I've practised a bit with green - my new favourite race. I love the boot-up sequence in the campaign level. John, do you know why one of your accounts shows up as "WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWM" or something like that?
Just had two small battles with Noman and Doix (Red Conquest account names!). I learned that green harvesters are A BIT overpowered (actually you can just spam the enemy to death, no way out of that xD) Oh, the server just went offline again... :-( Lol, it's back on (yes this is no edit it's happening in real time xD) We're working on finding counter tactics for Harvester spam, and I haven't lost my hope on that yet! Hmm :-/ green is a tough enemy...
What's your account name? By the way, we found out the only way to counter harvester spam: Harvester spam. Harvesters are available from the start and can be built very fast. Although destroyers would probably kill harvesters if they were available in the same mass and at the same build speed, spamming harvesters from the beginning is the most effective way of playing green. I suggest increasing the upkeep of most of the green unit types. Oh, and john, PLEASE fix the fleet build order screen for green.
Oh, and the game keeps crashing in online mode. I decided to restart my iPhone let's see if it helps.
But when it works and you don't get harvester spammed this is one of the best online experiences on the platform. In just the three small battles I've played I have learned a lot more about strategy in this game than ever before. I am also restarting my ipod, I hope that helps.
I just killed two Noman and Foehammer in a Red+Red (Noman+Foe) vs Green (me) match in probably under 5 minutes. Green is definitely overpowered.
Make harvesters take longer to build, make them cost one more upkeep point and make the other green units a bit faster to build, so players don't just stay with the harvesters.
i agree, this is the best way to fix green. And yes, green is definitely overpowered. EDIT: Other than this green balance issue, this is the best update ever. I am so impressed and anyone who was on the fence about this game should get it now.
how bout keeping green as is, but lowering the firepower to the point that it's actually slightly weaker than both red and blue.
Green units are meant to be stronger, but used in smaller numbers (which is the opposite of what's done with harvester spam...)
true, just don't mess with all the other units! i like them as they are. never tried the harvester strategy and never will, kind of cheap in my opinion. i like to take 2 carriers, then build 2 destroyers, then build more destroyers using both carriers and destroyers. then i set out and fight, and if any destroyers are destroyed, i make more EDIT: well maybe you can make the build times for the other units a bit faster
Awesome game! Just bought this about a half hour ago, and it's awesome. Just one question though, should I go through the campaign BEFORE playing online? Just need to know if I'll need the experience. Also, my online name is the same as here, if anyone wants to play later.
The campaign includes some situations you'll probably never have to face online, so they are a good training. Doing some skirmish matches against AI might also help, but I recommend you not using green to often. Green is overpowered and many players don't like seeing you play green online (unless its an all green battle), and if you get used to green's power, you stand no chance when playing with red or blue. I recommend red for beginning and then blue for more complex strategies. Also take a look at the strategy thread (look at my signature ), we got a few good examples in there.
Thanks man, I really needed some help. I had read earlier in this thread that green is overpowered, so I suppose that I'll stay away from using it for now. Also, It seems a little difficult to make complicated commands without memorizing the positions of all the buttons on screen... I just joined your red conquest group too, hope you'll accept my request.
i wish green wasn't so overpowered, cause their ships look kick-a**! even their harvesters look kick-a** unlike their red and blue counterparts