If I don't want competition I'll play a rally racing game. That way, true to life, you have "simulated" competition who race before/after you finish.
Such a beautiful game to look at. But like some others, I'm really finding the controls to be twitchy. After fiddling with the sensitivity in both tilt and touch modes I still can't get cleanly around a track, especially during turbos. Either I really really suck (a definite possibility) or there are some control issues that need some attention.
The developer mentioned that on the next update, the controls will be adjusted. Later they are adding new tracks.
Oh that's good to know because I've struggled with the default controls so I tried the tilt and it can be hard to get the coloured gate I need because its too unresponsive. Anyways it's good to know I don't totally stink at this game. Looking forward to the updates with new environments! Ya like I've mastered all the original tracks!!!
The thing about the touch controls that gets me is that it seems like the longer you hold down on a direction, the more drastic your turn becomes.. like it's exponential. That means that innevitably I end up oversteering, trying to correct, then oversteering back the other way. Result: bang bang bang on the walls..
Um... no... you, me, and all the other people with crazy fast times don't seem to have a problem. =oP
How do you have your sensitivity set up for the touch controls? Very low? Very high? I find it close on impossible to get cleanly around corners when boosting, let alone avoid or target polarity gates when they're coming quickly. I guess I must just really suck
Nah dude, just takes practice! Personally I used the default controls, didn't change the sensitivity at all. I ended up with a time on the first track good enough for #6 on the leaderboard. Not bad, for controls that are broken. To be fair, some of the complaints about the touch controls are valid points, which is why the developers are tweaking them a bit in the update. I just learned to live with them as they are now. Tap tap tap.
You're probably right. There's so much detail in the rest of the game that it's hard to believe the devs would have released the game with controls that were "broken"... meaning they themselves must have got everything tweaked so that the game was nicely playable for them. Therefore as you say it's probably just a case of getting used to the speed and feel of the controls.
Yeah, this is much better than 100% the default. It should default around here I figure. Just kind of weird that you have to do a tap tap tap type control rather than the usually hold to move like most driving games. Wish they could do both control methods. Also, the tilt too, even with adjusting, I can't seem to find a good setting cause if it is too sensitive, I hit the wall way too often, and if it is not sensitive, it is too slow to react. But like tilt a lot better. So Look forward to this next update to see how the controls change.
Maybe this is part of my problem... trying to use the touch controls like other driving games. tap tap tap eh? Will give that a shot too.
Congrats on the Silver Award review by Pocket Gamer. http://www.pocketgamer.co.uk/r/iPhone/Repulze/review.asp?c=47718