Universal Ridge Racer Slipstream - (by NamcoBandai Games Inc.)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Dec 18, 2013.

  1. thebeat07

    thebeat07 Active Member

    Nov 22, 2013
    MFi or not?
  2. GPS

    GPS Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2009
    #22 GPS, Dec 18, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2013
    I can't find this on the Australian store.. ??

    Edit: found!
  3. KojimaKid

    KojimaKid Active Member

    Jun 27, 2012
    From Sanuku's gameplay video, some of those tracks look familiar. I want to say they look like they are from Ridge Racer 7.
  4. Sanuku's video looks good. Is the sense of speed in the actual game good?
  5. Yes...yes...

    "Requires iOS 7"

    ...I've got Burnout on my Gamecube
  6. Poor Hoggy, can't seem to play alot of new releases lately. :(
  7. Gabrien

    Gabrien Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2009
    Horrible frame rate. Simply incompetent.
  8. toxiccheese

    toxiccheese Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2010
    How bad is,the IAP in this?
  9. Skall

    Skall Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2009
    It s really ok for me on iphone 5. Speed sensation is pretty good and virtual buttons work well to me. Iap are just virtual coins.
  10. GregB

    GregB Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2009
    So is this a port of a console version?
  11. Then, that is looking hopeful. Anyone know how well it runs on an ipad 4 or ipad air?
  12. ssahnan

    ssahnan Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2009
    waiting up for this one...One of those where 'they had me at hello' titles...some of the info I've gathered here and there doesn't sound too promising but the franchise gets me here...
  13. CecilMcW00t

    CecilMcW00t Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2012
    Really want to pull the trigger. On this but I want to know how well it runs on an iPod touch 5G... Is anyone playing on a 4S or iPad 2?
  14. ssahnan

    ssahnan Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2009
    screams nicely on my retina mini, not seeing the fps issues someone posted before. It will drop but not to a unplayable level.

    two currencies for sale, coins and gold. time will tell how prevalent iap is in this one.

    it's not as good as it could be to today's level, it has a cartoony look at times but for fans it is ridge racer or at least some semblance of it. I'm a rr fan so it would rate higher from me then non rr fans. again though, this will be dependent on its dependence on iaps which time will tell.
  15. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
  16. CecilMcW00t

    CecilMcW00t Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2012
    Thanks for the impressions! I'm a huge RR fan, so I think I'm gonna go grab it right now.
  17. ssahnan

    ssahnan Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2009
    so no mfi, 4 control methods...has fb login but no cloud syncing as far as I can tell....playing between retina mini and a 5s

    designed like real racing 3 in a few ways....money earned sparingly, different machines can be bought with coins, coins can be earned with grinding although haven't found best way to maximize the grinding. best cars can be bought with gold, grinding for that is not realistic. machines can and will need to be upgraded, again with coins for now, could be gold like rr3 towards the end, not sure yet. overall, you won't earn enuf to upgrade parts after every race but thru 4 races so far didn't have a race that was hard to win either. not sure if/when money earned to do the upgrade path won't keep up with a 'paywall' to where you won't win without the upgrade.

    there is a arcade mode as well to quick race(grind), daily challenges for xp, maybe coins? xp leveling up as well.

    beyond that, tracks are familiar to past rr fans, rr doesn't change up/add tracks very often. typically new rr games are more a graphical upgrade with a few tweaks here and there then bonafide sequels. with that said, this is not much of a graphical overhaul compared to what can be done on ios today. crashes or getting bumped creates this screen shake/doubling effect that's annoying. get used to hearing the word slipstream a lot as well. no timers that I have seen yet.

    all that said, for rr fans, it's a new rr and for 3$, nice to play rr again. very arcadey obviously but it's kind of refreshing with all the sims out there these days. I've always enjoyed whipping and drifting around corners and just getting that quick arcade fix. I get a feeling it'll get paywall dependent, the dual currency typically screams that.

    until I get a feel for that paywall situation and how much grinding it requires, it's hard to give a score but i'd give a 3.5 out of 5. wish it looked better, it doesn't look ugly though like 2k drive did. Maybe its more like gt racing, something in the middle as far as arcade racing standards go. As a frame of reference, i'd give angry birds go 1 star. both may have a iap dependence to it but underneath the dirty economy of it all, there is a good game here whereas with go, there wasn't. For rr fans especially, the underlying game might be fun enuf to tolerate the economy situation and may even spend on some iaps to keep the enjoyment going. regardless, 3$ for a ios game isn't much and to that end, I am satisfied with what I got so far.
  18. russiaone

    russiaone Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2009
    San Francisco
    As an absolutely gargantuan Ridge Racer fan (traditional RR) i gotta say this is a must have for RR fans. The graphics are stunning (even on my antiquated 4S) and the game plays and feels like the drift-heavy Ridge Racer of ol'.

    As a Vita fan, though, i gotta say this is a slap in the face. Those MFs at Namco charged 30 bucks for 2 cars and 3 tracks for the Vita's version. Now all this content for 3 dollars... Sheesh! Poor Vita.

    Oh, well. This is the greatest steal since Ty Cobb took home.
  19. Max0809

    Max0809 Well-Known Member

    Jan 10, 2013
    What is the installed size please ?
  20. CecilMcW00t

    CecilMcW00t Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2012
    It's 1.1 GB installed.

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