Really like this. Great style, music, easy to play, interesting. I currently have both a crusade and a colony and my reigns are all ended quickly due to the 1 tick per second effects. ... I don't like those because I feel rushed reading the cards and reading the cards is the fun part of the game. Maybe there could be an option to slow those down or just have them tick with each decision?
I lost again. I'm getting closer this time, though. I'm even currently third on the leaderboard (as a result of dying of old age). Hopefully I can get through everything even faster now. EDIT: Still haven't gotten to rank 2, but did get a few more years (95 previously, 98 now) and didn't even die of old age. Of course, it's 2 AM here and I need to sleep, so with time zones... I'm going to wake up to being far down the list, I think.
This is one of my favorite games in a long time. Interesting story and cool theme, easy to play and get into. What a brilliant idea and masterfully executed, I don't want it to end
Loving the game, but can't seem to break the 30-ish year mark. Any tips for longevity? I'm already around year 1100.
Tricking the Devil Can anyone provide a hint for how to trick the devil? Do you have to Spoiler get through the devil trigger year, and then die on one of the years mentioned by the white witch?
I just ran into a bug where I was in a dungeon but could not see the cards with the options, I ran into a skeleton and fought a duel and could not see the little people at the top with swords that move back and forth while dueling.
If I don't figure out how to trick the devil or date a bird soon I'm crashing this kingdom with no survivors
Ehi @nerial it's the second time that the game reset itself, saying my data is corrupt on load... I don't mind too much now since i can still experiment and improve.. but a third time would be too much... I dunno what's wrong.. maybe exiting from app after a death corrupt it? I can provide screen of the message that appear, but i think you know it already. If u need anymore infos feel free to ask.
When that happened to me, closing the app fixed it, but someone else had that erase their data, I think.
You managed to get to the top of the leaderboard with a life that long without winning? Dang. To date a bird: Spoiler the sorcerer's Tinder love spell will eventually present a bird as an option. I assumed the blue mushroom was the actual way to do it, since one of the birds is even named Sakuya (from Hatoful Boyfriend, as one might expect), but I've never been able to get a bird even after the mushroom. Regarding devil tricking: Spoiler I haven't actually been able to do it the last time and win, but I did once get him to give up on killing someone by taking a full century without Yesing the second time he cursed me. I'm still trying to figure out what the sorcerer's years actually mean, or how to end it, because the 100 years only lined up with one of the tricking years by chance.
This old man is gonna woo that bird now thank you!! Any idea what the thing vase tells you to find is?
No Spoiler if you go on a crusade, sometimes the vase says while we're here find something important and meet me back here
How did I miss this? I just caught up reading the thread. Since I looooove dictator 1 and 2 this game is right up my alley. Plus Devolver made this. That's Instabuy right there! Let's see how many years I can make it on my first try lol Billy
I haven't found it yet either (though I haven't played since last night). Spoiler It's specifically something living that needs to be recreated, so it might be encountering something rather than finding a physical object? Another big thing that may or may not be needed to win that I'm still trying to figure out is Spoiler whether there's actually something special in the dungeon or not. The skeletons keep hinting that something's down there with them, and there's some vague hints that might refer to the doors, but I still haven't ever picked up on what anything means besides the obvious ones (gold being a chest, arsenic being a trap, and air being the way out), hmm.