I just noticed the publisher of the game is Devolver Digital, as in Hotline Miami and many other epic games. Now I'm really pumped to play this.
I have to step in and agree. It's an easy one handed game. It's like a quickie version of King of Dragon Pass, but while the options are less in a sense, there is this beautiful feeling of growth. So while you accomplish nothing some years, you may actually have changed the future in magnificent ways. It praises messing up and falling to your death, because it may unlock something else that it may take many generations to appreciate. Like king of dragons pass meets crypt of the NecroDancer meets Monkey Island (LOVED the references to Guybrush and one other where you have to be quite witty to get through it). It's perfect. Your choices have weight and, from what I can tell, it only shows where the areas will be impacted, It's fantastic. Easily one of the Best games I've played this decade. It has a weight. It just feels important.
Cheers, brilliant game. So far th most challenging period has been the Crasades, its realtime effect is brutal. Having the mushroom vision helped, but so many short reigns. Couldn't wait for it to end.
Look great but I wonder how many hours you can actually put into this game? Seems like if you sat down and played it you could go through everything in a few hours or so? (since it's just swiping choices)
I think you'd be surprised. There's more to it than just swiping. The bit I've played has already given me my money's worth. There's a chance you'll get through and see everything within a few hours, but I think you'd have to be absolutely genius to Get through everything. There's really something special and unique here.
More than you might think. Because the individual decisions go by so fast, this sucker kind of eats time. And it's pretty great to play for a few minutes if that's all you have as well.
I did a 2 hrs sessions last night and i was totally captured... i stopped because i was afraid to spoils everything already.. but i still have the feel that there's a lot more to discover... And yea those 2 hours passed really fast and it was ####ing enjoyable!!! I laughed in a lot of occasion.. grinned when the fate of so many people was in my hands... and felt rightful when deciding to spare lives... super curious while exploring.. happy when discovering new things.. and even got a chill under my spine when talking to the devil... Really impressed... i'll be sad when i'll complete it.
I will have to write more cards then! Thank you all for your amazing feedbacks! The glitch encountered is known and quite rare, I didn't manage to reproduce it myself. And yes, a simple restart should solve your problem (but it may not save the last king).
Really funny game, i'm glad having bought it, thanks TA. And it's translated in my mother langage, french. It's a pleasure to understand everything in details. I tried to play king of the dragon pass, but i'm not good enough in english to understand everything. Bravo aux développeurs, merci beaucoup!
So far the only real issue I have with the game outside of my overwhelming suck at playing it (listen I know I'm not terribly bright and rush in too quickly so it's all on me, not the game) is the battery. I don't know if this is an iOS 10 beta thing or not, but Reigns sucks more of my battery on my 6+ then Pokemon GO. Is this weird? Can I help at all with figuring it out?
Yes noticed that on my 4s... at first i tought it was my old phone going crazy as usual... but honestly noticed that the game suck battery more than it should imho... or if it's the new iOS update i did yesterday wich broke everything as usual
This game is great. Along with the battery drain, there is also a substantial jump in the temperature of my phone.
Dear developers, are there any plans to add some permanent unlockable goals to work towards? Like Downwell for example, it kept me playing past my limits just on the premise of different "styles" and color palettes to unlock with coins. I am asking this on both the Journey Below and Reigns threads because 1) imo these are the two best games of this - and previous weeks 2) they both are designed for quick fun session that can also be drawn out 3) the "unlockable goals" i think can apply to both, take Downwell for Journey Below and the castle building of Rogue Legacy for example in Reigns and 4) i bought and loved games from both Devolver Digital and Ravenous Games, who produce solid and premium priced games even in this freemium age, and are active in the forums interacting with us. I have to say i am buying both Journey and Reigns regardless of unlockables or not, it's just that when i find such fun games i want them to keep me interested past the "highscore" with some minor gameplay gimmic - because this much fun is as excellent as it is rare.
I lost my first bloodline after a few hours of playing, because I got the bug where the Spoiler dungeon's cards stop displaying correctly and when I quit + reloaded, it dumped me at the start of that king's reign and I swiped right without thinking... I know more or less what to do (or, I guess... 2 different cards that could be the right "answer" and another couple things that I haven't done/figured out that could be important), but it's going to be a bit of a pain to get back to the point where I can do that. I've really enjoyed what I've played of the game but it does start to feel increasingly repetitive with how often you see the same cards and how you don't have that much freedom to avoid dying. I'm really fond of what it's doing mechanically, though, and it's charming enough that I'll keep trying to see the rest.
Thanks for the feedbacks! For the battery, it's certainly an issue. Reigns is a relative intense game for the phone when you play it quickly, especially on 4s (which struggles a bit). The state of the Kingdom is updated for every card and it's a vectorized game, so it may explain also that. I will try to see if I can do something about that. @ramzarules Not if you're talking about the whole game (everything is initialized when you come back to the start). But between reigns, there are definitely that sort of things, like Excalibur or some of the effects.
A lot of the cards seem based more on memory than anything else, as in "did left or right give me the result I wanted last time...I can't remember" The text on the card isn't always clear on what's going to happen whichever side you go which means I'm relying on remembering what it did last time. Is that right or just me being daft?
I agree. There's a decent number of Yes/No answers (and similar ones where the answer is what you're saying) where it's not clear what you're responding to at all, or what your answer means. This makes it even harder to remember which choice actually does what. Though, yes, even ignoring those cards there is a decent amount of memory involved for how certain cards consistently turn out when it's not the direction(s) you'd really expect at first.
What a BRILLIANT unique little game! Hard to put it down! Love everything about it! Best release in weeks!