Universal Repulze (by Pixelbite)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Pixelbite_Games, Jan 2, 2013.

  1. raymond_cgc

    raymond_cgc Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2013
    I like the level 8 wall turning. That should be more in the game. I am not playing lvl 9 for now :)

    If only this game gets a smoother turning controls (touch & tilt), and there is some racing both against bot and rlp, it will be easy 5 stars!
  2. Andy C83

    Andy C83 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2010
    Over the Rainbow
    Ah, you had me nodding in agreement until you brought Hundreds into the argument. Shame on you!

    The developers can't win really. If they had released this game with all features from the get go and charged X amount there will still be criers crying.

    Personally I'm having a blast with the game as is, and if they never added a single thing I would have gotten more than my money's worth.
  3. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    #123 psj3809, Jan 4, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2013
    Cant see what the negative fuss is about, just been playing this, from the way some people are talking i thought i would be playing some unfinished tech demo.

    Seems great to me, nice graphics, great sense of speed, looks to be a lot of options, looking forward to playing this much more. Was hoping to race against people but i'm enjoying trying to get the green or red polarity.

    For 69p its an utter bargain, cant see what the problem is with this. Its 69p ! It plays well, looks great, its 69p !
  4. J.R. Jalapeno

    J.R. Jalapeno Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2008
    Just bought it and I love it. Graphics are amazing and I find the controls perfect. Little taps are all you need.
  5. This is a gem for only a buck. It is far from being a tech demo. It is a complete game even as it is, and it is fun and furious. The futuristic space racer is probably the best wipeout type racer on ios, and it is a steal at a buck. Would be happy if they do add some updates for some more features later, but that is pretty much true of any games out there.

    Give this game a try, you will like it.
  6. JCik68

    JCik68 Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2009
    I am happy with the content for the price - 9 tracks, 6 vehicles, multiple challenges + hardcore challenges as well. Enough content to keep me satisfied for one buck. Yes, AI enemies would be nice, but look how the game is designed (polarity and all the stuff) - I can understand why "time trial" mode is the only thing in the game.
  7. masvil

    masvil Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2011
    Do you use 100% (default) sensitivity?

    Dev said "I'm surprised so many can handle the speed in this game with tilt!", so he suggests touch control as well.

    It runs smoothly on my iPhone 4 and I'm really enjoying it "as is". I wonder which kind of control they added in incoming 1st update. Let's see :)
  8. operaguy2112

    operaguy2112 Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2011
    Nevermind. I changed my rating to 5 stars. I didn't know about the master challenges, and hadn't played the later tracks which are insanely awesome. This game is amazing, and while racing against my own, or friends' ghosts would be cool, the lack of them does not detract from the experience. People who say this is a tech demo have obviously not played it. Great job Pixelbite. Sorry I doubted you guys.
  9. webman2k

    webman2k Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2009
    Been waiting for a hover game that had great graphics, speed, and control for a long time. This nails it. The mission based polarity mode is addicting and challenging. Can't wait for more modes. Would love AI. Thanks for this!
  10. MalReynolds

    MalReynolds New Member

    Jan 4, 2013
    #130 MalReynolds, Jan 4, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2013
    Hey guys, I just needed to register here to praise this game a bit ;] Please excuse my rusty english ...

    I'm an old WipeOut Pilot and I have to say, this is definitely the closest experience to my favorite racing game series in the App Store.

    The main reason is, Pixelbite got the feeling for the ship right. It feels just great how it hovers above the ground and how you can force it to tear down those beautiful designed tracks. Those moments when you "fly" pretty fast over a peak and bounce back on the track are really awesome. It's the sense of speed, gravity and inertia in combination which feels just great!

    By the way, I love the steering with touch controls. At these high speed moments tilt isn't working for me, but I guess that is just a personal thing.

    So, for me, the feeling of the ship is the core element of any WipeOut-like game. If this is done right, the basic work is done and I'm very thankful that Pixelbite is sharing this state of the developement process with us. To be honest I would also pay 5 bucks for it.

    The design is very well done, too. This game got it's own style, it does not try to look like WipeOut, it got it's own visual appeal. And this definitely adds up to the overall value.

    So Kudos to the developers! They've managed it to finally get that good old WipeOut-feeling to my iPad without just copying it's style and give it a similar name ...

    I'm really looking forward to see this game evolving! It would be great if these features could make it to a future version:

    >> bumper view / ego perspective
    >> individual soundtrack
    >> tuning possibilities
    >> opponents

    So now let's get back on the track :]
  11. operaguy2112

    operaguy2112 Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2011
    Welcome to the forums. Your English is fine and I whole-heartedly agree. Besides any Browncoat is alright to me. :D
  12. sh13ld

    sh13ld Well-Known Member

    Nov 22, 2011
    Co-founder & CEO
    I decided to buy this since I've always been a fan of WipEout series. This game does many things right (graphics, sense of speed, sound fx, overall feel) but there are a few things I'd like to see changed

    - Wall collisions should be a bit more forgiving. Check out WipEout 2097 where you see those sparks flying when you're too close the wall. It's a good indicator that you need to move a bit closer to the center.

