iPad Reiner Knizia's Ra [v1.5 - Game Center]

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by codito, Nov 2, 2010.

  1. codito

    codito Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2009
    iPhone developer
    Nice sleuthing. And we can confirm that this will be fixed in the next update. :)
  2. mekanikal fiend

    mekanikal fiend Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2010
    i am getting that screen in the way too. came here to see if anyone else was having the issue. (i was thinking, how are you supposed to play this game) ha.
    glad there is a work around already. I was trying to learn how to play last night with my wife, but all we could see was that screen in the way..
  3. codito

    codito Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2009
    iPhone developer
    Version 1.3 is here!

    We look forward to your feedback, as always. Look for GameCenter support and more releases and games coming soon!
  4. currymutton

    currymutton Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
    Updated and note a few things:

    1. When click the music icon on the top left, my iPod song list appears but it does not cover the whole screen and the top bar obscure the screen.

    2. After that, all the buttons on the main menu are not responding....

    3. It resumes normal after killing the app and relaunch.
  5. currymutton

    currymutton Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
  6. Drucifer

    Drucifer Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 2010
    So has anyone tried the online yet, does it seem to be fixed?
  7. codito

    codito Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2009
    iPhone developer
    Thanks for the heads up. We'll look into this and fix it for the next release.
  8. codito

    codito Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2009
    iPhone developer
    We just updated the "what's new" notes in iTunes, but felt it was worth mentioning here that multiplayer games in progress with version 1.2 will NOT work with 1.3. We had to make some fundamental changes which unfortunately are not backwards-compatible.

    Please resign any existing game and start a new game. This is a one-time requirement and we apologize for any inconvenience.
  9. crunc

    crunc Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2008
    The online works now. Yeah! At least so far. So that's great, but the game needs improvements/fixes:

    1. in-game chat. I hope you'll be able to add that in the next update.

    2. If you go back to the lobby (or choose next game) you can't get back to the game you were in until it's your turn! The only option you have is "Resign". The "Play" button shouldn't go away.

    3. The UI in your games (this and Medici) leaves something to be desired. I find the interface confusing in general, and eye-exploding too. If I'm not mistaken, you folks are making Puerto Rico. I hope you will revisit your UI designs for that game. That's a complex game and a confusing UI is really not going to suit it well.
  10. codito

    codito Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2009
    iPhone developer
    You can access IM from OpenFeint in the in-game menu. We've asked OF about a more easily accessed in-game chat.

    Good point. This was needed with the 1.2 implementation but isn't really necessary in 1.3. We'll let you go back in and see a game, even though you can't play if it's not your turn, in the next release.

    Can you be more specific? What parts do you find confusing? What do you mean by "eye-exploding"? :)

    Thanks for the feedback and we'll keep the improvements coming!
  11. amn624

    amn624 Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2008
    Nassau County, NY
    Buggy again!

    Seriously buggy as of last night (EST).

    None of my three online games are working. Screens either not functioning or are crazy. Was in the middle of these games and this is just so frustrating. I don't care if I have to delete the games, just PLEASE FIX ASAP.:(
  12. codito

    codito Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2009
    iPhone developer
    As noted in a previous post: multiplayer games in progress with version 1.2 will NOT work with 1.3. We had to make some fundamental changes which unfortunately are not backwards-compatible.

    Please resign any existing game and start a new game. This is a one-time requirement and we apologize for any inconvenience.
  13. crunc

    crunc Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2008
    #153 crunc, Feb 21, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2011
    I'm in a game which I'm pretty sure is 1.3 on both sides and it's stuck because it's my turn but there are no buttons for me to press:


    EDIT: I went back to the lobby and then it said it was their turn. But I just got another notification that it was my turn and when I go back into the game it's the same problem.
  14. amn624

    amn624 Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2008
    Nassau County, NY
    Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's your game with me (pistachioko). I declined to bid on the 8 tiles and your position is highlighted and it shows opponent's turn in the lobby. But then when I put the phone to sleep, it wakes up with the message that it's my turn, but of course, it's not.

