Universal Ridge Racer Slipstream - (by NamcoBandai Games Inc.)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Dec 18, 2013.

  1. VirtualBoyFreak

    VirtualBoyFreak Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Apr 26, 2011
    Forget about the coin doubler in A8. I was also very excited when I saw it, but it's not a permanent coin doubler, it only lasts 24h. The best IAP in A8 are the car packs. You can buy D and C car packs for around $4, and for an extra $10 the B car pack, which is very reasonable and allows you to concentrate on grabbing money for the A and S cars.

    Back to RR, I'll probably buy it now that it's $1, but I'm too addicted to A8 atm, so I have to think twice about it :p
  2. dexter77

    dexter77 Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2011
    #222 dexter77, Jan 11, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2014
    Is there anyone who can tell me if the game runs enough well on an ipad3 retina?

    Thanks in advance!
  3. chief78

    chief78 Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2012
    Any idea of iOS gamepads are supported yet? I was kinda hoping the price drop was also gonna be an optimization.
  4. Gov

    Gov Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2013
    Is this better than Ridge Racer Type 4 gameplay-wise? i know gfx will be better for slipstream.
  5. Larni

    Larni Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2013
    #225 Larni, Jan 11, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2014
    I've found the coin doubler really useful. When I have an hour or two to devote to A8 (normally at weekend when the wife is at work) I can bag about 100k.

    Granted I can do that in twice the time but having paid 69p makes me a bit more motivated.

    Each to his or her own.

    Abe: and it's not hard to win a doubler so one's outlay has increased dividends once one get's the tune up bonus.
  6. rapaleeman

    rapaleeman Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2013
    It's different for better or worse. I didn't think Accelerated worked too well on touchscreens as it was literally Ridge Racer with zero adjustments for imprecise touchscreen inputs. The game controlled fine but touchscreen controls are a little too inconsistent which would make session in Accelerated either amazing or a complete nightmare. No in between.

    In terms of this game being automatic, it isn't. The problem is that if you are good at Ridge Racer, this game will be a breeze. It doesn't deviate from the formula for better or for worse. For those just coming into the Ridge Racer world it will be a massive adjustment as the game has always stretched the term arcade to its thinnest. It will be hard until you learn that this isn't a typical pick up and play racing game.

    In terms of screwing up, it is really easy to if you fudge a corner which the inexperienced probably will. Even I do on occasion and I beat all the challenges in the game.

    Slipstream is an interesting concept as it means that you can't just pick a car, max it out, and blow the competition out of the water. It makes me feel that skill will always win and that seems to be the case. Unlike the other arcade racing game mentioned in this topic, the player who plays the smartest and has the best skill wins. If you are good and don't bounce around the track you will get far enough ahead that Slipstreaming AI will not catch up. It isn't a case of who has the better the car or has spent more money on boosts as evident from the Ferrari challenge in the other game. Sure the top players will be better skilled and the top 100 or so will have times close to each other but there doesn't seem to be a way to top the leaderboard without using an IAP boost or investing a ton of cash into the car and that sucks to me as either newer players or those that are working on progressing through the campaign just won't be able to afford to even compete competitively. This means that even a good player may not even be able to compete. That barrier of entry sucks and is an artificial level of difficulty which really stalls the other game's progression.

    RR doesn't require any of that although it is significantly easier if you level up your car which can be done quite easily after the first series. The CR outputs in terms of race finishes may seem minimal, but with only the one car required to progress it really isn't. You pick the car that fits your playstyle and proceed. In the other game, if you happen to buy the wrong car and upgrade it you are screwed out of a significant amount of time so either you spend a ton of time grinding old races or throw some real cash at the game which to me is a poor way to present progression. I will say that you can get stuck in RR if you aren't a good player but that is a player thing not a game thing. The only real advice is to get better and I know how elite or holier than thou that sounds it is the truth in this game which to me is how I like my games. Hard but fair.

    For a dollar this game is a steal in my eyes if you like Ridge Racer or even unique arcade racing. The IAPs and even the boosts are totally not required as the game puts you on a path that will allow you earn more than enough cash to proceed and this is including upgrading and customizing your car. Changing colors for free was a surprising bonus. If you want to pay more cash to bounce around you can but you don't need to and in my opinion is not recommended as the later series are actually quite difficult if you don't know your car and the track.

    It isn't quite as great as Type 4 was but for the price and the fact that it is portable without having to have a PSP or Vita make Slipstream a great alternative that plays close enough while taking the hardware it is on into account.
  7. sizzlakalonji

    sizzlakalonji Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Apr 16, 2009
    Indiana, USA
    I'm the last person to say, "I'll wait for the sale". That attitude generally annoys the piss out of me. That being said, I never quite pulled the trigger on this. For a buck, I didn't even think about it. Sold.
  8. This is a must buy for 99 cents. Get it while it's on sale!
  9. Rip73

    Rip73 Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2011
    #229 Rip73, Jan 11, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2014
    You know what, we get it, you've made you're point about the other game.
    Would it now be possible to express an opinion on this one without resorting to denigrating the other one? The comparison has been done and overdone, just look at the last three pages. Never mind even the last three pages, back as far as page 18 with your posts.
    You're point has been made abundantly clear. Its time to move on. Comparisons are all well and good and necessary even but up to five pages of the same thing is just too much and actually becoming difficult to find anything relevant about the game in hand at this stage.

