Playing online against you. I have no idea what I'm doing, it's been a long time since I've played this game. EDIT: Good game.
oh was that you, i just saw you and went for it :b....its about speed!! ill play later. its friday! EDIT: OMG the tutorial screens and everything is just very looks SUPER complicated. Even for me :b.....but the more i dig in, the more i dig it. I LOVE this update
Sucks that my iPod touch got stolen so I can't play this update. Multiplayer would have been nice, anyways hope you guys have tons of fun!
Holy hell mother.. There's never been an update that's made me just want to give the dev my babies. When I get some at least.. OH MY GOD online + new content? This is the paragon of win. Thank you wow..
Yes the new update is out! The green faction is definitely the most survivable after a major attack on the base. They just need one (JUST ONE!) Ship to live and if they have enough money they can definitely ruin your armada
Yes, but if you're someone that easily gives up on control though then I wouldn't recommend it. If you have patience then this game will be a blast and you'll be helping an indie dev. karma boy
Add me to your friend's list: Kunning. Win/Loss Record so far is 4 wins and 1 loss. Everybody get this game, it's definitely worth it.
I can't find anyone online Amazing update! I am loving the new green faction and I haven't even tried the campaign yet.