Really fun game, I completed like 3/4 of the steps needed for the good ending on my first playthrough without a guide. Messed up and got the bad ending D: Everything reset after year 1998...don't feel like doing it again. My longest reign was 63years and I'm satisfied with that.
One of the extremely rare instances where I do not mind her posting her link as she has been extremely helpful here in TA especially here in the forums and not like others selfishly withholding answers here in order to lure others to their sites. Best of luck Appunwrapper.
The games go faster once you know how most cards will affect you. Less time thinking about each and every decision. (But maybe I should slow down a bit since I haven't broken 100 yet. ) Impressive that you got so close to the good ending on your first run, though! Thanks for all the support, guys!
This has to be one of the fastest games where I went from yea to nay. I was loving it then like a light switch I got bored as hell in less than 48 hrs.
Finished it as well over the weekend. Got the bad ending because i couldn't break the curse. I lost a lot of years and got frustrated with the ticks per second of Crusade and Colonies. Without new content cards, i probably won't come back to it, because i will have to look at a guide and go through it all again to get the good ending. For me Reigns was like Monument Valley, solid purchase, great fun the first time, but zero desire to replay.
Am I the only on who thinks it would be awesome if we could name the king in each generation? Much more memorable.
It took me a while to really "get" what was going on but I did one reset (thanks Dev! I don't plan on using it again but it was good for those of us who didn't pay attention and really mucked things up early on, haha) and I'm really enjoying it now.
Oops, sorry for not seeing this and responding- thankfully kidbeyond explained it just fine. I'd posted the path on the prior page but should have clarified further.
Maybe your site should hire her to put her great stuff on your site instead of being snarky about an innocent link to help someone. Thank you, AppUnwrapper for your great contributions to this site!
He's obviously not being snarky because the link is still posted. Good link btw, too bad I read it late and just barely missed the good ending Guess I have to start over from the beginning now
Our community has just decided certain people are above the rules, it's not fair, but there's not much we can do about it. If warcrack posted his guide, we'd get all sorts of post reports for breaking the self promotion rules. Happens all the time. Suggesting AppUnwrapper not break the same rule is not something we can do, it'd seem. *shrug* C'est la vie.
Awesome game here judging by reviews and TA articles. I'm really into its simple yet addictive game that at first seems average and boring but then I realize that it has some kind of longevity due to the fact that you actually decide by yes/no what will happen next. This is like visual novel + clicker + unfolding step by step storytelling game. Truly unique game. Will there be any promo codes in sister thread for promo codes here or discounts?)
So... Excalibur seems to not only kill skeletons, it also kills graphics and hides images... Not sure I like this buggy sword. On my second playthrough now, after getting ending 1 the first time. If I don't figure out the good ending this time around, I'm going to have to read all those spoilers (and hate myself!).
unstable? Anyone else but me having stability issues? I've had freezes after dying a few times now. (iPhone 6S) Enjoying the #### out of this game! Yay!
I dont mind the second countdown on some stages. It makes it a bit more challenging and quickens up the pace from time to time.
Need help here guys. I'm still alive, but all my are upside down? Can't swipe right or left. I tried deleting the app and and re-installing it, but no dice. For what it's worth, I'm on Android (I know this is a iOS forums, but I'll try my luck here if you guys don't mind). I also tried disconnecting Reigns from Google Play, but it didn't work either. Have you guys experienced this?
I've had a few freezes and hang-up issues - think it has a memory bleed issue where the longer you play, the nearer it gets to crashing. Just shut down background apps and refresh from time to time - that seems to fix it for iOS. As for Android, don't know - but good luck. Contact the dev?