I think a tech tree of some sorts would be cool (as someone else said), upgrade your fighter capacity, or any other characteristic. Or individual upgrades, like each ship can upgrade itself. That might be tedious to do though..
Adding to this. Remember the Atlas from QC? something like that would be nice especially considering your team's ingenuity
b/c it was designed to play against humans.....against humans can you imagine the frustation that everytime you pause everyone paused? Thats why people keep suggesting a real skirmish...like multiplayer but with the ability to pause/save/set difficulty/set type of AI (aggressive, passive, turle, random, etc)
I'm about to submit an updated binary with skirmish, and local multiplayer will be pausable (and have save state, etc). network multiplayer will still not have pause. I've never even looked for it before, but does warfare Inc or QC have multiplayer pause/save?
As quickly as we can! Episode 2 is targeted to come out in march - but that's partly because we're delayed by the holidays, and partly because we wanted to give ourselves some extra tine for the initial list of feature requests we k re we'd be getting. First update should be out soon, but that's not the same as an episode! It should still have a bunch of goodies and features you guys have asked for, though. Stay tuned, I'll let you know when I submit and what's been updated. I should be wrapping up my coding tomorrow evening.
wow.!!! I'm super excited now at the suspense Uh...warfare inc doesnt have pauseable multiplayer....it wouldnt make sense for it to be able to be paused though, im with you on that one.... Is this next update coming with online multiplayer?
I love the puzzle elements of challenge mode. Do you plan to release a few new ones everynow and then?
I'd like to add my thoughts and comments to the idea of more experienced units getting an attack bonus or some such thing. The idea is interesting and certainly has it's place, but it really depends on what type of game Red Conquest is to be, particularly when it comes to multiplayer. I give as my example Starcraft and Warcraft III. Starcraft's gameplay is much cleaner and simpler, which make it a much more balanced and enjoyable to play competatively. Warcraft on the other hand added a bunch of features, such as heroes, which while very fun for single player and casual multiplayer, introduce factors that hamper competative play. Anyways, I just want to make sure people consider everything that is effected by adding features that sound cool, but can have adverse affects.
would you mind sharing how you did it? I cannot beat 'Not a Fair Fight' no matter how many times I try ...
I will not, but i will offer one hint....notice that blue usually sends a cruiser....hmmm i wonder why
I agree, a change in any one unit drastically changes the balance the dev has been able to reach. However it can start by experimenting with a new units in a few challenge missions and then depending on results maybe integrate it in main gameplay. I dont know if you've played QC but the Atlas in there was very fun to use. I'm sure something simliar could be implemented here. Anyways i think we're just throwing ideas, if the devs choose to try them out I'm sure they'll have to deem it playable and for it to make sense before releasing anything. At this poiint I really trust the developer's decisions, and part of their decisions are made on our suggestions. All in all I dont think it really hurts to throw ideas out there
Yeah, you could add a research ship for each side, and have different upgrades for every ship, eg: More fighter squadrons for the Battleship
sweet. thanks i dont think i have any S ranks exept for the firste one. mostly A's because i like to take my time
zipper was one of my favourites to design. And look at. I also really really like "A Tale of Two...", in survivor. That level took me a while to tweak to just the right difficulty, because of course, I have to make sure each level can be beaten... and you know, beating that level is... hard...
Well so far i keep going back to the challenge levels way more than skirmish b/c i dont think the AI is that difficult, my goal is to get S in everythin including campaign. I hope i can beat all of them. A few of them get really frustating, good thing i dont have anger management issues
I wrote the post yesterday on my iPod, so I don't think I fully explained myself, but I'll elaborate a bit now. When you have units that gain experience/get better the more they are used, you tend to get a snowballing effect when one side starts to win. Sometimes you lose a battle through one small error and its annoying to be doubly punished (you've already lost many units!). I'm all for upgrades to units that you pay for because you have to make choices between building more units versus having fewer units that are stronger. Having said that though, I LOVE having a kill counter on units. At the end of a long mission, its great to see that battleship that you've had since the beginning has 30 kills and is ready for more! Anyways, I love where Red Conquest is already at and where it seems to be headed. I'm sure that the Cat-in-a-box team will continue to impress