  15. crunc

    crunc Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2008
    Yep, same here. I go back to the lobby and it says it's your turn and then a little while later I get a notification that it's my turn, but it's the same problem. Also if I tap on a character I get the screen showing that players tiles, but there is no close button so I can't get out of it!


    So there's still game-killing problems with the online. :(
  16. codito

    codito Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2009
    iPhone developer
    Damn and double damn. This is not the way we wanted to start the week! :(

    We saw this problem when working on the last release but we've literally played dozens and dozens of games in testing since than and haven't been able to reproduce the problem. We've tried all kinds of combinations of turning devices off, exiting to lobby, etc., etc.

    Our best guess at this point is that it may be related to an issue with older iPhones (3G and older) that don't support multitasking. (Do either of you have an older iPhone?)

    In the meantime, try exiting to the lobby after you complete your turn or at least before exiting the app. That may leave things in a "cleaner" state.

    Our apologies for the inconvenience. We're investigating and we'll fix it ASAP, of course.

    (On a side note, we take very small comfort in the fact that we've been seeing a lot of updates from other apps related to online multiplayer fixes... it seems we aren't the only ones having difficulty working out all the kinks!)
  17. amn624

    amn624 Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2008
    Nassau County, NY
    FYI, I've attached three jpegs. First shows current gameplay for me. I've declined to bid, hitting the "X". Second, it's now Crunc's turn. Exit app. Get a message it's my turn (see photo #3. No, it's not. Same condition.

    I have done everything. Exited app completely. Turned off phone. Whatever. I have an iPhone 4. It's not the phones. It is the coding. I've even gone back in and tried to ACCEPT the bid, even though I don't want it, just to see if I could get the program to respond. It does not.

    I suppose others have had MP problems async but Samurai (Conlan Rios) has functioned perfectly without a hitch since day 1. He has his own server to save data. You might want to check with him to see how he is doing it without any problems.

    Attached Files:

  18. crunc

    crunc Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2008
    I have an iPhone 4 as well, so it's got nothing to do with older phones. I'm running iOS 4.2.1.
  19. TheDukester

    TheDukester Well-Known Member


    So more time and resources get poured into an alleged "feature" that doesn't work, for a game that doesn't really need it in the first place. Awesome.

    Seriously ... people are trying to play Ra online? A rapid-fire auction game that should take 20 minutes, tops? Why? What's the appeal of waiting around for some stranger to make a move and turning what should be a quick bidding-and-bluffing game into Campaign for North Africa?

    Meanwhile, it seems a pretty safe bet that this multiplayer disaster will be affecting these much-anticipated releases:

    • Puerto Rico (March)
    • Roll Through the Ages (April)
    • Le Havre (May)
    • Tigris & Euphrates (March)
    • Tikal (February ... which has a week remaining).

    Those dates are taken from information provided to public websites. And my guess is that not one of them has any intersection with reality any longer.

    The biggest myth in iOS gaming right now is that "everyone" wants online multiplayer. The multiplayer experience has its place, to be sure, but it's disappointing that a number of developers seem to be forgetting that a fun FTF experience and a solid AI are the foundations that they need to devote the most time and attention toward.

    The App Store attracts lots of different types of customers. Most of them couldn't possibly care less about online multiplayer, especially in games (*cough*Ra*cough*) that simply don't need it. Sadly, that's becoming obscured by the ranting and whining of a vocal minority.
  20. sizzlakalonji

    sizzlakalonji Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Apr 16, 2009
    Indiana, USA
    ^+1. I won't go as far as disparage those who want multiplayer, but I simply don't understand the appeal of asynchronous multiplayer in a game like this. I have no interest whatsoever. I own every Knizia game, and I have never once felt the need to play against someone except the AI. As long as the AI is solid (which RA most certainly is), I'm happy.

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