Is there any story I'd be missing by jumping in at Red Conquest? I haven't seen any mention of storyline in the Blue Defense and Blue Attack reviews I've found, so I wasn't sure if this is the first one with a real story or something.
Whoa just tried winning an entire battle with green harvesters against 7 computers. It may be slightly overpowered
No - in fact, the story in Conquest explains (or ties in) with the action of the first two games. So feel free to jump right in!
School is back so i won't be on during the afternoon (my time). I'll probably be on at night (my time again). Can anyone tell me what i missed that's important?
I've found and fixed a lot of problems, some major, many just minor annoyances. The bad news is, it's not just a server problem, there's also a problem with the app. The good news is, I should be able to submit the app update later today (with a few more minor fixes), so if apple approves in the same amount of time as last time, it should be out for the weekend. (it's optimistic to assume that apple will approve in 3 days again, but one can hope... ) yeah, I've noticed that, too. Especially when fog of war is off! When it's on, you can tell by the visibility lines who is contributing to your visibility. I think my current plan is to show names with lines to the base ships in the tactical view (when not moving the map), and have some sort of flashing team number icon, but I think if I do that for every ship onscreen, it'll clutter things up, maybe I can just show it for one onscreen player's ship, and have it in that player's color? This is the first I've heard of this bug - I'll definitely look into it. blue defense and blue attack don't tell a story with text at all. This game already tells the story of the war before the events of blue defense and after the events of blue attack, and by the time it's done, it'll tell twice as much! there are two more episodes coming.
The "Server has bugs " server seems to be offline (it freezes at "Contacting..."), but the "Debug: Keep Out!" server is online. Frustrating xD
yeah, we're having more server issues. The regular server ought to be back up in an hour or so, and the debug server will be on and off intermittently.
correction: "server has bugs" is up again for now, it will go down and come up in an hour or two.. and a reminder, it has bugs...
Fought against Noman on Halo, I built too many harvesters in the beginning... I hid them in the outer resource ring (there's a thin ring of resources in the asteroid belt ) but then I lost my foundry and couldn't build enough carriers (and not any battleships) to defend my base. I started running away into the asteroid belt, but I had to go past Noman's army, because I didn't want to go into the asteroids on my side, because my harvesters were hidden there After a while he found and killed my harvesters, I already had two carriers to defend my base inside the asteroids and was starting to build a harvester, then my dad came in and told me I have to go... that's another win for Noman 0:2 next time I'll toast ya!
I just got toasted by the dev himself, He got your payback for you. (he did use green though) John: that game you killed me, but you were still playing and I could spectate, even though your units weren't moving or doing anything.
I bought the game yesterday. It's pretty addicting!! I'm still really noob at this so, I won't be online for a while until i get used to the strategies and controls
Welcome to the family Go ahead and get some strategies and it's very important to have the controls down but keep in mind that everything changes online. None of the specific strategies that demolish AI are as effective against humans. EDIT: my last several games have had that glitch were after the game is finished it says the other person is still playing and you can observe. But man, I love this game.
Okay, I'm submitting 1.1.1 to apple as I type this! 8.7 of 14.0MB... All of the gears inside our servers have been polished to a shine, and hopefully they'll hold up under the inevitable onslaught of users... but it's no good without some very important updates to the app itself. Here's my complete changelog: Version 1.1.1: -Online Multiplayer fixes -fixed crashes -updated servers to be more resilient -rebalanced green faction (no more harvester rushes!) -by default, leave a game lobby as "advertised" when a game is not being played (more likely to be an open match waiting for you!) -Fixes for older iTouch devices: -reduced texture memory footprint by ~3MB -white texture problem fix -Interface tweaks: -fixed icons not showing up in fleet build menu -fixed icons going past the top of the screen for green units in the fleet build "filter" list -made the green cruiser count as a combat unit in the multiselect filter menu