    - Different environments. It's just cityscape after cityscape. Add more variety, like mountains, jungles, water etc.

    - Music is ok but there are too few tracks so it gets really repetitive really fast

    - AI opponents and weapons missing
  13. syntheticvoid

    syntheticvoid Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2010
    Musician & factory worker.
    I still REALLY hope that enemies and weapons are not added to the game...

    Seems like most people just want the game to be something else, seething its not meant to be, instead of a game standing on its own two feet and gameplay merit, as well as what the developers originally saw it being... A time trial game with a great polarity feature and some hard to complete objectives...

    I am interested to see how it grows in the future with updates, but I really hope that the core gameplay isn't messed with too much. I've already said that I feel the traffic is more than enough added challenge in the game... Having multiple racers, tend to take you out seems like it'd just get messy and too hectic.

    Just my opinion, and I don't expect anyone else to feel the same way... But I'm really starting to see how TouchArcade can be a HORRIBLE thing for the progression of games... Especially when everyone claims to want new and original gameplay, and then bash it once it comes because it's not an exact clone of some other game... Or doesn't copy enough features from past games, or isn't exactly what THEY want it to be...
  14. september

    september Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2012
    Nicely said, I wouldn't mind seeing some racing at some stage but agree with your intent.
  15. Andy C83

    Andy C83 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2010
    Over the Rainbow
    Yay, Firefly! :)
  16. awp69

    awp69 Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2009
    Greenville, SC
    I completely understand what you are saying and really like the game as it stands. I guess I just feel like there's few really good futuristic racing games on the iOS (and that doesn't mean any of these games have to be exactly like Wipeout). With that in mind, the engine, level design, sense of speed and everything in this game makes me long for actually racing with the same assets.

    Hell, I wouldn't mind I'd they made a completely different game under a new name seeing how great their work in this one is.

    I'm happy with this game. But guess just selfish in knowing how this game could be turned into an awesome racer as well.

    I'd be more than willing to put out more money for a new mode or even a separate app. People shouldn't complain about what this game is. But think it's ok to say give ideas for what would be cool to add to it. They're just suggestions and that's what I like about these forums is when devs ask for input and suggestions.

    All that said this game is a blast and well worth the measly $1 for it.
  17. Delusionaltool

    Delusionaltool Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2009
    #137 Delusionaltool, Jan 4, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2013
    HEYYYYYYYYYY! I am the only delusional one HERE :).... people are freaking out its a dollar for a highly polished time trial game at the moment, where the later track designs are stunning , they have gotten the ships physics down...

    there is a patch coming out to fix the tilting so those people need to chill out jeeze its mentioned earlier in this thread, once again its 99 cents...

    the modes in phases there releasing i dont think are gonna be all WIPEOUT like i think they want to try new things with the names of the modes have any indication...

    and 99 cents once again, also its Pixelbite they have built a solid reputation as far as i am concerned. Love all there games and I bet this game will go up to 2.99 like there other titles, when phase 2 comes out it will be 1.99 and phase 3 2.99 so if you BUY IT EARLY its 99 cents and you get all that stuff for free whats not to like?

    p.s. ITS 99 CENTS !!!! :eek: :D

  18. GPS

    GPS Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2009
    Game is excellent. Very polished, nuff said :)
  19. Andy C83

    Andy C83 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2010
    Over the Rainbow
    #139 Andy C83, Jan 4, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2013
    That's some pretty solid reasoning for a delusional dude! Pretty much agree with all of that.

    Agree with Void, too. I'd prefer if weapons and opponents were not added to this game. I'm having a blast perfecting times, completing the 'hardcore' chellenges and competing on the leaderboards. Looking forward to what the developers have planned, but I have more than enough right now.

    @Bigrand - I do see where you're coming from with some of the points you've made. Some developers have promised updates and not delivered, we've all been there. BUT that doesn't give you the right to tarnish every every dev with the same brush. Also, you're essentially saying that this developer is saying 'give us your money for a 'promise' of a great game in the future.' I don't think I really need to tell you how wrong that is. Just look at how many of us are enjoying the game as is, and hopefully you'll understand.

    If that makes me a 'sucker', well, so be it.

    EDIT: Hundreds is pissing me off too, specifically level 83. :D
  20. bigrand1

    bigrand1 Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2010
    Geriatric Party Animal
    California, USA
    I DO understand. The whole idea is to have fun and enjoy your games, and if you like it, you're happy with it, that's all that matters, right? That's what it's all about! Different strokes for different folks! Not everyone wants, expects, or accepts the same things, though. They're opinions-that's what these forums are about, and we have the right to have them as such whether someone else agrees or not. In the end, this site serves to help us gamers ultimately decide which games are worth getting depending on what we like and avoid the ones we don't if possible.

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