Hi, do you mind telling us where that statue room/poster is please? I've been playing and replaying for hours but I can't find that last poster Edit: Found it! Spoiler It's in the recharging room to the right of the dorm reception area. In more detail: from the atrium facing the library entrance, go left. In the area with the guard and two animal sculptures there will be 4 doors: two doors leading north, one door on the left to Mireille's room, and one door on the right to a recharging room. The statue poster is in that recharging room, you have to access the other camera in the room to see it.
Yup, thats the problem. I had to unjailbreak in order to play the game (and save it). I hope it gets fixed.
I upgraded my iPad's OS to 7 so I could check it out on a bigger screen (and hey, you can actually read the newspapers that way!). I decided to make notes of where I'm finding everything. I've mostly been sticking with writing down the camera where I first can scan an object, but sometimes it's tough because a guard might be easier to scan with a different camera. I'm mostly doing it so I can figure out where I missed one of the Zager cassettes on my phone, but I've been marking everything from posters to P-Zero to items you can pickpocket. I'll paste it here when I finish and get it somewhat organized.
Here's the list of stuff in episode 1. It should be pretty straight forward, but the order of the cameras is mostly the order in which you encounter them in a regular play through. If you see any mistakes, please let me know. https://www.evernote.com/shard/s74/sh/8e23b120-96a8-4a5a-a20b-8a53d51421fd/a582b135f77ce9d128304f1f5e9012ac
Awesome list! I only wish the game gave details to all items as well. I'm missing just a few things, but beyond knowing that its a book, I have no idea which one or two, you know. Until now.
Is the Making Of part 1 video supposed to be a separate $1.99 purchase outside of the season pass? I figured the pass included all of the Making Of videos but that doesn't seem to be the case for me. I'd like to watch it but I'm not paying an additional $2 on top of the $20 I already paid for the game...