Mr. Kooistra, could you possibly fit the feature of seeing playernames ingame when selecting their unit? Far too many times I've accused the wrong person of rushing me
If you're talking about level music still playing when you either: -have a connection to the game lobby host fail -spectate on a game in progress, then leave then yes, I know about it. If it's another sound state problem, let me know and I'll add it to the list.
Even though you got rid of most of the white screen problems, it still pops up rarely for me. Very inconvenient if it's during multiplayer. Also, are the Escape challenges actually possible?
for sure, that's on my todo list. I'll put it in the next-next update. I just submitted the next update, with some more balance tweak issues, and a fix for the maxplayers-less-than-8 level selection bug, as well as a few other tweaks.
oh right, one thing was pretty inportant for you online players: when you go to the online game screen, and there's only one server, it will automatically log you in to that server. Instead of "join" it will then say "play", and instead of "connected users" it will say "other users", subtracting one because you're not really interested in a server with one player in it, when that player is yourself. hopefully, this will mitigate the problem (just a little bit) of users clicking into the online system, seeing that there's nobody available to play, and clicking away.
it's a different one. I'll change the sound setting even on single player mode and exit the game and when I go back sound settings are on default. This happens even if I save the state. Pretty much if I turn off sound all the way down everytime I restart the game it goes back to default
It would be nice to see "Capture the flag" in multiplayer. It will be interesting to watch. Just two maps would work for that. No need to rush Also, is there a way to see how many wins and losses online? Options for landscape mode?
So its in this thread that al the actions happen think I got some catching up to do. John, I have posted a few coments on catinabox, maybe you have read them maybe you have not. so I post them hear agian, just to be sure! I find that red conquest, crashes allot when I try to find friends. 10-15 times in a couple of minutes :S I don't know if its relevant, but maybe it is. every time it crashed I search for "]" or "[". thought you should know. ____________________________ Maybe this can be solved with the awesome "mind concealer" that you talked about but I post this anyway: one: I often find it really annoying that red has no scout. I don't think it needs one, why not just increase the sight radius for the red Cruiser? to something like 250-270? two: when the battle is tense, its sometimes hard to see everything clearly, sure you can zoom out, but then vital information about units disappear, like there health bars and there fighter bars, why not have three "stages", if you have zoomed in you see al stats, (health/fighter bars, fighters flying around) when you have zoomed out you don't see any stats. But when you are in an in-between mode you only see health/fighter bars. (no fighters flying around.)
But naaah, you got enough to do at the moment And I think the "Dreadnought ship that is born small, but grows over time " is really cool. How about some kind of warning for the enemy (maybe by sound?) when the Dreadnought is being built? so you got time to counter the red. Counter to Vingdoloras I think that more units to red will make the game better. Sure the red should be simple, but with a Dreadnought and a MC (mind concealer) it will still be simple only with more depth and ways to play red. so cheap it up and thx for the best RTS on iphone!
I've got plans for planetary defense levels, not sure when I'll get around to them, but here are the ideas: -Planet defense: each player gets their own planet, at less than full health. They can heal it, over time, or go on the warpath. -Epic (fewer players / larger maps, the "fourth tent pole", small players/maps (basic arena), large players/maps (pinwheel, etc), small maps many players (pipeline) ) The previous suggestion of CTF, I can't see how I would make it work with the current play balance - Red Conquest is more about blockading and standoffs than hit-and-run. let me know if you want to see anything else.
Again, no promises - a lot of these ideas are really interesting, but without a lot of serious thought the unit balances aren't going to change any time soon - that being said, any and all suggestions will be taken into account, I love what I've heard so far! Your input is invaluable.
haha glad you like my idea! and ya, i think concealment should work even with fog-of-war off. and of course no promises, i know
Not now, and definitely not in the next two episodic updates. If more colors come out, they'll likely be introduced in another game first, but I have no plans for new color-factions at this point.
Wow, I missed out on this game since release, glad I saw this thread. I am a big fan of blue attack, can't wait to give this one a spin.
Oh I'm never happy xD three is totally enough, but more colors probably means more ways to play (in strategic means) But if john doesn't plan adding any more colors, I'm still fine