
You don't need the Hedjet to catch mimics. I've only ever equipped the Hedjet for the Home Waters. I also continue to find mimic fish while wearing the top hat so I'm assuming hat doesn't matter at all. They're just fairly uncommon.
I have 66/66 fishes in the fishopedia, but I'm still missing steggo... Did it glitch or there's 67 in total? Any way where can I find this fish.
There are 66 fishes in my Fish-O-Pedia (I'm Eagleman). As for the missing fish: Spoiler You can fin the Steggo at the Maelstrom
The new fish don't have silhouettes in the fishopedia. They still increase your number if you catch them, but they're "secret". So if you've caught one of the friend fish, for example, you can hit 66 despite only having 65 of the normal fish.
Seem to be having the hardest time finding the Steggo. Have been down to 1000m (ft?) regularly in the Maelstrom and worn every hat I can find, I still haven't caught a Steggo. If I've been down to 1000m in the Maelstrom around 20-30 times, should I have seen the Steggo by now? Am I just being very unlucky or has the recent update which affected fish patterns accidentally removed it from existance?
I'm pretty sure I got my first clam really quickly. It was definitely long, long before I had every item in the store. I don't think I had even unlocked the maelstrom yet, but I'm not sure. As for Steggo, I just found two at around 600m so they're definitely still there. They're just ridiculously uncommon/rare. I'm not sure how many rounds I've done since the 1.2 update, but I think I've only encountered Steggo in three of them. It hasn't been enough runs to make that absolutely ridiculous, but it hasn't been something insignificant like 10 dives either. Best of luck on your steggo hunt!
Awesome, thanks. As ever, caught a clam immediately after posting - so edited my post. Just that little Steggo to go know - but good to know it's still down there and nice to know a rough depth too, thanks! EDIT: took 5 more turns before I got the wee Steggo (x 3) at around 640m. cheers again!