Have you guys thought of putting out a lite of this? It may encourage noobs of RTS games to give the full a go. I'd be first in the line for that.
i dont know, this isnt the type of game that people will play once and fully like. Having a lite may have a negative effect since you really do spend a bit of time since the learning curve is a bit steep. It's a highly rewarding game though once you learn to play it but having a lite I think might hurt this particular game
That's fair enough mate, but for me, I wouldn't buy this without having a lite as I'm not into these games usually. It's a tricky situation.
Perhaps the lite version could only contain -some- of the control options. Only the absolutely necessary ones. Such as the basic move and build options instead of all the formations and stuff. Then throw in skirmish mode and the first couple missions (including the tutorials). They could get the hang of the controls and then experiment with the Advance U.I. in the full version.
Yea that would be ideal but the conversion game for DLC seems to be pretty low. I think that the real fans of an RTS will buy this. It's pretty much the only RTS that's made specifically for the iDevice that's great. There's other RTS games obviously but they more or less try to bring the PC (lasw), DS (robocalypse), palm (warfare inc) experience into the iDevice. This game though was made just for the iPhone with everything in mind. Besides like John has said, he's going to be polishing multiplayer and releasing Episode 3 first so hopefully that will give it more recognition. As far as the people asking for matches, you'll have to wait. I just sold my iPhone 3GS and I need to get a new phone first....meanwhile I'm going back to the stone age with a broken flip phone that i found somewhere.
what...-.- i guess i'll stick to owning ron for now xP. if anyone is up for RC online, just pm me sometime!
I really like this! And the lite version should only be able to play on easy (maybe the last map on the lite version should be on "normal"), and on slower speed then normal gameplay. it could really work! And launched at the same time as episode 3? What do you think of this John?
good ideas just seems to pop up in my head this week. so her's another one ^^ : I think most of us can agree that Battleships/Destroyers always has been a little better then carriers. And like most people know John tried to fix that with the last update, making the carriers stronger making better at what's it supposed to be good at (defending!). I think it worked, but not al the way! I still usually go "only" battleships, building them like hell. And many people do. But that's really boring in the long run. So how about giving the carrier a "big" attack (or/and defend????) advantage when its close to its home/team (not the enemy) base's, foundry's, and harvesters. And giving the Battleships/Destroyers a disadvantage when it's close to its home/team base's and foundry's (but don't think it should get a disadvantage when close to harvesters) But this is just the start of an idea, so what do you guy's think?
I dont like this idea much, it would make the carriers too good. They already have more health, and b/c the base has big attack also, the boost will just overpower. Instead of going all destroyers you'll see all carriers. not much will change. I think the suggestions of more units will be better especially for Red. And also more importantly it needs to be balanced a bit more. Blue is IMO the best faction. Green was good before but the harvester rushed overpowered it, now harvesters build really slow which sucks b/c green needs those resources badly. If anything i'd say leave harvesters for green as they were before just take away their attack ability. For Red, it doesn't matter that the units are fast to make since they're so expensive, and you go through money super fast. In middle-large maps you need to have a healthy amount of harvesters to keep your attack going which is bad b/c with the same time and resources Blue can build a structured invasion force. Red Needs more units and weakened a bit, and really be given the bility to "Rush" by making them build fast with few resources. Green needs to be balanced a bit more, maybe more health and power. Still a great game, if anything my biggest questions is: Is there a planned graphics update now that iPHone 4 is out? that's what i want right now. I'm content with waiting for Episode 3 for every other update. I just want this game with graphic enhancements to take advantage of iPHone 4 which I'll be getting....sometiems next month
This is what i initially suggested, which i think works. For those looking for a fast and cheap online RTS, it will meet requirements. and you'll be able to play "quick" games with small and medium plans. For those of us who have played we know that the large maps take a LONG time to play. More importantly it's not free which generates revenue. And also for those who really like the game, they'll buy the rest of the episodes and all the other goodies like more maps (the large ones), and the challenge missions. Although I'll respect whatever John's team decides, they're the ones making a living out of this and they'll figure out whatever works for them and the audience.
I Think I know what you mean, but it could still work. one way is to give the carriers a higher upkeep (from today's 4 to 5) Another way to make it work (and in my opinion a better way.) is that the carrier's only gets an advantage when its really really REALLY close to a base. This will ad another element of strategy to the game. Giving players who does there micro right, and advantage. it's just that I see no real usage for the carriers at the moment, they are supposed to be a tank/defender unit. but its just to week and to expensive. Giving them an advantage at defending bases, (and maybe even an disadvantage when attacking bases) and the battleships a disadvantage when close/defending bases will really open up for different tactics. And I completely agree with you that more units is needed! I like what you are saying. I agree. But Red Is really good on big maps with a sh*t-load of resources. or a map with lots of resources in the middle. al you have to do is claim the resources first. Then you can build as much and fast as you like how about making Red, build harvesters really fast? Or making Red's harvesters able to upgradable? :/ What do you mean with " the ability to rush", how would it work? :S This would open up for special abilities. But as I see it, A rush ability for Red would make Blue and green suck on small maps. or if they get rushed early in game. I really hate that Red has no real scout unit. And this could be easily changed, giving the red cruiser a little better eye sight. not at al as long as the blue and green scout. Just a little longer then it is right now. But then again, If red would get a new unit, that's capable of making other units invisible, then it would maybe be kinda fair that Red has no extra good cruiser.
This sound's like a good idea, but i still think that there should be a lite version. set on very easy or just easy, and on 80% game speed. as for app icon the lite version could have the Red battleship on it, the 99cent could have the blue Destroyer on it, and the full game could have the green destroyer ^_____^
Carrier with blue and red allows you to attack really fast. It builds really fast with both of them and for blue carrier makes cruisers which are a huge boost to attack. If you go the destroyer route, then it takes a longer time to get more firepower. Hence the strategy element.