I've never even played an RTS before but I love this game already. I thought it would take a long time to learn all those confusing looking menus, but you get the hang of it pretty fast. Now for strategies
about the controls... When I wanted to play Warcraft III, it totally confused me all controls are so... I dont know how to call it. It felt useless... Iwanted to group units, form good formations (lol I never tried that before in Warcraft 3, but in WC3 units can block, too ) and there was no "Line" command xD I loled when I caught myself thinking about having a few grunts turtle one of these healers xD I'm playing on 1.7x gamespeed now... When things get too complicated, I slow down to something between 1.4x and 1.0x... I'm waiting for online multiplayer playing against a human would probably help me to discover new strategies... Humans tend to act emotional... Oh, and are Cruisers stronger than carriers (both without escorts)? It sometimes seems to be so (or I didn't see that the enemie's carriers were damaged xD)
I agree with Vingdorlas^^^ about online multiplayer. Playing against humans with emotion and crazy ideas are always 10x more fun than playing the AI. Not that the AI in this game isn't great! Anyway, in most RTS games I really like to see a lot of units. This game has a meager amount, and at times I wish it had more, but at the same time I think it helps it to be balanced perfectly. Simplicity is sometimes the best answer at times. But thats what else I like about this game, its so simple and yet it can be so complex at the same time! But only once you unlock all of the UI's secrets Its really beautiful once you realize all the power you have over your units, and are orchestrating an amazing attack or a valiant against your foes. Cant WAIT for online multiplayer to see how I match up against everyone else!
i just downloaded this and.... WOW! It is so good. By far the best RTS on the idevices. The amount of control you have is simply amazing. Granted, right now it takes me forever to figure out how to do what I want to... but i'm getting the hang of it. I love the fact that there is skirmish mode and you can play teams. This game is blowing my mind right now. Back to the game to learn more secrets of the UI!!
Haha, yeah my bad. I had to go on a trip for work so I have been playing, but away from the computer. Needless to say, it is a fantastic game, and honestly, I don't see what the fuss is about regarding the controls being so hard to learn. I actually find them pretty easy and intuitive, especially once you do the tutorials. Of course I'm not sure how much was changed in the update, so maybe it was tougher before. Beautiful game, wonderful to play, and so comfortable to play on the idevices. Once wifi multiplayer arrives and the campaign is expanded, this game will be unbeatable. As it is, it has jumped the queue in front of Rogue Planet, Song Summoner and Uniwar to be my most often-played and best RTS.
Yeah, the way you have to react with speed and precision during battle situations reminds me of the way GeoDefense brought that intense reaction element to the tower defense genre. In terms of quality, I see it on a similar plane with that game as well, both at the peak of their respective genres.
I just have to post this awesome game I just had. I was playing on pinwheel as red, trying out the battleship strategy ( I usually roll with fighters). So I was doing rather well, maxing out then wiping out ect. There was only one colour left and due to me not paying attention he wiped out my base, factory and harversters. All I had left was about 8 battleships and a carrier. The AI(was blue) attacked me a couple times, and I just attacked back, then proceded to retreat to the edge, healing and distributing fighters. Then the ai starting sending battle ships one by one, so in a bad cycling accident I lost my carrier and the battleships stopped coming, so I decided, its now or never. So I charged once all my battleships healed up (he was in the middle cluster). As I got there I was baffled at the sight of 4 factories. I personally thought I was going to lose but with the handfull of battleships left I surrounded each factory one by one and destroyed them (killing the battle ships they spawned also). It was the most awesome battle I had to date. I love this game
I finished with a A score, i cant shave off enough time to make it a S ranking...errr so frustating On a different note, how's everything going John? Any news on the next chapter. We're all busy enjoying the game and skirmishing but It'd be nice to know
Nice I love the fact that the AI is actually CLEVER! In other games, it always follows the same strategies, here it seems to change it's strategy if the conditions changed...
Episode 2 is going along nicely. We're working on the online multiplayer, and I'm creating and tweaking some of the new levels now. Most importantly, we're on schedule. I'm almost exactly on my schedule actually. We'll have episode 2 ready for March, complete with online multiplayer.
Awesome! Good to hear you're on scheduale. Really looking forward to the online multiplayer, gotta keep my skills sharp.
Yes, yes, yes! I'd also like to know if you don't mind. Keeping a constant flow of income at a $4 price would be amazing for an indie developer.
Oh, and as soon as you have some screenshots ready (green faction, multiplayer [if it looks different from skirmish anyhow ] ), make a thread "Red Conquest! Episode 2". You need to make people notice you