[rev-share] Looking for game designer

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by SpiceberryJam, May 14, 2016.

  1. SpiceberryJam

    SpiceberryJam Member

    Feb 16, 2016
    Game Development
    New Zealand
    #1 SpiceberryJam, May 14, 2016
    Last edited: May 15, 2016

    If you are an experienced game designer and want to do your own games, you may want to continue reading this :)

    We are a team of professional and enthusiastic game developers and we are looking for a game designer to join us for our next game project.

    Things that we have made so far: iOS, Android.
    The team:
    • John, the artist. Doesn't work anywhere, dedicates 100% of his time to the company. His resume.
    • Sergey, the coder. Same as the artist, 100% committed to the company. Resume.
    • Another John :), the musician. His music.

    We are spread across the globe and work 100% remotely.
    Project-wise, we are aiming towards smaller games with development times between 2 and 6 weeks.
    As of today, we are purely indie. Though this is not a creed or something like that. Just the way it is now. :)

    Ideally, you will:
    1. Have considerable experience in mobile game design.
    2. Having said that, you will sometimes want to ignore or bend the rules. We are a small team and need to come up with smart ideas to compete with bigger companies and survive in this cruel world :D
    3. Be unemployed, or only part-time employed. This probably will cut off the majority of interested people. But we have tried to work with full-time employed guys: didn't work.

    If you are interested, drop us a line and tell a bit about yourself. Resumes or linked-in pages and links to previous projects will be much appreciated :)

    How to reach us:

    Thanks :)

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

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