I find you're explanation makes sense though. I may have bought it day one but I didn't buy iap after that so iap buyers not getting the ads does make sense by what other devs have done in that area. It is the most explanation. Edit: and on another post, no its not an exaggeration nor a misunderstanding of the more games tab. Seeing Clash of Clans, or other such type of games, pop up on screen on launch, at menu, at pressing back button, at going back to select something else in the garage is neither a misunderstanding, an exaggeration nor inadvertently miss pressing the more games tab (as if). I will concede it seems to be a glitch related to over pushing of the ads because it is without doubt the highest frequency of ads I've seen in any game and couldn't really be intentional.
Love this game but screw Invictus and BN, DELETED. I paid full price for exactly what I'm not getting now with the ads and timers. FU, BN.
If I were you guys that bought the game for full price only to have that version of the game disappear and be replaced with this shell of a game I would demand a refund from Apple. You are not getting what you paid for and I don't care what the case is if you are a consumer you typically agree to pay said price as long as the company you are buying from agrees to supply said product.
I haven't bought any IAPs (I refuse to on paid games) and I do not have any of the ads or the timers. I have had it since day one and I haven't uninstalled it so maybe that's something. Maybe not. I have actually hit the stupid "more games" icon more than I would like to admit as in the sub menus it is the back button. That same icon with a text swap is what appears on the home screen. The issue is that if you hit it too fast to get back to the main menu it registers as a press on the "more games" button and takes you to said ad for Clash of Titans. It appears to either be screen refresh issue of the text not showing before the link/screen is swapped or just a delay in registering what was pressed. I've actually done it which is why I was thinking some of those pop ups may have been unintentional and done on accident thus exaggerating the already frustrating experience that you are well, experiencing. It was a thought and possible reasoning as to why they were so frequent or even at all. I'm still super curious as to why a few don't have ads and others, seemingly the majority, do. I'm genuinely interested in why this is happening as this may be a brief glimpse into the future for everyone when they get what ever bugs and/or glitches they have worked out. Eventually we may all have ads and if/when that happens the game will get uninstalled from my phone.
In principle I agree, though I think you're greatly exaggerating how much has changed. No functionality has been removed, nor have payouts changed as far as I know, so calling this a shell of the previous game is completely inaccurate. What has happened for some people is that ads, and timers for using a newly purchased car, have been added to the game. I don't think it's fair to add those in for people who have already paid for the game before it had those, but let's not exaggerate and claim the game has totally changed.
Well there goes that theory. As far as buying IAPs, for me "paid game" is a spectrum, not a black and white thing. That is, the more I've paid for a game, the less willing I am to pay more for IAPs, but I don't automatically rule out buying IAPs just because the price is greater than $0. Over the last few years I've spent hundreds of dollars on Xbox games, at prices ranging from $10 to $60 per game. So in my mind a $3 game is practically free, and I don't expect it to be as generous as a console game. Don't get me wrong, I'm pleased if it is, but I don't feel entitled to have it that way or think a developer is out of line for building in some incentive to buy IAPs for a $3 game as good as this one. In fact I don't really understand how they can be successful selling this for only $3. I assume the answer is that they can't, and are relying on at least some people buying IAPs to make it successful. Yeah, I've done that plenty of times too. In fact my guess is that they put the "more games" button in the same place as the back button on purpose so that people will hit it accidentally, which is a bit shady, though I have no proof that's why they put it there. That's the only place I've seen ads so far. While I think claiming this is a shell of the previous game is an exaggeration, I will agree that if the game starts popping up ads after every race like some people are seeing, or putting timers in my way, I will probably delete the game as well. Regarding timers, if the only timers are for when buying a new car I probably won't care since I don't buy a new car very often, but if they start adding in timers in other places like Real Racing 3 does, then that may be enough to put me off the game. I find timers to be one of the most irritating "features", even more than ads.
Well, pity. I thought it was a solid theory as a possible explanation. I'm gonna have to go with glitch then. Or at least a glitch in relation to the frequency they appeared for me. Its probable that the code for ad insertion was there originally. It was going to be F2P and they just turned it off when it went with premium. Based on that assumption, I'll guess that it was re enacted for the freemium downloads with the update at that time and that somewhere along the line the code got mixed up or glitches in some way and that it is affecting some more than others and that is why premium are seeing them. I've seen similar glitches happen in a couple of other similar cases. That's about the best I can figure out. By the way, that next paragraph on iap and associated is very reasonable as well and an opinion I'd actually share and would in fact be very accurate in a lot of cases.
So what's up with nicknames in multiplayer? If you are not logged into facebook you appear as offline player or with your nickname? Or gamecenter
Me too. Bought it at the full price around xmas time. I just bought a new car and there were no timers and I have only seen one add for a premium car at 15% off.
Ads mysteriously only appeared one time. All is well now for me. No timers either. Game still needs tweaked for A7 ARM64s. Runs like garbage on my 5s.
One thing I have noticed is that I'm getting 3 premium bucks a day when I log in, now (after five consecutive days of logging in). Which is nice.
Constant freezes n lock ups have ruined this for me on my 5s. Rlly pi$$in me off. I'm finished until it's re-updated. As it stands, this is completely broken on my 5s. Total BS, total f'n BS.
And just to add to Invictus' fail, it's freezing whn I'm the only car on screen. Shameful to detune an awesome game tht at one point in time ran flawlessly on my A7 devices. I believe the initial release version was the best, btw. Being JB'n I may b able to install tht version. Have to look into tht one.
Hi racers,looks like there is no icloud save for RRS right?i wanna play it on my ipad mini and my it starts from scratch #
I've noticed that too. That's cool. As for the crashing and such, on my iPhone 5 the game is back to normal it seems. No ads, no timers (from what I can tell), and the crashing and issues I was having with lock-ups are gone after the last patch. The patch before that one made the game unplayable. Now it seems to be ok and back to normal. Online still seems to be made up of a mix of real and "fake" players. There is usually one or two that seem like real dudes since they can't drive very well and try to Asphalt/RR3 crash and bump me into the walls (which doesn't work in this game). The rest seem like typical AI. It isn't great but it works so no real complaints.
Multiplayer needs some kind of lobbys, events, campionships.. to make it more fun. It is difficult to find a balanced race although is still fun. I just quit unbalanced races specially when i am the first and i have no rivals i suggest to do the same, there are a lot of races like that.
I've found online to be a mixed bag. The majority of races I enter are like you described -- either very easy AI opponents, or slow human opponents -- so online races end up just being a string of easy first places, which gets old quick. However some of the times I've logged in I've ended up with some other good racers and actually had some good battles. The problem is there's no grouping into lobbies by car class or skill, so one race I might be up against a bunch of class 2 cars with some actual good drivers, and then the next race I'll be up against a bunch of class 4 cars or slow AI. It's very fun when I do end up in a good race though.