    And lets not kid ourselves and say this is more skilled because at times it's just a matter of slipstreaming in this which just means you position your car behind another and over take with the greatest of ease. No real skill there. Plus the boosters/upgrades make equally as much difference in this as the other so its equally open to the same criticisms as you make of the other.

    But that's not to say this is any worse or any better. If one likes racing games, one will like both as they have different styles despite both being arcade and both are well worth having especially so now that this one is so dirt cheap (and easily worth it at the original price or more) and offers a lot of entertainment and fun.

    And lets not forget that A8 is the highest reviewed (Qi index) iPad/iPhone game of 2013 regardless of what you personally think if it. So if they are comparable at all, that's puts this one in very good company indeed.

    The Laferrari tournament is a bad example by the way. One can't upgrade that car and boosters can be won in multiplayer with the greatest of ease.
  10. chief78

    chief78 Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2012
    So this forum is for RR right? Why is there such an emphasis on endless comparisons?!?!!! RR has been around forever and it's no Asphalt, it's not Real Racing, and it's not like any other racing game out there. Guess what? When you've kept your franchise alive for over 2 decades, who gives a F about comparisons. Now, if anyone else has constructive feedback about this game or could actually answer the damn Q's that would be awesome.
  11. ramon31

    ramon31 Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2011
    Well said, it's exactly what I was thinking while scrolling though this thread.
  12. Mookmonster

    Mookmonster Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2010
    Recently purchased due to the sale and its almost exactly like the ridge racer i remember from the arcade scene in the late 90s, at least as far as how it controlls. Frankly this game is perfect for what it is.

    My only gripe is the turbo button is in a bad spot and sometimes screws up my steering, but i have learned to adjust.

    Solid racer and a great price.
  13. chief78

    chief78 Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2012
    I too snagged it thx to the sale. On the 5s so far, no crashing. I do notice a dip in the framerate around corners when drifting in certain spots on any given track, but overall pretty solid.

    Graphics could definitely use optimization for the A7 as the textures seem a little bland. Graphics aren't bad, but definitely lower res in comparison to the PS Vita version, which has a brighter palet, more blur and motion effects (that really add to the immersion factor), and a steady framerate.

    Controls: NO MOGA SUPPORT...huge disappointment but hoping it'll be added. I use the touch steering with auto gas and it gets the job done. It almost seems like this version is a lot easier in corners I guess due to them implementing touch controls for the game (which makes me worried about MFi controller support).

    Not having an issue grinding so far but just completed the 1st tourney and starting the 2nd. I have no issues drifting and therefore get higher rewards, but this will vary based on skill level.

    Overall, it's a 4 star until they optimize this for the A7 chip and add iOS 7 controller support and options. Anyone who has played past RR titles....any iteration of them, owes it to themselves to give this one a shot....especially at the $1 sale price point.
  14. bigjack66

    bigjack66 Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2013
    It's ok but Asphalt does this so much better. It's too arcadey the controls are rubbish and it's a pain in the arse to play! It's only got six cars. RR3 has better graphics and 22 cars on track! Still it was only 69p or 99c.
  15. H4nd0fg0d

    H4nd0fg0d Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2010
    Great game/great price, period.
  16. chief78

    chief78 Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2012
    Thanks.....a senseless amount of pages have been wasted with people complaining and comparing this to other games. Thx for the input, but I think everyone who has read thru this thread is absolutely sick of the childish and pointless comparisons to other iOS racers. Go troll another thread.
  17. chief78

    chief78 Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2012
    Q for Rapaleeman, as well as major thx for ur tips. I'm a long time player (of RR, new to mobile) and I still can't figure out the +\- as well as the positive % and neg % for the drift angle. Sometimes I'm in the + and getting a higher -% than when it's the opposite. Still trying to figure this out. As a long time player, not finding an issue with getting into corners to drift, but it seems weird to have a drift rating that goes from a + to a - yet the te % seems to end up in the -....so in assuming the bigger the -% on angle means more drift. Just weird....
  18. chief78

    chief78 Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2012
    Oh and for those looking for good info, page 15 towards the bottom. Great amount of info
  19. rapaleeman

    rapaleeman Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2013
    These ratings appear to actually be new unless I missed a game. They are different in the Vita and RR7 on PS3 which are the 2 most recent entries of the proper series (not including Driftopia or Unbounded which do not contain the classic RR gameplay we all know and love). I noted this a few pages back and it seems the devs inverted the % indicator or maybe even I haven't figured it out correctly as the menus are my biggest gripe with this game. They explain nothing.

    It could be that it is to indicate over and under steer but due to the weird physics in the RR world it makes zero sense as there really aren't any physics so to speak. The ratings are super strange and just aren't self explanatory. The little scroll at the bottom seems to just give a generalization and not an actual description.

    The consistent thing in terms of the ratings, as you noticed as well, that the lower the percentage (the more into the negative) the more you can drift and slide out while the higher the percentage means the less you will drift when you do ultimately break loose. At least this is what I can gather from driving all of the cars and trying to compare them equally.
  20. chief78

    chief78 Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2012
    The consistent thing in terms of the ratings, as you noticed as well, that the lower the percentage (the more into the negative) the more you can drift and slide out while the higher the percentage means the less you will drift when you do ultimately break loose. At least this is what I can gather from driving all of the cars and trying to compare them equally.[/QUOTE]

    Ok I thought so but yeah, it's non-sensicle it seems. It's strange that I can get the stage 3 or 4 handling and whether I slide to the left or right, there's only maybe a 5% difference. I also noticed the icon on the left side is a little different than the right one, which I guess might correlate to drift boost? Idk

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