It's probably better to think of the camera (or rather the person controlling the camera) as who you are playing as in the game. The only movement you really control for Hope is where she goes ("tap to go here") and telling her to pick someone's pockets or mace them. You spend a lot more time in the camera mode, checking out stuff in the environment, and planning out a route for Hope. A lot of it is also watching the story play out through in-game cut scenes. As far as I can tell, everything runs in the game's engine. From what I've played, it's pretty fun, and the writing is great.
I'm pretty sure the IAPs are just referring to forthcoming episodes. This quote is from the dev yesterday - "It will be a paid premium app. No IAPs to bother with!"
The app description mentions a "developer commentary" and a "making of" video both available to purchase via IAP.
These extras come with the Season Pass. They probably stated in-app purchase in the description to make it clear that the extras are not included with the regular episode one download.
How many episodes are there going to be tho? And how much is the season pass? Wish devs could be a bit more specific with what it is they're actually selling..
5 total, 4 included in the season pass since purchasing the app gets you episode 1. $5 each, season pass is $15 so you can get one episode free. They released this info a while ago. iOS7 is a dealbreaker. I guess I'll be waiting until I upgrade my iPad for this one, which should be before they finish releasing all the episodes anyway.
Thanks. Devs, please put that info on your app infos. Also, timeframe for when each episode will be out is another thing that customers should be informed about..
I backed this on Kickstarter and can't believe I'm finally playing it - it's incredible! It starts off fairly easy but definitely ramps up the difficulty to get quite challenging. I'm totally hooked by the story too. Given the level of graphics I don't see how it could possibly support iPad 1 and old devices that can't run IOS 7. It looks more like a PS3 console game than what you normally see on iOS. Also, great to see a premium title where you just buy episodes. The IAP is clearly marked, so I don't see what people are complaining about. This isn't a free to play grindfest loaded with IAP's. You buy episodes, and if you buy the season pass you get a bonus soundtrack and commentary. The commentary is actually inside the game - you see the Camouflaj logo spray painted on a surface and tap on it for the commentary. Also, I <3 Jennifer Hale and David Hayter. Has FemShep ever done an iOS game before?
"They want to erase who I am". This line took me back to Gemeni Rue days... By the way, I hope this game is good enough to worth the price (I'm talking about the whole game, not just Episode 1). By the way (again) this video is so AWESOME!!! I feel like just watching it like a movie, but I don't want to spoil anything. I wonder if this is as short as Wolf Among Us ep 1. Games/Episodes too shorts are frustrating...
I'm trying to look at it as one more reason to keep the virtual wallet closed. Fewer games I buy here, the more I can buy on sale through PS Store thanks to my new PS+ account. I've not followed any dev stuff on this, any chance it'll get ported to pc/psn/xbl/etc?
When is Xmas sale on PSN store? Besides I guess this was the last game of appstore in 2013 so yeah instaby