Yeah, even though I'm always the first to die =P I need to figure out a playing strategy. Maybe John can pop by and explain the strengths and weaknesses of the different classes?
MP is awesome! Too bad I suck at the game though. Not a big fan of games that require too much strategy.
Haven't been able to play one whole (successful) game on multiplayer Two of the three times I tried to play, the units just froze.. Had to surrender. I guess I can try to finish the campaign. It's pretty awesome so far, and much better than the first episode. My username is jhanig.
i beat it with a grade of D. what i did was form a vertical line inside the asteroid belt in front of your fleet. then i started constructing cruisers to help fend off the enemy(the cruisers will spawn as the fight goes on). then once i've fended the attacking Red formation, i headed to a resource field and got to building a fleet completely composed of cruisers until i've reached the max upkeep. then the fight was on! i attacked the Red Planet and won with a huge fleet composed of ALL my ships! it was an epic case of Red being HUGELY outgunned! Reminder: Asteroid fields offer a defense bonus
I think i got a C or a D. What i did: Use all the ships you start with to counter attack the enemy waves. Build a foundry ang get some destroyers to help. Once they stopped coming, i focused on gathering income and building a fleet of destroyers (3 columns of 8 destroyers). Once i maxed the pop. cap (upkeep?) i ATTACKED!
hehe i prefer my tactic, it looked so freakin awesome with all my cruisers! i reduced Demeter to nothing but space debris faster than i expected!
lol time and resource management. i didn't stop production of units even with zero resources. i just tolerated the slower building times
Just beat the story on normal, but before I do it on hard is there a way to select one type of unit? I saw the filters, but found no way.
in the multiselect menu, drag that up until you get to manual select. then just tap the units you want.
wow, i actually feel bad for killing so many reds now. highlight this whole post if you don't mind spoilers: I feel sorry for Gideon and the Reds. i killed so many Reds and they were just trying to help a tortured soul. EDIT: if your on your iphone/touch, copy the post and paste into notes
I would love to know when this happens to you, and what hardware rev. you're using: hardware?: original iphone / 2g touch, or 3GS / 3g touch? (first instincts: low memory problem, not loading things correctly - could be wrong) timing?: after several multiplayer matches, on first load, do textures that showed up before not show up halfway through or do they never show correctly at all, etc.
I'm on it, bright and early: 7:15 local time, EST, and I can't sleep because I want to fix these servers so bad!