Go to the game options and set the speed to the lowest possible (or as low as you want before it becomes painfully slow); this makes micro-management easier.
LAWL, I'm putting the finishing touches on it now. This will only be a guide on moving and building, not battle tactics or a walkthrough on the game. I hope it's still informative, though.
LeopardGecko, you are immortal! When you die this is gonna zap you straight into heaven, sitting on God's big toe and eating gummy babies for all eternity! You rock! Printing now!
I have been playing this game wrong for a while now... thanks for killing the dream lord! But awesome job.
Thanks guys. I didn't think it was that great, lol. Glad to see it helped I might put out a more strategic, battling tactics guide, but I'll have to work on that one for a while as there's a lot to talk about.
why am I getting a lo-res icon? the graphics are still sharp though. I also have a low res icon for blue attack. at least I think it's lower res, it's all jagged
I am getting lots of random crashes since the patch. At menu, in game, and options screen. Current version of ios4 and on a iphone 4.