Been waiting for this for a loong time, so happy it got released out of nowhere and as icing on cake, even with 50 % discount.
I'll keep it simple: If you have an iPad, get this game. If you don't have an iPad, get an iPad then get this game!
I cannot for the life of me figure out how to aare the cryogenic tube or any exclamation point Edit.. .. Lol.. Nevermind maybe try the flashing ! Button....
Bought just due to the comments in this thread and I must say I am impressed. I haven't bought anything on my iPad in a while and this is just a perfect addition to my collection.
Omfg this game is insanely good. So damn hard but so much fun. It's actually so hard you feel like you accomplished something when you get to another checkpoint. At first it may seem too hard but keep at it. It's so very rewarding
I haven't even charged up my iPad since getting Papers, Please, but you silly, silly people are gonna make me get on my laptop tonight, buy and download the game and then stick my iPad on charge. Damn you! Also, yeah...I hope this'll somehow get updated to universal one day.
Am I the only playing this with huge smile on my face? I feel like a 5 year old playing Super Mario.. Can't thank the developers enough for porting this over..
This is an amazing game and a wonderful port. And I've already watched the trailer about 10 times now... I'll probably buy the soundtrack later today too. This is probably my favorite release of the year so far, even ahead of Implosion.
I'm nearly sold on this! Three quick questions if anyone can help. Is it a standard platformer or an exploration/metrovania style game? What's the save system like? How are the controls? Thanks in advance
It's metroidvania meets Megaman. There are checkpoints that act as save points, called Rebuild-a-Trons. The controls are pretty good, but movement can feel slightly floaty because the game uses an 8-way d-pad instead of the usual 2-way or 4-way d-pad we usually see in iOS platformers. The button layout on the virtual controller is well done and will most likely allow for the kind of sharp movement hectic platformers like Megaman require.
Metroidvania style platformer at its finest.. Checkpoints which aren't that frequent providing a stiff challenge Controls just work.. The UI might scare you at first but once you start moving around you'll see they actually work quite well.. It's really the only thing that might ward off some people.. Just get it dude, your obviously interested.. Rex won't let you down ## I just beat the second boss and haven't felt so satisfied playing a game in a while ❤️❤️❤️