It sounds like there are only a few people who are good and schedule matches. There's a group for it if you want to join. (don't ask me i'm not in it)
First question: Yep. second: I belive there is both. Someone correct me if wrong. Third: There's not a huge amount of people there (yet), but if you hit the right times you can fill up a whole game (8 players). Trust me though- some of the best battles are with only 2 or 3 people. There's also a clan for it, the Second Fleet. You can apply for it if you'd like.
I can vouch that multiplayer works fine on 3g. I've played several matches on 3g already. usually i can hit at least one person when i log on at most times. I didnt even know they scheduled matches and I'm in the group!!! But i've been able to log on when there are a lot of people. It's really really fun
Hey onewithchaos, that was some fun games earlier. Cruiser spam works really well. I destroyed carriers, harvesters and a base when i launched the swarm. Then, i defeated a bunch of battleships but my cruisers and carriers were too weak and i lost. So close though.
Units moving on their own has happened to me too. In a huge FFA match, it happened to all at the same time. I already told john, but I still can't reproduce the bug.
I just had to pop in and say... After months of refusing to buy this game (for no good reason) I finally caved in and bought it; wow! I was really missing out. This game is fantastic on so many different levels... kk that's all I wanted to say... ANd I look forward to the other two episodes!
I've got a really serious question: Is it possible to have MORE than one base? I was 100 % sure that I couldn't, before yesterday. I was playing 2v2 match with *someone I don't remember*. On the other team (I'm not quite sure if this is right, but it should be, judging from the "People You've seen" tab) the two players STE, and User ID #99551 BOTH had two bases each (yes, I'm sure). They were playing as blue and red. They also somehow managed to have more units than the unit cap allowed. And yes, I counted! Am I missing out on something here?
Well some maps give certain players an advantage because they are outnumbered. The map you are talking about is "Base Instincts". The people in the middle get two bases and a higher pop. cap. Other maps that give advatages are "Man in the Middle" and "One vs. Many".
thanks for all your feedback, again - I've added everything up to this point in the thread to my TODO list, guys. Let's make this the best online RTS out there! 1) online status I currently plan to make it so you can auto-sign-in to a server, optionally, in your account settings. That way, even when you're playing single player, you can be logged into a server, and other people can invite you to a game. Game invites will either show up as an overlay or something just inside your notifications list. (maybe as one or the other, depending if they're in your friends list or not - an overlay is definitely more intrusive) 2) finding people to play with I want to implement a system where you can see who is in the server (not just how many), and explicitly invite them to play in your game (from the lobby screen). 3) finding games, continued I think I should start off the online multiplayer screen with the game listing screen, instead of the game parameter screen. That way, you could see all the open games immediately, and join one you like, and if none exist, you then press "set up game lobby" which brings you to the game parameter screen. 4) push invites push is a given. I'm still working on it. 5) still about finding games the games listing screen should auto-refresh itself when there are no games. 6) finding out about games when you're not looking at the server If you can be playing single-player levels while logged in to the server, it should be able to tell you how many people aren't in games and how many open games there are at any given time. Possibly as a status along the right hand side of the screen, if not a regular notification list thing. 7) inviting people to games You should be able to invite people to your game after you've started it. The party system should be in addition to the lobby system, not take away from the lobby's functionality. So instead of making your party, waiting for everyone, then starting, you should be able to start with who you have and then wait for others in the background. 8) playing with friends I had an idea, not sure how to implement it with my system, but maybe there should be an "online friends" list, that you can then say "play with" and it will either: -join the game lobby they're in, if they're in a game lobby -create a party, and auto-invite that person I'm pretty sure I thought up more stuff, but this is all going on my tentative-TODO list, since some of it requires major modifications. let me know if any of these in particular would be useful to you, or if you just want all of these features with no changes.
right: 9) allow players to join game lobbies even if the game is already in progress. They can then lobby-chat with people, and wait until the next round.
-Also, about special red units: I was thinking about some sort of Dreadnought ship that is born small, but grows over time (using resources as it goes) into something beefier than a base and more powerful than a planet. -blue "radio silence": brilliant idea! Though perhaps it could be better-implemented as a red unit, with an area-of-effect cloaking ability (again, only when stationary), and call it "mind concealer" or something. this could really mess with visibility-game-balance, though - if I make this type of ship, I might introduce a secondary sight range for ships that lets them see concealed ships, but they just need to be really close to them. Also, when fog-of-war is off, the ability should still work, to conceal units, I feel.
Will there be more colors in the future? I like the mind concealer idea and the dreadnought one, too. But don't give red too much, I love red for it's simplicity xD
Yes agreed red shouldn't have too many units but as it stands red is beaten easily by green and blue. I mean I've won some nice battles with red but I'm just badass . J/k I'm "ok". I'm totally loving the Dreadnaught idea though. Oh man I dint thinknyou would add more units. Let me come up with a couple. I am soooo loving playing against other people. Our small community is very active and I live that. I'm on my iPhone right now. It will type more dead later on. Thanks for everything John. Btw any updte on the sound issue? Maybe I'm the only I e where the sound state doesn't save ?
Heh, I still think we should get a kamikaze unit. xD I'm loving the other ship ideas John, nice work. Anyone up for a game? I need to get my daily butt kicking.
Whoaa my dreams another red unit could come true hehe!!! The dreadnought idea sounds brilliant. More devs should be like you John. I will be on too if anyone wants to play